CHAP. 111. An Act to incorporate the "Stuyvesant Safe Deposit Company, of the City of CHAP. 112. An Act to incorporate the German Tailor Benevolent Society of Brooklyn, Е. CHAP. 113. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to organize the State Lunatic Asylum for insane convicts," passed April eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 114. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend 'An act incorporating the village of Little Falls," passed April tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty, and to provide for the election of a police justice in said village. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths CHAP. 115. An Act in relation to the Common Schools of the City of Utica, Passed CHAP. 116. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend article second, title fifth, chap- ter sixth, part third of the Revised Statutes, entitled 'Of executions against property,' passed May second, eighteen hundred and thirty-five. Passed March 23, 1867. CHAP. 117. An Act to release to Agnes D. Clement the title of the people of the State of New York acquired by escheat in and to certain real estate. Passed March 23, 1867; CHAP. 118. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Merchants' CHAP. 119. An Act to incorporate the "Safe Deposit Company" of the city of Utica. CHAP. 120. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the supply of the city of Brooklyn with water," passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 121. An Act authorizing the assessment of highway labor upon the Jeffersonville and Monticello turnpike road. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 122. An Act to incorporate "The Samaritan Home for the aged of the city of New York." Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 123. An Act to enable the Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church to donate and convey their property to the New York City Mission and Tract Society. Passed March CHAP. 124. An Act to incorporate the Mott Memorial Medical and Surgical Library of the city of New York. Passed March 23, 1867. CHAP. 125. An Act to confirm the incorporation of the Father Mathew Total Abstinence Benefit Society of South Brooklyn, and the acts of such society. Passed March 23, 1867. CHAP. 126. An Act in relation to the compensation of Assessors in the town of Oswegatchie, county of St. Lawrence. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 127. An Act in relation to tolls on the Waterloo and Fayette Plank-road. Passed CHAP. 128. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act in relation to the fees of the Clerk of the county of Kings," passed May twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 129. An Act to amend chapter two hundred and seventy-five of the Laws of eight- een hundred and forty-two, entitled "An act to combine into one act the several acts relating to the city of Albany." Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 130. An Act to authorize the city of Rochester to borrow money for the purpose of erecting school buildings. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 131. An Act for the relief of the Niagara Street Railroad Company in the city of Buffalo. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 132. An Act for the relief of the Buffalo and Detroit Transportation Company. CHAP. 133. An Act to release the title and interest of the people of the State of New York, acquired by escheat, in and to certain real estate to Amanda A. Meyer. Passed March CHAP. 134. An Act for the relief of the Buffalo and Cleveland Transportation Company. Passed March 23, 1867. CHAP. 135. An Act to legalize the official acts of David B. Hull, as a Justice of the Peace, of the county of Greene. Passed March 23, 1867. CHAP. 136. An Act to enable the Pittstown Bridge Company to abandon their bridge to public use, and have the same declared a free bridge, and to dissolve said corporation. Passed March 23, 1867. CHAP. 137. An Act changing the name of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Port Jarvis, New York. Passed March 23, 1867. CHAP. 138. An Act to authorize the Trustees of the Universalist Society of Whitestown, Oneida county, to sell their meeting house lot, and appropriate and invest the proceeds thereof. Passed March 23, 1867. CHAP. 139. An Act to incorporate the Laborers' Protective Union of West Troy. Passed March 23, 1867. CHAP. 140. An Act to authorize the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Ulysses, in the county of Tompkins, to borrow money for the purpose of building a bridge and sidewalks. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 141. An Act to authorize the building of a bridge in the town of Petersburgh and directing the levy of a tax to pay for the same. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 142. An Act to provide for the transfer of certain indigent children of the county of Columbia, to the Hudson Orphan and Relief Association. Passed March 23, 1867; threefifths being present. CHAP. 143. An Act authorizing the Board of Supervisors of the fix the compensation or salary of the Treasurer of said county. three-fifths being present. county of Livingstor to Passed March 23, 1867; CHAP. 144. An Act to authorize the Commissioners of Highways of Plattsburgh, in Clinton county, to widen the public highway at the mouth of Salmon river, on the Plattsburgh and Port Jackson road. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 145. An Act releasing the interest of the State of New York in certain lands to Cordelia N. Campbell and Mary W. Noxon. Passed March 23, 1867; by a two-thirds vote. CHAP. 146. An Act to provide for the manner of payment of the Boards of Health in the counties of Wayne, Steuben and Chenango. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 147. An Act in relation to equalization of real and personal property by the Board of Supervisors of Lewis county. Passed March 23, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 148. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to condense and amend the several acts incorporating or relating to the village of Skaneateles," passed April sixteenth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. Passed March 25, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 149. An Act to provide for the erection of a new academy building in the village of Homer, Cortland county, New York. Passed March 25, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 150. An Act in relation to the District Attorney of the county of Rensselaer. Passed March 25, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 151. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to revise, amend and consolidate the several acts relating to the village of Sag Harbor," passed April eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Passed March 25, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 152. An Act to amend section eight of chapter one hundred and eighty-three of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, relating to the raising of moneys for the erection of a town-hall in the village of Cold Spring, Putnam county. Passed March 25, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 153. An Act to amend "An act in relation to the public schools in the village of Watertown," passed April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Passed March 25, 1867. CHAP. 154. An Act to amend the revised Charter of the city of Auburn. Passed March 25, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 155. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Rochester WaterWorks Company," passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, to increase the capital stock, and authorizing the city of Rochester to aid in the construction of said works, pursuant to section twenty-six of said act. Passed March 26, 1867. CHAP. 156. An Act to authorize the First Presbyterian Congregation of Penn Yan to increase their number of trustees. Passed March 26, 1867. CHAP. 157. An Act to authorize School District Number Four, in the town of Greece, to raise money on its bonds for the purpose of building a school house. Passed March 26, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 158. An Act changing the name of the town of Port Crane, in the county of Broome, to Fenton. Passed March 26, 1867. CHAP. 159. An Act to incorporate the Mount Morris Water-Works Company. Passed March 26, 1867. CHAP. 160. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Union League Club of the city of New York," passed February sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixtyfive. Passed March 26, 1867. CHAP. 161. An Act to amend the several acts relating to the village of Geneseo. Passed March 26, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 162. An Act to amend chapter six hundred and ninety of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act to provide for the publication of legal notices in the county of Hamilton," passed April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed March 26, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 163. An Act for the relief of the Children's Aid Society of the city of New York, and in aid of the Industrial Schools thereof. Passed March 27, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 164. An Act to aid in the construction of the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad. Passed March 27, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 165. An Act to release to Elizabeth Isaacs, certain real estate escheated to the people of this State. Passed March 27, 1867; by a two-thirds vote. CHAP. 166. An Act to legalize the proceedings of a special town meeting, held in the town of Little Valley, in Cattaraugus county, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed March 27, 1867; 867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 167. An Act authorizing the Superintendent of the Poor of Otsego county to lease or sell and convey certain real estate, and purchase certain other real estate, and also to confirm certain purchases of land heretofore made. Passed March 27, 1867; threefifths being present. CHAP. 168. An Act to constitute the village of Belmont, in the county of Allegany, a separate road district, and to confer additional powers upon the Trustees thereof. Passed March 27, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 169. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the New Paltz Turnpike Road Company," passed April ninth, eighteen hundred and thirty-one. Passed March 27, 1867. CHAP. 170. An Act in regard to the Normal and Training School of the city of Oswego. Passed March 27, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 171. An Act authorizing the repairing and improvement of Clinton street from. Fulton street to Second place in the city of Brooklyn, and for the assessment and collection of the costs thereof. Passed March 27, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 172. An Act authorizing the Union Village and Johnsonville Railroad Company to use forty-six pound iron rail and to authorize them to charge a rate of fare not exceeding six cents per mile. Passed March 27, 1867. CHAP. 173. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the erection of a Town Hall in the town of Jamaica, in the county of Queens," passed April ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. Passed March 28, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 174. An Act to refund to the Cornell University the amount paid by Ezra Cornell to the Genesee College at Lima, pursuant to section six, of chapter five hundred and eighty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six.* Passed March 28, 1867; three-fifths being present. * So in original. CHAP. 175. An Act to amend "An act for the incorporation of the Skaneateles Railroad Company, and to authorize the same to construct and operate a railroad from the Village of Skareateles to Skaneateles Junction," passed April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed March 28, 1867. CHAP. 176. An Act to amend the charter of the village of New Rochelle. Passed March 28, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 177. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to make the common schools free in district number five, in the town of Rome, in the county of Oneida, and to provide a tax for that purpose," passed April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and to authorize the raising of money by tax. Passed March 28, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 178. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the village of Moravia in the county of Cayuga, and to repeal existing laws incorporating said village," passed March 15, 1859. Passed March 28, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 179. An Act to enlarge the powers of the trustees of the village of Wellsville, relative to fire limits and obstructions in the streets. Passed March 28, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 180. An Act to define the boundaries of the village of Sloansville, Schoharie county, and to provide for the expenditure of highway labor therein. Passed March 28, 1867. CHAP. 181. An Act releasing to Benjamin Evans, of Centreville, Allegany county, title to lands. Passed March 28, 1867; by a two-thirds vote. CHAP. 182. An Act to authorize George H. Brinkerhoff, David Tompkins and Cornelius D. Dewitt to sell and convey, as trustees, the church property of the True Reformed Dutch Church of Owasco, in the county of Cayuga. Passed March 28, 1867. CHAP. 183. An Act to authorize the construction of a bridge over Mill creek in the town of Dix. Passed March 28, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 184. An Act to make the town of Cambria a part of the first school commissioner's district of Niagara county. Passed March 28, 1867. CHAP. 185. An Act to incorporate the Odd Fellows' Hall Association of the city of Buffalo. Passed March 28, 1867. CHAP. 186. An Act vesting in the United States of America, jurisdiction over certain pieces of land in the village of West Troy in the county of Albany. Passed March 28, 1867; by a two-thirds vote. CHAP. 187. An Act for the relief of Hezekiah L. Raymond. Passed March 28, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 188. An Act to authorize Edward Cunard to take, hold and convey real estate. Passed March 28, 1867. CHAP. 189. An Act releasing to David M. Davenport the right, title and interest of the State of New York, in certain real estate in the city of New York, known as number thirteen, Cornelia street, in said city. Passed March 28, 1867; by a two-thirds vote. CHAP. 190. An Act to incorporate the "Orleans Savings Bank," of the village of Albion, in the county of Orleans. Passed March 28, 1867. CHAP. 191. An Act to amend chapter 236 of the Laws of 1859, in relation to the redemption of the notes of closing Banks. Passed March 28, 1867. CHAP. 192. An Act to amend the charter of the village of Canajoharie. Passed March 28, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 193. An Act to incorporate the Rochester Hydraulic Company. Passed March 29, 1867. CHAP. 194. An Act to provide for a Convention to revise and amend the Constitution. Passed March 29, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 195. An Act in relation to the establishment of a Normal and Training School in the village of Geneseo, to be called "The Wadsworth Normal and Training School." Passed March 29, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 196. An Act to alter the map or plan of the city of New York, by discontinuing so much of Hamilton square, laid down on the said map or plan, as lies between the Fourth and Fifth avenues and Sixty-sixth and Sixty-eighth streets, in said city. Passed March 29, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 197. An Act to reorganize the Fire Department of the city of Albany. Passed March 29, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 198. An Act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in the town of South Hampton, Suffolk county. Passed March 29, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 199. An Act in relation to raising moneys in the town of Cortlandville, in the county of Cortland, for the purpose of aiding in the erection and furnishing of a Normal school building in said town. Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 200. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend the act incorporating the village of Albion." Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 201. An Act to provide for the existing deficiency in moneys, applicable to the support of common schools, in the city of Brooklyn. Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 202. An Act to provide for the sale of the Poor House property belonging to the city of Syracuse. Passed March 30, 1867. CHAP. 203. An Act to provide for the election of three Commissioners of Highways, in the town of Saratoga, in the county of Saratoga, and to confirm election of Commissioners of Highways in said town in eighteen hundred and sixty-six and eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Passed March 30, 1867. CHAP. 204. An Act to change the corporate name of the Union Church and Society of Alder Creek, Oneida county, New York. Passed March 30, 1867. CHAP. 205. An Act directing the payment of the sum of three hundred dollars by the town of Lawrence, St. Lawrence county, to John Dyke, a veteran volunteer. Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 206. An Act to incorporate "The Trustees of the Presbytery of New York." Passed March 30, 1867. CHAP. 207. An Act to extend the time for the collection of taxes in the town of Southfield, county of Richmond. Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 208. An Act to release to Allen Studwell the title and interest of the people of the State of New York, acquired by escheat, in and to certain lands in the city of Brooklyn, and county of Kings, conveyed to him by Joseph Eneas. Passed March 30, 1867; by a two-thirds vote. CHAP. 209. An Act to incorporate Snow Drift Hook and Ladder Company number two of Middletown, Richmond county. Passed March 30, 1867. CHAP. 210. An Act to incorporate the Washington Fire Engine Company Number One, in the town of Eastchester, county of Westchester. Passed March 30, 1867. CHAP. 211. An Act in relation to the Crier of the Superior Court of Buffalo. Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 212. An Act to close and discontinue so much of the Second avenue, in the Tenth ward of the city of Brooklyn, as lies west of the Gowanus canal, and between the north line of First and the south line of Fourth streets, in said ward and city. Passed March 30, 1867. CHAP. 213. An Act to release to the devisees of James Wallace, an alien, the title to lands in Lewisville, St. Lawrence county. Passed March 30, 1867; by a two-thirds vote. CHAP. 214. An Act to promote the public health in the city of Albany, by the removal of human remains from certain ancient cemeteries in said city. Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 215. An Act authorizing the Commissioners of Highways of the towns of Guilderland and New Scotland, in the county of Albany, to lay out and open a certain highway extending in said towns, of the width of two rods. Passed March 30, 1867. CHAP. 216. An Act to enable the town of South East to raise money to purchase ground and build a town hall. Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 217. An Act amendatory of the charter of the village of Argyle, Washington county, New York. Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 218. An Act to authorize the village of Dunkirk to issue bonds to meet the present indebtedness of said village. Passed March 30, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 219. An Act to permit the Harmony Manufacturing Company to build certain walls, at their own expense, on the banks of the Erie canal, in the village of Cohoes, and to improve certain lands owned by the State adjoining the lands of said company. Passed March 30, 1867; three fifths being present. |