U.S. Government exceeds $15,000. In the event that it is decided not to relocate this building, it will be demolished in order to permit construction of the proposed new drydock at the Charleston Naval Shipyard. Sincerely yours, ΚΕΝΝΕΤΗ E. BELIEU, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Installations and Logistics. Mr. SHEPPARD. On the record. STATUS OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRYDOCKS What is the status of plans and specifications for the drydocks? Admiral CORRADI. The plans and the specifications are estimated to be completed by December of 1961. Plans are well over 35 percent complete now and the estimate you have before you is based on 30 percent completion of the plans. Mr. SHEPPARD. In order that you might project your thinking in the future, is that valid and would you care to commit yourself to that without change orders at the present time? Admiral CORRADI. The time? Mr. SHEPPARD. No; the money. Admiral CORRADI. Yes, on the basis of my present judgment, I would say $15,600,000 quoted is an accurate estimate of the cost. Mr. SHEPPARD. Knowing the gentleman as I do, I accept his judg ment. COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSE Will the cold storage warehouse be of sufficient capacity to meet the needs of the expanded naval base at the time the construction project is consummated? Admiral JOHNSON. Mr. Chairman, this is considered to take care of the future base loading on our present plans for basing the POLARIS submarine in the Charleston area. Mr. SHEPPARD. Also taking into consideration your expansion program heretofore referred to? Admiral JOHNSON. Yes, sir. Mr. SHEPPARD. Is any of this cold storage capacity being constructed for commissary requirements? If so, what proportion in square footage? Admiral JOHNSON. To my knowledge, Mr. Chairman, there is none being planned for the use of the commissary. Mr. SHEPPARD. The appropriate justification material for the remaining projects under the POLARIS category will be inserted in the record at this point. (The matter referred to is filed with the committee.) FLEET BASE FACILITIES NAVAL STATION, CHARLESTON Mr. SHEPPARD. The next item we will pick up is the Naval Station, Charleston. Book 1, page 16 will be inserted and page 228 of book 3. (The matter referred to may be found on following pages.) MILITARY CONSTRUCTION REQUEST INSTALLATION DATA BOOK NO. I PAGE NO. 16 FLEET BASE FACILITIES-NAVAL STATION, CHARLESTON, S.C. DISPENSARY AND DENTAL CLINIC The preliminary engineering report for this project was prepared by the Bureau of Yards and Docks Design Division and is complete. The final plans and specifications have been authorized and architect and engineer contract is presently being negotiated. BARRACKS The preliminary engineering report for this item was prepared by Lyles, Bissett, Carlisle & Wolff, Columbia, S.C., and is complete. Fee amount $6.146. The final plans and specifications have been authorized and are being prepared by the above A. & E. firm, with completion in September. Fee amount, $42,000. MESS HALL The preliminary engineering report for this item was prepared by the Bureau of Yards and Docks Design Division and is complete. The final plans and specifications are being prepared by Lyles, Bissett, Carlisle & Wolff, Columbia, S.C., for completion in September. For amount, $14,000. BACHELOR OFFICERS' QUARTERS The preliminary engineering report for this item was prepared by Cummings & McCrady, Charleston, S.C., and is complete. Fee amount, $19.532. The final plans and specifications will be prepared by the above A. & E. firm at an estimated fee of $40,700. UTILITIES The preliminary engineering report for this item was prepared by the district public works officer, 6th Naval District, and is complete. The final plans and specifications are being prepared by the district public works officer with completion in September. SERVICE SCHOOLS Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine Training Center, Charleston, S.C. Training building (first increment).- The preliminary engineering for this item was prepared by J. E. Sirrine Co., engineers, Greenville, S.C., and is complete. Fee amount, $18,829. The final plans and specifications will be prepared by J. E. Sirrine Co., engineers, Greenville, S.C., and will be completed in October 1961. Fee is being negotiated. (The following was supplied for the record :) FLEET BASE FACILITIES The next facilities class, starting on page 16 of Program Book I, is "Fleet base facilities." In this group are seven unclassified line items at three stations. all inside the United States, for which $7,241,000 are required. All of these items are included in this year's authorization program. These stations provide general logistic support to the active fleet. Naval Station, Charleston, S.C., $5,951,000 The first project is at the Naval Station, Charleston, S.C. It consists of five line items for a total amount of $5,951,000. The mission of this station is to provide logistic support to the operating forces and other local commands of the Navy. The recent assignment of Charleston as the home port of two destroyer squadrons and the future assignment for POLARIS submarines are increasing considerably the number of people the station must support. By the time the facilities proposed in this program can be built, 862 officers and enlisted men are scheduled to be assigned to the station and over 19,000 fleet personnel will be requiring services. This is an increase of 80 percent over the present number supported. |