Administration of dispute in the copper industry-California
oil settlement The New York Harbor situation-Jurisdic-
tional disputes in building trades-Textile strikes, Lowell,
Mass., and Manchester, N. H. - Bridge shops, St. Louis,
Mo.-Magnolia Petroleum Co., Beaumont, Tex.-McEwen
Manufacturing Co., Tulsa, Okla. - Mooresville Cotton Mills,
Mooresville, N. C.-Milk drivers, Chicago, Ill. -Kelleys
Island Lime & Transport Co. settlement-Rath Packing
Co., Waterloo, Iowa. - Machinists, Niagara Falls, N. Y.,
Tonawanda, N. Y.. and Bradford, Pa. --Bakersfield & Kern
Electric Railway Co.-Building trades, Memphis, Tenn.—
Georgia Railway & Power Co., Atlanta, Ga. Cleveland
building trades-Nordyke & Marmon Co., Indianapolis,
Ind.-Dubuque Boat & Boiler Co., Dubuque, Iowa-
Building trades, Sharon, Pa. - Steacy-Schmidt Manufac-
turing Co., York, Pa.-Building trades, tri-cities-Textile
workers, Passaic, N. J.-Mahoning & Shenango Railway &
Light Co.-Pittsburgh Street Railway Co. - British Ministry
of Food in the United States v. Chicago Egg Inspectors'
Union. Restaurant and theater employees, Washington,
D. C.-Meat-packing industry in Chicago. -Summary.