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" A monopoly is an institution, or allowance by the king by his grant, commission, or otherwise to any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, of or for the sole buying, selling, making, working, or using of anything, whereby any person or persons,... "
Goodeve's Modern Law of Personal Property - 236. lappuse
autors: Louis Arthur Goodeve - 1912 - 505 lapas
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A Compendious Law Dictionary: Containing Both an Explanation of the Terms ...

Thomas Potts - 1815 - 840 lapas
...baying, selling, making, working, or lulng of any thing, whereby iiny person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, are sought to be restrained of any freedom or liberty they hud before, or hindered in their lawful trade. 3 Intt. 181. But it seems that the king's charter,...
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A Collection of the Most Important Cases Respecting Patents of Invention and ...

John Davies (Of the Rolls Chapel Office) - 1816 - 470 lapas
...Edward Coke, in his 3 Inst. 181, gives the following definition of a monopoly. — " A monopoly is an institution or allowance by the King, by his grant,...commission, or otherwise, to any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, of or for the sole buying, selling, making, working, or using of any thing, whereby...
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A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High ..., 10. sējums

1816 - 764 lapas
...will admit the description of an unlawful monopoly made by my lord Coke, 3 Instit. 181. A monopoly is an institution or allowance by the king, by his grant,...commission, or otherwise, to any person or persons, bodies politic, or corporate, of, or for the sole buying, selling, making, or usiug any thing ; whereby any...
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A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High ..., 10. sējums

1816 - 730 lapas
...the description of a monopoly, which is made by my lord Coke, Pla. Coron. 181, viz. an institution by the king, by his grant, commission, or otherwise, to any person, or corporations, of or for the sole buying, selling, making, working or using of any thing whereby any...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the ..., 3. sējums

United States. Supreme Court - 1816 - 782 lapas
...hereafter to be made or granted, to any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate whatsoever, of or for the sole buying, selling, making, working, or using of any thing within this realm, or the dominion of Wales, or of any other monopolies, or of power, liberty,...
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An Essay on the Law of Patents for New Inventions

Thomas Green Fessenden - 1822 - 524 lapas
...explain and determine their meaning and legal effect. • A monopoly is described by Lord Coke, to be " an institution or allowance by the king, by his grant,...commission or otherwise, to any person, or persons, bodies corporate or politic, of or for the sole buying, selling, making, working, or using of any thing, whereby...
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A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown: Or, A System of the ..., 1. sējums

William Hawkins - 1824 - 838 lapas
...licenses, charters and letters patents to any " person or persons, bodies politic or corporate whatsoever, of " or for the sole buying, selling, making, working, or using of " any thing within this realm, or Wales, or of any other mono" polies, and all proclamations, inhibitions,...
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Reports of Cases Heard and Decided in the House of Lords on ..., 1. sējums

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1835 - 678 lapas
...the " Crown." What was a monopoly ? It was thus defined by Lord Coke, 3 Inst. 181 : "A monopoly is an institution or allowance by the King, by his grant,...commission, or otherwise, to any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, of or for the sole buying, selling, working, &c., whereby any persons, &c. are...
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The Law-dictionary, Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present ..., 2. sējums

Sir Thomas Edlyne Tomlins - 1835 - 862 lapas
...cloth. See 20 Hen. 6. MONOPOLY, from Moxoj, solus, and ru\ti>>, vendo.~\ A license or privilege allowed @k.! for the sole buying, selling, making, working, or using of any thing ; by which other persons are restrained...
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A Collection of Statutes Connected with the General ..., 2. sējums;1225. sējums

Great Britain - 1836 - 936 lapas
...or hereafter to be made or granted to any person or persons bodies politick or corporate whatsoever of or for the sole buying selling making working or using of any thing within this realm or the dominion of Walet, or of any other monopolies or of power liberty...
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