AMERICAN YOUTH CONGRESS Hon. KENNETH MCKELLAR, CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C. DEAR SENATOR MCKELLAR: I noticed that during the hearings yesterday before the Senate Appropriations Committee, before which the National Youth Administration appropriation is pending, that a witness testified that the increased appropriation was brought about as a result of the activity of the American Youth CCongress, and that funds were to be used for their benefit. Of course, that statement is entirely without foundation. I was one of those who led the fight in the House for the increased appropriation and in defense of the highly improper and unjustified attack upon Mr. Williams. At no time did the American Youth Congress contact me. Furthermore, anyone who knows Mr. Williams and the fair and impartial manner in which the National Youth Administration is being administered, would know that Mr. Williams would not use any of the increased appropriation for the specific purpose that the witness is alleged to have testified. I might further say that, according to the newspaper reports carried throughout the entire country, when Mr. Williams addressed the American Youth Congress at a meeting held several weeks ago in Washington, he was "booed" for the remarks he made on that occasion. With kind regards, I am Sincerely yours, JOHN MCCORMACK. United States Senate, Washington, D. C. DEAR MR. SMITH: There is transmitted herewith letter dated April 22, 1940, Tom Maj. B. E. Sawyer, office of fiscal agent, Civilian Conservation Corps, nclosing statement "Estimated obligations by objects, fiscal year 1941" and atement "Additional funds required to carry out 10 percent limitation clause the 1941 Appropriation Act." Inquiry made by this office of the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps eveloped the information that the estimates herewith submitted represent the ombined judgment of the Civilian Conservation Corps and the cooperating Departments, Agriculture, Interior, and War, as to the purposes for which the roposed appropriation of $280,000,000 for the fiscal year 1941 could be expended 224117-40-24 to the best advantage. Particular attention is invited to the fact that an ad tional appropriation of $936,785 is in effect being requested by these cooperati departments to cover the extra expense which they allege would attend t requirement that the appropriation be expended and accounted for in accor ance with the amounts set forth by objects of expenditure in the Budget estimat as submitted to Congress. Sincerely yours, M. COLLINS, Executive Assistant FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY, Washington, D. C. Mr. LEO MILLER, MY DEAR MR. MILLER: I am directed by the Chief of Finance, as fiscal a Civilian Conservation Corps, to forward you the enclosed statement, "Estim obligations by objects, fiscal year 1941," and statement "Additional fund quired to carry out 10-percent limitation clause in the 1941 appropriation for insertion on page 506 of the hearings of the Senate Committee on Approl tions. 41, 445 04 Subsistence and care of animals, and storage and care of vehicles (service) 05 Communications. 09 Advertising and publication of notices 10 Furnishing of heat, light, water, etc. 1,475 11 Rents_ 599 "Naval hospital fund". "Medical Department, Navy" +20 +38 "Pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Total estimate or appropriation An additional amount of $936,785 will be necessary to carry out the 10 per limitation clause. 280,000 Additional funds required to carry out 10 percent limitation clause in the 1941 Senator MCKELLAR. The committee will stand adjourned, and this concludes the hearings. (Thereupon the hearings on the Labor-Federal Security appropriation bill for 1941 were concluded and the committee adjourned.) Administrative promotions. 133 Agriculture, Department of, effect of limitation on objects of expenditure 209 from standpoint of.... American Expeditionary Forces, experiences with... 17, 20, 29, 38 American Legion, national rehabilitation committee of 272 American Social Hygiene Association. 33 American Society for Control of Cancer, survey made by 15 American Youth Congress- 135, 158, 367 American Youth, provisional committee for 134 Civilian Conservation Corps (see Federal Security Agency). Employees' Compensation Commission, United States (see United States Employees' Compensation Commission) Everett, Ray H... 77 41 183 143, 152, 279, 280, 295 35 77 143, 228 50 316 108 35 F 316 280 ilm Service leming, Col. Philip B. 129, 148, 229, 257 77 unds, expenditure of, for objects for which appropriated- 262, 296 |