Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 133-136. izdevumsThe Institute, 1917 |
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107 | |
126 | |
596 | |
712 | |
712 | |
712 | |
712 | |
818 | |
944 | |
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acid American Institute amount anticline Asst average ball-mill balls Bldg Bulletin caliche Camp Camp Meade carbon cell cementite cent Chairman chalcopyrite CHARLES coal coke Colo Committee copper cost cracks crushing curve deposits Dept discussion district domes drilling driving band efficiency electric Engineering Society Engr erosion field formation furnace gases Geol geologist hardened layer heat hoist increased industry Institute of Mining iron jigs JOHN V. N. DORR labor Lieutenant limestone limonite magnetite manganese martensite material Membership metal method mill mineral Mining Engineers Naval Consulting Board norite operation orebody oven oxide paper percentage plant potash practice Present position President production properties pyrite pyrrhotite rock salt salt domes sand Secretary shaft silica solution Spindletop steel stope sulphide sulphur Supt surface tank temperature tests thickness tion tons Univ Vice-Chairman WILLIAM York Meeting zinc
Populāri fragmenti
154. lappuse - The proceedings of such libel cases shall conform, as near as may be, to the proceedings in admiralty, except that either party may demand trial by jury of any issue of fact joined in any case, and all such proceedings shall be at the suit of and in the name of the United States.
153. lappuse - Any willful violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than...
157. lappuse - When construing and enforcing the provisions of this Act, the act, omission, or failure of any...
157. lappuse - ... or feeds in the production of malt or vinous liquors for beverage purposes, or that reduction of the alcoholic content of any such malt or vinous liquor, is essential, in order to assure an adequate and continuous supply of food, or that the national security and defense will be subserved thereby, he is authorized, from time to time, to prescribe and give public notice of the extent of the limitation, regulation, prohibition, or reduction so necessitated.
153. lappuse - Act called necessaries; to prevent, locally or generally, scarcity, monopolization, hoarding, injurious speculation, manipulations, and private controls, affecting such supply, distribution, and movement; and to establish and maintain governmental control of such necessaries during the war. For such purposes the instrumentalities, means, methods, powers, authorities, duties, obligations, and prohibitions hereinafter set forth are created, established, conferred, and prescribed. The President is authorized...
157. lappuse - That if any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this act shall, for any reason, be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof...
155. lappuse - President aud shall be entitled to sue the United States to recover such further sum as, added to said...
158. lappuse - ... but the repeal of existing laws or modifications thereof embraced in this act shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued, or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil cause before...
156. lappuse - Such regulations, may require all persons coming within their provisions to keep such records and statements of account, and may require such persons to make such returns, verified under oath or otherwise, as will fully and correctly disclose all transactions...
154. lappuse - ... conspire, combine, agree, or arrange with any other person, (a) to limit the facilities for transporting, producing, harvesting, manufacturing, supplying, storing, or dealing in any necessaries; (b) to restrict the supply of any necessaries ; (c) to restrict distribution of any necessaries; (d) to prevent, limit, or lessen the manufacture or production of any necessaries in order to enhance the price thereof...