Lapas attēli

IN every community there are people who are highly regarded for their reliability. They are respected and trusted by high and low. Their word. is as good as their bond.

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The Dutch Boy Painter products possess a quality like the character of these persons. Whenever it is promised that a Dutch Boy product will do a certain thing, the product may be relied on to do that certain thing.

DUTCH BOY WHITE-LEAD will always, when mixed with pure linseed oil and applied by a good painter, protect and beautify the surface to which it is applied.

DUTCH BOY RED-LEAD will always protect metal surface from corrosion.

DUTCH BOY LINSEED OIL is always absolutely pure, well filtered and settled and of uniform quality.

Any article that bears the Dutch Boy trademark will do exactly what is claimed for it.

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To the American People:


N the presence of threatening dangers, whose magnitude can not be overestimated, I venture to address my countrymen, justifying my appeal by my interest in their welfare and by their acquaintance with me.

The president has felt it his duty to break off diplomatic relations with Germany for reasons stated in his message, and has announced to congress his purpose, in case of any overt act to ask authority to use any means necessary to protect our seamen and people.

We are thus face to face with a grave possibility of being drawn into the European war. The President, senators and congressmen, who must act for the people in this crisis, desire to carry out the will of their constituents, but unless the rank and file of the people make known their wishes by direct communication these officials must judge public opinion by the expressions of the metropolitan press, which may or may not correctly reflect the sentiments of the nation.

To decide whether war is necessary or not we must consider the situation. The belligerent nations on both sides think themselves in a death struggle, and both sides feel justified in resorting to acts which we regard as contrary to international law as heretofore interpreted.

While we dispute their right to conduct the war as they have and honestly protest against the violation of our rights and the sacrifice of our interests, we must not forget that the injuries which we suffer from both sides are incidental to their effort to injure each other and are in no case intended against us.

We can better afford, therefore, to be patient and forbearing than we could if injuries came from avowed enemies and were intended.

The President, in his noble appeal to the belligerents, has asked that they forget the bitterness engendered by the killing of more than 6,000,000 of human beings and the expenditure of more than $50,000,000,000 in money and come together in an honorable peace.

If we can expect such an exhibition of virtue by them, are we not in duty bound to measure up to the standard which we have set for them?

There are several alternatives from which to choose. First, we can postpone until the war is over the settlement of any dispute which can not now be settled by peaceful means. Second, we can keep American citizens off belliger ent ships. Third, we can refuse clearance to ships of the United States and other neutral countries carrying contraband and passengers on the same ships. Fourth, we can withdraw protection from American citizens who are willing to jeopardize the nation's peace by traveling as seamen with contraband on American or neutral vessels. Fifth, we can, if necessary, keep all American vessels out of the danger zone for the present, just as the mayor of a city keeps citizens in their homes when a mob is in possession of the streets. Sixth, congress, which has exclusive power to declare war, can submit the declaration to a referendum vote, making exception in case of actual invasion.

We can not depend upon precedent in an unprecedented situation.

I call upon the citizens at home to wire their views to the senators and members of the house.



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