MODERN LAW OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. FIFTH EDITION Revised and partly Rewritten BY JOHN HERBERT WILLIAMS, LL.M., ONE OF THE EDITORS OF SMITH'S LEADING CASES; JOINT AUTHOR OF WILLIAMS AND YATES ON EJECTMENT; AND WILLIAM MORSE CROWDY, B.A., BOTH OF THe middle TEMPLE, BARRISTERS-AT-LAW. STANFORD LIBR LONDON: SWEET AND MAXWELL, LIMITED, PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. THIS edition of the work of the late Mr. L. A. GOODEVE, which is intended to be a companion volume to the Author's Book on the "Modern Law of Real Property," has been carefully revised and brought up to date. In the present edition the Editors have found it necessary to re-write considerable portions of the book. Since the appearance of the last edition in 1904, codifying and amending statutes have been passed dealing with the law relating to Marine Insurance, Trade Marks, Designs, Patents, Companies, and Copyright; and the Editors have in consequence thought it desirable to re-write the chapters on Trade Marks, Patents, Companies, and Copyright, and portions of the chapters dealing with Ships and Policies of Assurance. In the chapter on Debts a few pages have been added, giving a concise but-as the Editors venture to think-sufficient summary, for a work of this character, of the provisions of the Moneylenders Act, 1900. That part of Chapter XX. which deals with the various kinds of Death Duties has been much condensed and simplified, any detailed statement on this subject being considered unnecessary in a work primarily intended to deal with legal principles. Adhering to the practice followed by them in the last two editions, the Editors have endeavoured, and to a large extent successfully, to prevent as far as possible any material increase in the size of the volume, while References to all recent cases which have a material The subject Index has been expanded, and each Index has been thoroughly revised and corrected, by February, 1912. |