Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly ... of the Legislature, 17. sējums

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15. lappuse - Convention, the legislature shall, at its next session, provide by law for calling a Convention, to be holden within six months after the passage of such law; and such Convention shall consist of a number of members not less than that of both branches of the Legislature.
9. lappuse - ... the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation (or association), and that...
7. lappuse - Interior the same shall be noted upon the plats in said office, and thereafter all such lands over which such right of way shall pass shall be disposed of subject to such right of way...
9. lappuse - ... of deeds of lands in said State, Territory or District, and that said Secretary of State, or Clerk of Court, is well acquainted with the handwriting of such officer, and that he verily believes that the signature affixed to such certificate of proof or acknowledgment is genuine.
16. lappuse - As fast as any State may furnish satisfactory proof according to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, that any of said lands are irrigated, reclaimed and occupied by actual settlers, patents shall be issued to the State or its assigns for said lands so reclaimed and settled...
15. lappuse - That after the year one thousand eight hundred and six, whenever two-thirds of the General Assembly shall think it necessary to amend or change this Constitution, they shall recommend to the electors, at the next election for members to the General Assembly, to vote for or against a convention...
16. lappuse - ... cause the said lands to be reclaimed, and to induce their settlement and cultivation in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this section; but the State shall not be authorized to lease any of said lands or to use or dispose of the same in any way whatever, except to secure their reclamation, cultivation and settlement.
10. lappuse - The proof or acknowledgment of any deed or other written instrument required to be proved or acknowledged in order to...
9. lappuse - To entitle any conveyance or written instrument, acknowledged or proved under the preceding section, to be read in evidence or recorded in this State, there shall be subjoined or attached to the certificate of proof or acknowledgment, signed by such officer, a certificate of the Secretary of State of the State or Territory in which such officer resides, under the seal of such State...
42. lappuse - Vomeriue teeth as usual ; a small, rather narrow, but usually distinct patch on the hyoid bone. Dorsal fin small ; caudal fin short, rather strongly forked. Scales medium. Coloration dark, the sides silvery ; back about equally spotted before and behind ; sides with rather distant spots; belly generally spotted; head spotted even to the snout ; dorsal and caudal also spotted. Head 3£ ; depth 4.

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