Lapas attēli

6. Great care should be taken to spell all proper names or technical terms correctly and uniformly, and to use capital letters only where necessary.

7. If a work consists of several parts, a contents of the whole, showing the arrangement required, should accompany the manuscript.

8. Indicate foot-notes by number in the body of the text, and mark the foot-note itself with a number corresponding to that in the text. All foot-notes should be written in ink of a different color from that of the text. They may be written at the bottom of a page of manuscript, or preferably, on a separate slip which can be pasted where required.

9. The elimination of matter not required is best indicated by drawing through it a horizontal line. If, however, more than a word or two, or a line, are to be struck out, a stroke of the pen drawn obliquely across the rejected matter will suffice. If an entire page, or more than a page, is to be omitted, the folios of the page or pages omitted should be written after the folio of the page that precedes the matter to be omitted.

For example, if an author wishes to omit four pages of matter following page 25 of his manuscript (and desires to avoid renumbering his entire manuscript), he should remove them, and on

page 25 write the folios 25-29, which serve to indicate that page 25 stands for its own number and for the numbers of the missing pages 26, 27, 28, and 29.

10. Matter that should be set in type smaller than the text is indicated on a manuscript by drawing a single line down its left side; for example:

PUT forth thy hand, in God's name; know that "impossible," where Truth and Mercy, and the everlasting Voices of Nature order, has no place in the brave man's dictionary. That when all men have said "impossible," and tumbled noisily elsewhither, and thou alone art left, then first thy time and possibility have come. It is for thee now; do thou that, and ask no man's counsel but thy own only, and God's. Brother, thou hast possibility in thee for much; the possibility of writing on the eternal skies the record of a heroic life.-CARLYLE.

Matter to be set in still smaller type is indicated by drawing two lines down its left side; for example:

THE man who is worthy of being a leader of men will never complain of the stupidity of his helpers, of the ingratitude of mankind, or of the inappreciation of the public. These things are all a part of the great game of life; and to meet them and not go down before them in discouragement and defeat, is the final proof of power.-ELBERT HUBBARD (Technical World).

II. Authors who treat with printers direct will find it necessary to keep a record of the folios of manuscript delivered and returned, with the dates of each transaction. Publishers always undertake this work, which is usually done by a member of the clerical staff. The duties involved may be briefly summarized as follows:

(1) Forwarding the manuscript to the printer with such instructions as may be needed concerning number of proofs required, or any other necessary directions, and taking note of the date of despatch.

(2) Receiving from the printer as much of the manuscript as has been set, together with galley= proofs for correction. When a batch of copy is returned, the numbers of the folios are to be checked and entered on the record, together with the numbers of all galleys that accompany it. Every galley-proof of printed matter bears a number written or set at the top.

(3) In forwarding galley-proofs to the author, the manuscript corresponding to the matter in type should also be despatched to him, and should be returned by him with the corrected proof. A record of folios and dates of forwarding and returning should be carefully kept.

(4) Once received, the author's proofs are usually transmitted to the printer, who, unless

the corrections are exceptionally numerous, proceeds to make up the printed matter into page form. This labor done, the printer sends out to the publisher proofs in page form; these are accompanied by the corrected galley-proofs, so that they may be forwarded to the author, to enable him to verify whether or not the corrections he desires have been made.

(5) After having revised the printed matter sent him, the author returns same to the publisher, whose clerk transmits it in turn to the printer for casting. Once corrected, the printer sends the type-pages to his foundry, with instructions to make electrotype plates of them, so as to release the type for further use. This being done, the plates are ready for printing.

By some of the more modern methods of composition, as by typesetting-machine, this process of electrotyping is done as the work proceeds. These methods have certain disadvantages, such as when the corrections are heavy in number; this often necessitates the cancelling of matter set and the resetting of entire paragraphs.

(6) Corrections may be made in the electrotype plate if absolutely necessary; but these should generally be avoided, as they are injurious to the plate itself, weakening it, and, in cases where large editions are printed, often causing the

plate to break, thereby necessitating the resetting of the entire page. Therefore, all corrections in plate should be avoided.

Every author should bear in mind that the printer pays for the correcting of all errors made by his men, but that for all changes marked on a proof which are deviations from the original manuscript the author must pay at a fixed rate per hour. The time taken to make what may seem a trivial correction is often much longer than the author may expect, through its causing the overrunning of type, the remaking-up of a page, or other additional work. (See also PROOFREADING.)

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