Lapas attēli

"(b) transferred by the Administrator to the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army, the Navy, or the Air Force pursuant to section 4 of this Act;

"(c) disposed of by the Administrator under title I or title III of this Act for long-term housing or nonhousing use without any requirement for removal where the governing body of the municipality or county has adopted a resolution determining that, on the basis of local need and acceptability, the structures involved are (1) satisfactory for such long-term use or (2) satisfactory for such long-term use if conditions prescribed in such resolution, affecting the physical characteristics of the project, are met: Provided, That any such conditions shall not affect the disposal of any temporary housing hereunder, and the United States shall assume no responsibility for compliance with such conditions: And provided further, That any housing disposed of for housing use in accordance with this section shall thereafter be deemed to be housing accommodations, the construction of which was completed after June 30, 1947, within the meaning of section 4 of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, relating to preference or priority to veterans of World War II or their families; or

"(d) disposed of or relinquished by the Administrator prior to the enactment of this section subject to such requirements or contractual obligations pursuant thereto, where the governing body of the municipality or county on or before December 31, 1949, adopts a resolution as provided in (c) above; and any contract obligations to the Federal Government for the removal of such housing shall be relinquished upon the filing of such a resolution with the Administrator.

"SEC. 603. With respect to any housing classified, prior to the enactment of this section, by the Administrator as demountable, the Administrator shall, as soon as practicable but not later in any event than December 31, 1949, and after consultation with the local community involved, redetermine (taking into consideration local standards and conditions) whether such housing is of a temporary or permanent character, and after such redetermination shall dispose of such housing in accordance with the provisions of this title.

"SEC. 604. With respect to temporary housing remaining under the jurisdiction of the Administrator on land under his control, the Administrator shall (1) permit vacancies, occurring or continuing after July 1, 1950, to be filled only by transfer of tenants of other accommodations in the same locality being removed as required by this Act; (2) notify, on or before March 31, 1951, all tenants to vacate the premises prior to July 1, 1951; (3) promptly after July 1, 1951, cause actions to be instituted to evict any tenants still remaining; and (4) remove (by demolition or otherwise) all dwelling structures as soon as practicable after they become vacant: Provided, That in any case where a request for relinquishment or transfer has been filed pursuant to section 601 hereof and where under the provisions of section 601 (c) hereof the date for compliance with all conditions to the relinquishment or transfer shall have been extended, each of the foregoing dates shall be extended for a period of time equal to the period of the extension under section 601 (c): And provided further, That nothing in this section shall apply (1) to any temporary housing in any municipality in which the total number of persons, who on December 31, 1948, were living in temporary family accommodations provided by the United States or any agency thereof since September 8, 1939, exceeds 30 per centum of the total population of such municipality as shown by the 1940 census, nor (2) to any temporary housing as to which the removal requirements of section 313 of this Act have been waived pursuant to any provisions of this Act, nor (3) to any temporary housing for which a request has been submitted in accordance with section 601 (b) of this Act, but which has not been relinquished or transferred solely because the applicant has been unable to obtain from the landowner the right to possession of the land on reasonable terms as determined by the Administrator, nor (4) to any temporary housing in which occommodations have been reserved, prior to the enactment of this section, for veterans attending an educational institution if (i) such institution certifies that the accommodatious are urgently needed for such veterans and submits facts showing, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, that all reasonable efforts have been made by the institution to find other accommodations for them and (ii) such institution agrees to reimburse the Housing and Home Finance Agency for any financial loss to the Agency in the operation of the accommodations after June 30, 1950.

"SEC. 605. (a) The Administrator may continue by lease or condemnation any interest less than a fee simple in lands heretofore acquired by the Administrator

for national defense or war housing or for veterans' housing (whether of permanent or temporary character), or held by any Federal agency in connection therewith, and may acquire, by purchase or condemnation, a fee-simple title to or lesser interest in any such lands if the Administrator determines that the acquisition of such fee simple or lesser interest is necessary to protect the Government's investment or to maintain the improvements constructed thereon, or that the cost of fulfilling the Government's obligation to restore the property to its original condition would equal or exceed the cost of acquiring the title thereto.

"(b) In any case in which the Administrator holds, on or after January 1, 1950, an interest in land acquired by the Federal Government for national defense, war housing, or veterans' housing and where (1) the term of such interest (as prescribed in the taking or in the lease or other instruments) is for the 'duration of the emergency' or 'duration of the war,' or 'duration of the emergency' or 'duration of the war' plus a specific period thereafter, or for some similarly prescribed term, and (2) the rental, award, or other consideration which the Federal Government is obligated to pay or furnish for such interest gives the owner of the land less than an annual return, after payment of real-estate taxes, of 6 per centum of the lowest value placed on such land by an independent appraiser, hired by the Government to make such appraisal based on the value of the land before the acquisition of the Government's interest therein, the Administrator is authorized, upon request of the owner of the land and, nothwithstanding any existing contractual or other rights or obligations, to increase the amount of future payments for such interest in order to give the owner of the land a return for the Government's use thereof but not to exceed the 6 per centum annual return described in (2) of this subsection: Provided, That this subsection shall not affect any payment heretofore made or any future payment accepted by an obligee, nor shall this subsection limit the consideration which may be paid for the use of any land beyond the existing term of the Government's interest therein.

"(c) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law unless hereafter enacted expressly in limitation hereof, moneys shall continue to be deposited in the reserve account established pursuant to subsection (a) and subsection (b) of section 303 of this Act (which account is hereby continued subject to the limitation as to amount specified in subsection (c) thereof) and all moneys deposited in such reserve account shall be and remain available for any or all of the purposes specified in said subsections (a) or (b) or in this section 605 without regard to the time prescribed in subsection (c) of section 303 with respect to covering moneys in such account into miscellaneous receipts. Moneys in such reserve accounts shall also be available for the payment of necessary expenses (which shall be considered nonadministrative expenses) in connection with administering (1) transfers pursuant to section 601 (2) redeterminations of the temporary or permanent character of demountable housing pursuant to section 603, (3) changes in land tenure and revisions in the consideration payable to land owners pursuant to subsection 605 (a) and 605 (b), and (4) transfers of permanent war housing for low-rent use pursuant to section 606. Moneys in such reserve account shall also be available for the purpose of making improvements to, or alterations of, any permanent housing or part thereof if (1) the dwelling structures therein are designed for occupancy by not more than four families and are to be sold separately and (2) such improvement or alteration is requested by the local governing body as a condition to the acceptance of the dedication of streets or utilities or is necessary for compliance with local law or regulation relating to the continued operation or occupancy of the housing by a purchaser.

"SEC. 606. (a) The Administrator is hereby specifically authorized to convey the following housing projects to the following local public housing agencies respectively, if—

"(1) on or before December 31, 1949, (i) the conveyance is requested by the governing body of the municipality or county and (ii) the public housing agency has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Administrator that there is a need for low-rent housing (as such term is defined in the United States Housing Act of 1937) within the area of operation of such public housing agency which is not being met by private enterprise;

"(2) the Administrator determines that the project requested will meet such need in whole or in part, and is suitable for low-rent housing use; and "(3) on or before June 30, 1950, the governing body of the municipality or county enters into an agreement with the public housing agency (satisfactory to the Public Housing Administration, hereinafter referred to as 'Administration') providing for local cooperation and payments in lieu of taxes not in excess of the amount permitted by subsection (c) (5) of this section, and the public housing agency enters into an agreement with the

Administration (in accordance with subsection (c) of this section) for the administration of the project:

[blocks in formation]
















District of Columbia... 49012



[blocks in formation]

Housing Authority of Sylacauga.
Housing Authority of Sylacauga.
Housing Authority of City of Talladega:
Housing Authority of City of Conway.
Housing Authority of City of Fresno.
Housing Authority of County of Kern.
Housing Authority of County of Kern.
Housing Authority of City of Paso Robles.
Housing Authority of City of Richmond.
Housing Authority of City of Richmond.
Housing Authority of City of Bristol.
Housing Authority of Town of East Hartford.
Housing Authority of City of New Britain.
Housing Authority of City of New Britain.
Housing Authority of City of New Haven.
Housing Authority of City of Waterbury.
Housing Authority of City of Waterbury.
National Capital Housing Authority.
National Capital Housing Authority.
National Capital Housing Authority.
Housing Authority of City of Lakeland.
Housing Authority of City of Miami.
Housing Authority of City of Orlando.
Housing Authority of City of Pensacola.
Housing Authority of City of Sebring.
Housing Authority of City of Albany.
Housing Authority of Macon.
Housing Authority of Macon.
Housing Authority of Savannah.
Housing Authority of Savannah.
Housing Authority of Savannah.
Madison County Housing Authority.
Madison County Housing Authority.
Winnebago County Housing Authority.
Winnebago County Housing Authority.
Housing Authority of City of Fort Wayne.
Housing Authority of City of South Bend.
Housing Authority of Parish of East Baton

Housing Authority of Baltimore City.
Housing Authority of Baltimore City.

18097 Housing Authority of Baltimore City.
Housing Authority of Baltimore City.
Boston Housing Authority.

[blocks in formation]

Housing Authority of Town of Phillipsburg. Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority. 30032 Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority.

[blocks in formation]

"(b) Upon the conveyance by the Administrator of any such project pursuant to the provisions of this section, such project shall constitute and be deemed to be 'low-rent housing' as that term is used and defined in the United States Housing Act of 1937 (and to be a low-rent housing project assisted pursuant to that Act, within the meaning of subsection 502 (b) of the Housing Act of 1948) except that no capital grant or annual contribution shall be made by the Federal Government with respect to such project. Any instrument of conveyance by the Administrator stating that it is executed under this Act shall be conclusive evidence of compliance therewith insofar as any title or other interest in the property is concerned.

"(c) The agreement between the public housing agency and the Administration required by subsection (a) of this section shall contain the following conditions and requirements, and may contain such further conditions, requirements, and provisions as the Administration determines

"(1) during a period of forty years following the conveyance the project shall be administered as low-rent housing in accordance with subsections 2 (1) and 2 (2) of the United States Housing Act of 1937: Provided, That if at any time during such period the public housing agency and the Administration agree that the project, or any part thereof, is no longer suitable for use as low-rent housing, the project, or part thereof, shall with the approval of the Administration be sold by the public housing agency after which the agreement shall be deemed to have terminated with respect to such project or part thereof except that the proceeds from such sale, after payment of the reasonable expense thereof, shall be paid to the Administration;

"(2) the public housing agency shall, within six months following the conveyance, initiate a program for the removal of all families residing in the project on the date of conveyance who are ineligible under the provisions of the United States Housing Act of 1937 for continued occupancy therein, and shall have required such ineligible tenants to vacate their dwellings within eighteen months after the initiation of such program;

"(3) annually during the term of such agreement, the public housing agency shall pay to the Administration all income from the project remaining after deducting the amounts necessary (as determined pursuant to regulations of the Administration) for (i) the payment of reasonable and proper costs of operating, maintaining, and improving such project, (ii) the payments in lieu of taxes authorized hereunder, (iii) the establishment and maintenance of reasonable and proper reserves as approved by the Administration, and (iv) the payment of currently maturing installments of principal of and interest on any indebtedness incurred by such public housing agency with the approval of the Administration;

"(4) during the term of such agreement, the project shall be exempt from all real and personal property taxes levied or imposed by the State, city, county, or other political subdivisions;

"(5) for the tax year in which the conveyance is made and the next succeeding tax year annual payments in lieu of taxes may be made to the State, city, county, or other political subdivisions in amounts not in excess of the real-property taxes which would be paid to such State, city, county, or other political subdivisions if the project were not exempt from taxation; and thereafter, during the term of such agreement, payments in lieu of taxes with respect to the project may be made in annual amounts which do not exceed 10 per centum of the annual shelter rents charged in such project; "(6) in selecting tenants for such project, the public housing agency shall give such preferences as are prescribed by subsection 10 (g) of the United States Housing Act of 1937; and

"(7) upon the occurrence of a substantial default in respect to the requirements and conditions to which the public housing agency is subject (as such substantial default shall be defined in such agreement), the public housing agency shall be obligated at the option of the Administration, either to convey title in any case where, in the determination of the Administration (which determination shall be final and conclusive), such conveyance of title is necessary to achieve the purposes of this title and the United States Housing Act of 1937, or to deliver possession to the Administration of the project, as then constituted, to which such agreement relates: Provided, That in the event of such conveyance of title or delivery of possession, the Administration may improve and administer such project as low-rent housing, and otherwise deal with such housing or parts thereof, subject, however, to the limitations contained in the applicable provisions of the United States Housing Act of

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