Escheat to the people, Executive power vested in governor,..... 805 Impeachment, assembly has the power of,. Fees, court of,. state officers not to receive,......... 808 Indictment, 815 ... no criminal trial without........... 796 may be received by a justice of the of persons convicted on impeach- peace, 810 Foudal tenures abolished,. 798 Indians, purchases of lands from, void,.. 798 not to answer for, unless on present- persons guilty, may be deprived of right to vote,.. election and tenure of office,......... 808 to have charge of state prison,...... 808 vacancies to be filled by governor,.. 808 790 790 ..... 808 Funds, no money paid from, without ap- Inspections, offices for,... 809 propriation... 819 Invasions, etc., debt may be created for,. 819 money raised, how used. 819 816 .. 818 ......... 805 who eligible,....... yeas and nays to be entered in,..... 805 805 on,....... 807 .. |