Lapas attēli
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Mr. STEED. We will turn, then, to the legislative garage, and we will insert pages 96 and 97 of the justifications in the record.

(The pages referred to follow:)

1961 appropriation in annual act--


Personnel compensation:

Wage-rate increases authorized by Public Law 863, 83d Con-

Under the provisions of Public Law 763, 83d Cong., 7 la-
borers and mechanics on the legislative garage roll are com-
pensated on a wage board, prevailing-rate basis. Public
Law 763 provides that the compensation of such employees
shall be fixed and adjusted from time to time as nearly as
is consistent with the public interest in accordance with
prevailing rates.

$48, 200


An increase of $800 is requested for 1962 to meet on a full-year basis the cost of increased wage rates established for these wage board positions as a result of a general survey of Government and industrial employees' wages in the Washington metropolitan area, conducted during the past year. The new rates went into effect Dec. 25, 1960, in accordance with the provisions of Public Law 85-872, 85th Cong. This increase is necessary in order that the legislative garage wage-board employees may be compensated on on a full-year basis in the fiscal year 1962 in accordance with present prevailing rates. The gross cost of these changes is $1,400. Of this cost, $600 is being absorbed through savings.

Painting, nonrecurring item..

This is a nonrecurring item requested for 1961, but deferred by the committee for 1961 pending the effecting of lighting improvements in the garage under funds provided for such purpose in 1960 and reappropriated for 1961. Funds are requested to proceed with the painting of the ceiling of the garage in the fiscal year 1962, now that the lighting improvements have been effected. It is considered desirable that the ceiling be painted following the new lighting installation in order to improve the appearance of the garage and to obtain full benefit of the new lighting.

The ceiling of the garage has not been painted since original completion and occupancy of the garage in 1932, and it is proposed to take care of this section of the garage under the allotment of $30,000 requested for 1962. The ceiling, which is concrete, is not a flat surface, but consists of a series of beams and recesses, which makes for a difficult painting job. The ceiling actually consists of 68 sections. The total area to be painted comprises 131,000 square feet.


Total estimate for 1962


+30,800 79,000

Mr. STEED. Will you proceed with that, item by item? Mr. STEWART. There is an increase of $30,800 asked for the legislative garage.

Of that amount, there is an increase of $800 for wage-rate increases authorized by Public Law 763, 83d Congress.

For painting the ceiling of the garage, a nonrecurring item, we are requesting $30,000. This item was requested for 1961 but deferred by the committee for 1961 pending the effecting of lighting improvements in the garage under funds provided for such purpose in 1960 and reappropriated for 1961.

I might say that last year this item was deferred, with a view to waiting until after the new lighting was installed to determine the necessity of it. I think the need is very evident now.

Mr. STEED. Has the lighting work been completed?

Mr. STEWART. Yes, it is all completed.

Mr. STEED. You still think, even with the lighting installed, that the painting is necessary?

Mr. STEWART. Yes, sir, that is my view. The ceiling of the garage has not been painted since original occupancy of the garage in 1932. It is proposed to take care of this section of the garage under the allotment of $30,000 requested for 1962. The ceiling, which is concrete, is not a flat surface, but consists of a series of beams and recesses, which makes for a difficult painting job. The ceiling actually consists of 68 sections. The total area to be painted comprises 131,000 square feet.

At this time I would like to tell the committee that while we had painting contractors engaged in work on the dome, we obtained estimates for this work from contractors, which confirmed our estimate.


Mr. CLANCY. We got two of them. One was $27,000 and the other $30,000.

Mr. STEED. What is the situation on space assignment in the legislative garage?

Mr. STEWART. That comes under the Vice President of the United States and the Speaker. I will ask Mr. Roof to comment on that. We are working now on the assignments.

Mr. Roor. We have 98 spaces reserved for Senators, which is one for each Senator before the last State came in. We have 58 for the House; 21 for the Senate officials and trucks and 11 for the House officials and trucks. That is a total of 188 spaces. The assignments are being coordinated between our office and the Rules Committee on the Senate side, and between Mr. Ridgell of our office and the House Office Building Commission on the House side. The whole thing is being coordinated so that there is no duplication.

Mr. Bow. How many House Members are in the legislative garage now?

Mr. Roor. There are 58 spaces reserved.

Mr. Bow. There are 58 spaces, but I wondered how many were assigned?

Mr. Roor. There are some vacancies now. Mr. Stewart is in the process of sending out a notice to all Members who do not have spaces in the new garage over here and telling them the space is available and if they want the spaces to apply for them.

Mr. STEED. How many spaces are there in the new Senate garage? Mr. STEWART. 165; I might say this, the Senators have reserved two spaces for themselves. They may have one in the New Senate Office Building Garage and one in the legislative garage or two in the New Senate Office Building garage and none in the legislative garage or two in the legislative garage and none in the New Senate Office Building garage.

Mr. Bow. How did they get that worked out? When they got the new garage why was it not liberalized as far as House Members are concerned?

Mr. Roor. We do not have any real demand from House Members for that space.

Mr. Bow. That was because it was always taken up by others. It used to be there was quite a waiting list.

Mr. Roor. That was before you got the parking space on the outside. Now there is no tremendous demand. We have two Members now that are on the waiting list that we will assign spaces to, and Mr. Stewart is sending out a letter asking the Members if they want spaces and other spaces will be assigned shortly.

Mr. STEED. If these House-assigned spaces are not used, what will be done with them?

Mr. Roor. Mr. Stewart plans on going back to the Speaker and asking him about that.

Mr. STEED. Are there any other questions on that?

Mr. Bow. No further questions.

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Total obligations.




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Mr. STEED. The next item is "House Office Buildings" appearing at

page 105 of the justifications and page 70 of the bill.

We will insert pages 105 through 108 of the justifications in the record at this point.

(The pages follow:)

1961 appropriation in annual act-----

Pay supplemental in Third Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1961--

Total appropriations, 1961.


Government contribution to employees' health benefits funddecreased from $24,000 to $15,000____

Under the provisions of Public Law 86-382, 86th Cong., the Government is required to contribute to the employees' health benefits fund. The decrease of $9,000 is based on actual cost experience of the program during the past year. The law went into effect July 1, 1960.

Annual painting-decreased from $47,500 to $47,000---

The amount of this allotment varies from year to year according to the buildings' needs. The 1962 allotment is based on painting 65 suites in the old building and 65 suites in the new building; the 1st floor corridor in the old building, last painted in 1955; and the 4th, 5th, and 7th floor corridors in the new building, last painted in 1956.

Maintenance, air-conditioning systems-decreased from $27,200 to $7,200__

The decrease of $20,000 is due to dropping for 1962 of a nonrecurring item allowed under this allotment for 1961 for cleaning the air-conditioning masonry shafts in the old building.

Replacement of revolving door, old building_____

This is a nonrecurring item allowed for 1961 and dropped for 1962. It provided for replacement of the old wooden revolving door at the 1st and C Sts. entrance, 1st floor level, old building, with a new, modern, bronze revolving door.

Installation of 5 revolving doors, new building--

$1, 682, 600 20,000

1,702, 600






This is a nonrecurring item allowed for 1961 and dropped for 1962. It provided for replacement of the bronze, flat swing-type doors at the entrances to the new building with bronze revolving doors.

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