DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS CLARENCE CANNON, Missouri, Chairman GEORGE H. MAHON, Texas MICHAEL J. KIRWAN, Ohio HUGH Q. ALEXANDER, North Carolina JOHN TABER, New York BEN F. JENSEN, Iowa IVOR D. FENTON, Pennsylvania CHARLES RAPER JONAS, North Carolina KENNETH SPRANKLE, Clerk and Staff Director (II) L. QUINCY MUMFORD. LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS RUTHERFORD D. ROGERS, CHIEF ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS LEWIS C. COFFIN, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, PROCESSING DEPART MENT ROY P. BASLER, DIRECTOR, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT ROBERT C. GOOCH, DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT ABRAHAM L. KAMINSTEIN, REGISTER OF COPYRIGHTS HELEN NEWMAN, LIBRARIAN, U.S. SUPREME COURT ROBERT S. BRAY, CHIEF, DIVISION FOR THE BLIND Mr. STEED. The committee will be in order. At the outset today as I enter on my duties as chairman of this subcommittee, I want to say that I do so with the full knowledge that the veteran members of his subcommittee are outstanding and able men and I am sure will see to it that I do not get out of line and that we will do the usual good job that this subcommittee has always performed. We would like again to take note of the fact that our beloved and fine old friend, Congressman Norrell, has gone to his reward and will not be with us any more. I think he set a standard for this particular bill that will be difficult for us to maintain. We will do our best to follow the fine precedents that he set. As we start these hearings this year, our first item will be the Library of Congress, and we have the Librarian, Dr. Mumford, and his fine staff here this morning. I am sure, Doctor, that all the members of the committee join me in expressing our heartfelt sympathy to you in your recent bereavement, and we are especially appreciative of the fact that you are able to be here today and help us carry on our schedule. We want to be fully considerate and thoughtful and helpful to you in any way we can. Mr. MUMFORD. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I deeply appreciate that expression. (1) 075 Mr. STEED. Before beginning the hearing I would like also to take note of the fact that we have with us on our subcommittee this year for the first time Congressman Dale Alford from Arkansas. We are very delighted to have him here. We have come to know him as one of the really fine Members of Congress, a fine gentleman, and a man who has taken a deep interest in the affairs of Government, and we feel quite fortunate, Doctor, in having you here on this subcommittee and we know you will make a fine contribution to our labors. JUSTIFICATION DATA We shall have pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the justification inserted at this point in the record. (The pages referred to follow :) TABLE I. Comparative summary of appropriations and appropriation estimates 1 Included in 3d Supplemental Appropriation Act. TABLE II. Summary of budgeted positions, 1960, 1961, 1962 Total.. 1,858 1,940 2,022 Includes 27 positions in Third Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1961. NOTE. The total number in each instance includes the full-time equivalent of part-time positions. TABLE 111.- Summary of increases and decreases requested, fiscal year 1962 To meet increased prices: Printing and binding-For increased charges by Government Printing Office....... Increases To maintain present level of staff in 1962: cations.... Salaries, new positions Personnel benefits, new positions. Microfilming of deteriorating materials.... Modern Federal Practice Digest. Publications for the blind.. Research and development... Rental of space and related costs. Supplies and incidental expenses.. Subtotal Total increases.. Net increases... Mr. STEED. Dr. Mumford, I would like now to turn these hearings over to you and ask that you present the members of your staff that you have with you here today, and then you may proceed with your opening statement. After that we will have some questions we would like to ask you. Mr. MUMFORD. Thank you. On my right is Mr. Rogers, Chief Assistant Librarian of Congress; on my left is Mr. Rossiter, who is the Budget Officer; this is Mr. Coffin, the Associate Director of the Processing Department; in the back on the left is Mr. Dwyer, who is the Associate Law Librarian; and next to him is Mr. Welsh, who is the Associate Director of the Administrative Department. Over here is Mr. Gooch, who is the Director of the Administrative Department; and next to him is Dr. Basler, who is the Director of the Reference Department. Mr. STEED. Now, Doctor, you may proceed with your general state ment. GENERAL STATEMENT Mr. MUMFORD. Mr. Chairman and other members of the committee, thank you for this opportunity to explain the Library's budget estimates for 1962. I would like to analyze them in two major parts: first, for traditional activities and, second, for activities to be supported primarily by U.S.-owned foreign currencies. OVERALL INCREASE For our regular operations the estimates before you indicate an increase of approximately $829,000, or roughly 5 percent more than the fiscal 1961 appropriations inclusive of supplementals. Certain assumptions on which these estimates were based have changed since last fall, and it is possible for me to reduce our requested increase to $757,000, a reduction of $72,000. We included approximately $16,000 for four additional positions in the Copyright Office in anticipation of workload which has not materialized. Therefore, I am asking that this amount be deleted. SPACE RENTAL For fiscal 1961, the Congress granted $211,400 for the rental of temporary space pending the construction of a third building. With the help of the General Services Administration, we sought existing rental space, but because of the exceptional weight-bearing capacities needed for our operations and our security and safety requirements, suitable quarters were unavailable. Now the General Services Administration is arranging for the construction of a building on Federal property in Suitland, but since this building will not be ready in 1961, all of the fiscal 1961 rental money will be returned to the Treasury, and the request before you can be reduced by $56,000, leaving $159,000, which should be sufficient for 6 months' rental, staffing costs, the cost of moving, and the purchase of a truck. This also permits me to withdraw my request for a language change, as it is no longer necessary or desirable to provide for any carryover of 1961 funds. |