Lapas attēli

Drafts of instruments of gift for personal papers.

Draft of general order concerning policies and procedures governing dis

ciplinary actions, 21 pages.

Governmental status of member of Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise, 5 pages.

Liability of Library for salvage of books, 3 pages.

Tort liability arising from use of private automobiles for official business, 40 pages.

Status of literary rights in and access to the Gen. William Mitchell papers, 12 pages.

Acting Register of Copyrights. Exercise of duties and powers of Register of Copyrights, 3 pages.

Librarian's authority to remove employee for cause.

Legal problems in connection with Wilbur Trust Fund.

Legal considerations on general order concerning health program, 13 pages. General order on allowances for uniforms, 15 pp.

Comments on the application of S. 540 (re advance payment for publications), 6 pages.

Proposed agreement between CBS and the Library of Congress on use of film material.

Bids and awards of contracts for the Library's purchases under its program for the blind.

Agreement with National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the ALA Committee on Resources for publication of Cyrillic Union Catalog.

Comments on effect of S. 1176 (a bill to prescribe a national policy with respect to the acquisition and disposition of proprietary rights in scientific and technical information obtained and inventions made through the expenditure of public funds).

Comments on exemption from liability in execution of the act of August 16, 1957Microfilming of Presidential papers, 94 pages.

Legality of return of captured German documents by the Library of Congress. In progress.

Travel expenses of Library of Congress employees, which are paid by a source other than the Government, 66 pages.

Mr. MUMFORD. We are asking for an additional position in the Law Library to coordinate processing activities among the divisions of the Law Library and between the Processing Department and the Law Library. This would be a GS-11 processing coordinator.

Many processing operations have been and necessarily must be performed in the Law Library rather than in the Processing Department. This stems to a large degree from the fact that the classification has never been developed for law materials. These include such activities as are connected with the acquisition of legal materials, and their preparation for the shelves. With the expansion of the organization of the Law Library to five divisions having responsibility for legal materials printed not only in the Roman, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, and other alphabets and syllabaries, but also in Oriental characters, and with the constant development and improvement of Library routines and procedures, it has become increasingly difficult over the last few years to coordinate this work in order to maintain uniform correct practices among the five divisions of the Law Library and to assure conformity with the policies applicable to processing operations.

I think you are familiar with the nature of the work of the Law Librarian and the specialists which he has on his staff and the fact that they do devote part art of their time to processing activities, and it is very important to have a person very knowledgeable in processing to coordinate these activities and make them more efficient and uniform in practice.


We are asking for a GS-5 secretary-processing assistant for the Near Eastern and North African Law Division.

The Near Eastern and North African Law Division of the Law Library currently has only two positions, both professional, a chief and an assistant in Turkish Law. The operation of this new division requires, in addition to these two positions such lower level routine processing operations as the searching of offers, the preparation of requests for the acquisition of material recommended by the chief, the maintenance of an acquisition file to avoid duplication of purchases, the recording of material received, the filing of catalog cards and recording of items in the shelf list, the preparation of material for binding, the typing and filing of entries in the Division's index to legislation, as well as such secretarial duties as the typing from rough draft of administrative reports and memorandums, and research studies and reports and such related duties as the maintenance of the Division's files and serving as receptionist. One position is requested to provide these services and thus render possible and effective the development and the service of the collections by the professional staff. Mr. STEED. This is a fairly new part of your Law Library? Mr. MUMFORD. Yes. This was recently created by appropriation by this committee.

Mr. STEED. How extensive is the use being made of it at this time? Mr. MUMFORD. I think we have some figures on use. The first step, of course, was to identify and remove to the Law Library the legal material that was in the Orientalia Division. In the first 8 months of its existence, the one person available in the Near East and North African Law Division answered 990 reference and loan inquiries; prepared one bibliography, seven pages of translation from Arabic, and one article for publication; shelved 2,726 items; handled 8,328 cards, out of which 2,842 were filed; identified for transfer 879 legal pieces which were among approximately 30,000 volumes in the Orientalia Division.


Mr. STEED. Now will you proceed with the Administrative Department?

Mr. MUMFORD. The justification of new positions requested for the Administrative Department is on page 53. I would like to request Mr. Gooch, Director of the Administrative Department, to talk to these positions.

Mr. Gooch. Mr. Chairman, the two new positions requested relate to the operation of IBM tabulating equipment, which was discussed earlier during this hearing.

At the present time there are nine positions provided for the Tabulating Section, a number which has not been increased since 1950. During the period since 1950 there has been an overall increase of 21 percent in the number of budgeted positions in the Library, which is reflected in the preparation of payrolls and in budgeted position runs and many other tabulations prepared by IBM staff and equipment. There has been a 53-percent increase in the business of the Card Division reflected in the card billing activity of the Section.

Without going into all the details, which are set forth on pages 53 to 55 of the justifications, I would say these positions are very badly needed to bring the operations on a current basis. We would have a definitely more efficient operation at a slight increase in cost.

The six laborers requested for the Buildings and Grounds Division would reinforce the group of laborers now numbering 49.

Again without reading the entire text, I might say at this time that the workload on us is heavier than at any time for a number of years past, although at the present time the staff is less than it was in 1952, when we had 56 laborers.

The shifting of occupancy in the buildings has increased cleaning and moving problems, such as the transfer of furniture and equipment from the first floor of the main building to the former study rooms several flights up. Into the space vacated by approximately 150 people on the first floor of the main building will be moved segments of three departments of the Library that will require a great deal of work by laborers.

It is anticipated there will be an increased workload until we get into a new building.

I should say that to refer to 49 laborers is somewhat misleading. These break down into 5 foremen, 8 book-cleaner laborers who vacuum-clean the collections, restroom attendants, paper baling machine operators, stack cleaners, etc. actually, we have only 12 men who are general laborers. The six general laborers requested will help us keep current. The housekeeping activities are suffering while the other work is taking the time of these people.

Mr. Bow. How many foremen did you say you have?
Mr. Gooch. Five.

Mr. Bow. For how many laborers?

Mr. Gooch. Forty-nine. They are broken up into groups as between the two buildings. We have a head foreman in each building and a couple of subforemen in the main building and one in the annex. There are certain jobs that require the movement of heavy equipment and a foreman has to supervise to guard against injury to the staff.


Mr. MUMFORD. Mr. Chairman, we discussed at some length the next item which is about information retrieval. I think perhaps no additional recitation on that is desired.

Mr. STEED. As I understand it, in this connection, this would be the first time you specifically set up this activity?

Mr. MUMFORD. That is correct. That is to have one person who would spend his time studying intensively all the implications of data processing and the whole area of information storage, et cetera. Mr. STEED. I believe you said some of the companies who manu

facture this machinery have been studying your problem?

Mr. MUMFORD. They came in and made relatively brief studies which added up primarily to the recommendation for further study.


Shall I go into the next item to provide a centralized information service for the Library?

The collections of the Library are voluminous, as I mentioned before, numbering about 39 million items, and its services are many and complex, and these services are administered by many offices and in 21 reading rooms. There is great need for a centralized information service where readers and visitors, who number from three-quarters of a million to a million a year, can obtain authoritative information quickly about the Library and can secure publications of the Library, both free and priced. This saves the time of both visitors and staff members, as well as making certain that visitors receive proper guidance. The incumbents of these positions need to have broad and detailed knowledge of the Library's operations and policies, and therefore positions at the GS-7 level are essential.

For fiscal year 1960 the appropriations to the Architect of the Capitrol provided for a new information desk on the ground floor of the main building. So the desk is there and we have undertaken to staff it as best we could by pulling poeple from other duties, but this is not satisfactory or possible to continue doing, and we are asking for two new positions on a permanent basis for this purpose. There are a great many facilities in these two buildings and many activities, and to make sure the person is directed to the right place, that he gets the right guidance, it seems essential that there be one place for him to go when he enters the building where he can be given the right guidance. Mr. STEED. Mr. Bow?

Mr. Bow. I have no questions at this time.

Mr. STEED. Dr. Alford?

Mr. ALFORD. No questions.

Mr. STEED. Would it be convenient for you to return at 2 o'clock?

Mr. MUMFORD. Yes, sir.

Mr. STEED. The committee will recess until 2 o'clock.

[blocks in formation]

Total obligations.




[blocks in formation]

Mr. STEED. We shall now take up for consideration the Copyright Office and insert at this point in the record pages 70, 71 and 73 of the justifications.

(The justifications follows:)

1961 regular bill____

Supplemental for pay increases as contained in Third Supplemental
Appropriation Act, 1961.

1961 adjusted____.

$1, 486, 800


1, 588, 800 1,617,000

1962 estimate___

Net increase..

Analysis of increases and decreases


1. Printing of Motion Picture Cumulative Catalog__

$9,600 provided in 1961 appropriation to publish the Motion Picture Cumulative Catalog for 1950-59 was a nonrecurring item.

+28, 200


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