Lapas attēli

areas in the country and into research centers, including the Library of Congress.

Mr. STEED. Mr. Horan?


Mr. HORAN. I wonder if you could discuss here the classification levels by division of the Library. That could probably be inserted where the chairman discussed the levels. The average level is 6.6, which is roughly two division points below some of the other divisions. I think the record would be more complete if you would give us this information by division and have that inserted at the time the chairman was asking these questions.

Mr. MUMFORD. I think we can supply that. We do not have a breakdown of it here by divisions or departments. Do you wish it by departments or by appropriation?

Mr. HORAN. By departments. I think that is all I have right at this time.

(The information follows:)

Average GS grade and salary by appropriation

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Bow. I am pleased to note the study room situation has been cleared up; although the committees relating to it have passed some regulations on it, I think it was through the efforts of this committee over the years that brought that about. I am just glancing over the records now on the use of the study room. I find it is certainly much better than it has been in years gone by. You are to be congratulated on that. I hope you will continue to see that they are properly used and used for the purposes for which we have study rooms over there. It has been abused in the past.


Mr. MUMFORD. May I say that, with the use of the rooms by the Library itself, by Members of Congress, and for necessary work of other Government agencies, we have reached the point where we have very little available for the individual scholar. While we can usually take care of him at a study table, it is not generally possible to assign him a study room, and if we can do it at all we can only do it on a day-to-day basis.

Mr. Bow. How many rooms have been taken out of service in the last fiscal year?

Mr. Gooсн. 54. All of the study rooms in the main building have been taken over for staff use.

Mr. Bow. What are they being used for?

Mr. MUMFORD. We moved the Air Information Division to the area formerly occupied by these rooms.

Mr. Bow. Is that the Division handling matters for the Air Force? Mr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.

Mr. Bow. For that you are reimbursed?

Mr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir. I might say at this point that the work which is being done by this Division is done on collections of the Library, and it is virtually impossible for it to be done elsewhere. This is something the scholars who have been displaced find it hard to understand. Actually, in the present move, we needed more space for the General Reference and Bibliography Division and the Legislative Reference Service. We moved the Air Information Division to the study room space-it might have been some other division-but, as you may have noted from newspaper letters, some scholars do not seem to understand that this work has to be done on the collections in the Library, and it would be virtually impossible to carry it on elsewhere.


Mr. Bow. You are reimbursed to the extent of about $3.8 million? Mr. MUMFORD. For the two Divisions, Air Research Division and Air Information Division

Mr. Bow. What is the total reimbursement from the Defense Department? Give us a breakdown on that.

Mr. MUMFORD. It will be about 90 percent of this figure of $5,222,000 on page A-11.

Mr. ROSSITER. About $4.5 million for Defense.

Mr. Bow. Page A-11, and page 417 of the committee print?
Mr. ROSSITER. Yes, sir.

Mr. Bow. It shows there about $5,075,000 for total overall. The fig

ures do not jibe. You have given us Defense at $5,222,000.

Mr. ROGERS. It is estimated as 90 percent of $5.2 million.

Mr. MUMFORD. We could give an exact figure on that, Mr. Bow. This table reflects all of the reimbursement which the Library receives from various sources.

Mr. ROSSITER. $5,075,000 was the figure last October when we prepared the estimate. We brought it up to date with recent figures.

Mr. Bow. In other words, your estimate last October was not as accurate as your estimate is today. Mr. ROSSITER. That is right.

Mr. Bow. How many people are involved in this Air Force work

that you have taken over, these 54 rooms?

Mr. BASLER. Just AID, about 220, but

Mr. Bow. The one that has taken over your 54 rooms.

Mr. Gooch. About 220.

Mr. Bow. Are they carried on your payroll?

Mr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.

Mr. Bow. Did you show in the record, based upon your statement of the money reverting to the Treasury in the form of miscellaneous receipts from the distributing of your catalog cards, do we have that? Is that in the record now?

Mr. MUMFORD. We have a table which reflects that, Mr. Bow.


Mr. Bow. There was one thing I did not understand in your testimony that I would like to have explained. On page 63 for reallocations to meet deficiencies resulting from reallocations in fiscal year 1959 and 1960, excess over the amounts appropriated there for $75,000. I just do not quite understand exactly what that is. Would you give a little further explanation of that.

Mr. ROSSITER. We estimated what it would cost and

Mr. Bow. You had estimated what what would cost?

Mr. ROSSITER. Reallocations and ingrades.

Mr. Bow. Ingrade promotion and reallocation of the job?


Mr. Bow. Those are your increases?

Mr. ROSSITER. Yes, sir.

Mr. Bow. In the justifications last year you had estimated what that

would cost; is that correct?

Mr. ROSSITER. We underestimated.

Mr. Bow. You missed it by $75,000?

Mr. ROSSITER. For those 2 years. Toward the end of each year we had wage board increases over which we had no control, and that threw our figures off slightly. We just missed it is all.

Mr. MUMFORD. Over a period of years many of the positions in the Library had not been reviewed as to grade status and, as I indicated in the preliminary statement, at the direction of the Civil Service Commission, we have had an accelerated program of reviewing positions, and in the light of revised standards, many of them did go upward. So that in the last 2 years we have felt the impact of reallocation much greater than we did in previous years.

Mr. Bow. This figure of $100,000 on page 63 is also subject to the possibility of revision in the next fiscal year; is that correct?

Mr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.

Mr. Bow. It may again be underestimating or a possibility that you might be overestimating?

Mr. MUMFORD. That is right. I think it is more likely we are underestimating. I think it may take another year or two before we have all the positions reviewed and on the grade level consistent with the standards of the Civil Service Commission.

Mr. Bow. Fifty net on ingrade increases, but there is a possibility of increases through reallocation!

Mr. MUMFORD. The ingrade increases, on that our estimates are pretty firm.

Mr. Bow. Where are we likely to get into trouble?
Mr. MUMFORD. On reallocation.

Mr. ROSSITER. This is where we lose control.

Mr. Bow. Explain reallocation. Just what is done on a reallocation?

Mr. MUMFORD. A classifier reviews a position, the duties and the functions of a position, in the light of the standards promulgated by the Civil Service Commission and reaches a determination as to whether the position is undergraded, overgraded, or correctly graded. Mr. Bow. Who is the classifier? Is it an employee of the Library of Congress or of the Civil Service Commission?

Mr. MUMFORD. Of the Library, but the Civil Service Commission audits the actions of the Library.

Mr. Bow. You have people who are classifiers in the Library of Congress? Mr. MUMFORD. Yes.

Mr. Bow. They make a study of a particular job?

Mr. MUMFORD. They are trained and experienced in the application of the standards of the Civil Service Commission.

Mr. Bow. How does this classifier determine what classification an employee should be? What are their yardsticks and benchmarks? Mr. MUMFORD. They have manuals of classification with lengthy descriptions of the jobs and the degree of responsibility and duties which are their guideposts.

Mr. Bow. Is that determined from what other libraries are paying in similar positions?

Mr. MUMFORD. It is determined by what has been adopted by the Civil Service Commission as a standard for that type of position, including library positions; yes.

Mr. Bow. That is all.

Mr. HORAN. I notice on page 117 that your average GS grade there is 8.7. Is that determined by the Library or by the Defense Department largely?

Mr. MUMFORD. In these divisions are a great many specialists requiring scientific backgrounds, linguistic backgrounds, so that it is rather natural that the grade level would be higher than the average. Mr. HORAN. You do have control of that?

Mr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.

Mr. HORAN. There is one other question brought up by the matterof cleaning the building. What is the main material of which the exterior of the old Library of Congress Building is made?

Mr. Gooch. Granite.

Mr. HORAN. That will not yield to the same treatment we had on portions of the Capitol, will it?

Mr. Gooch. I doubt that it would. As a matter of fact, it is very rough surface granite and may take some special technique that goes beyond that used on some of the other buildings.

Mr. HORAN. That is all.

Mr. MUMFORD. Mr. Chairman, before we leave the matter of reallocations, I cannot emphasize too much how important this matter is to the library because otherwise, if we do not have the money to meet this gap, it means the loss of approximately 40 positions and more next year.

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