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the construction of a railroad from the village of Glens Falls, to intersect the Saratoga and Whitehall railroad, in the village of Fort Edward," passed May twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, passed March eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight. Passed April 24, 1868.

CHAP. 318. An Act to amend section eight of chapter four hundred and sixty-three of the Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-three, in relation to corporations in the city of New York, in relation to Life and Health Insurance Companies. Passed April 24, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 319. An Act to incorporate the Pullman Pacific Car Company. Passed April 24, 1868. CHAP. 320. An Act to enable the town of Delhi, Delaware county, to aid in the construction of a court house in said town. Passed April 24, 1868; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 321. An Act to incorporate the Jerauld Institute, of Niagara Falls, for the education of young ladies. Passed April 24, 1868.

CHAP. 322. An Act to amend the charter of the Buffalo Street Railroad Company, to authorize it to purchase the railroad, right of way and property of the Niagara Street Railroad Company, and to dissolve the latter company. Passed April 24, 1868.

CHAP. 323. An Act to release to John Woollard the estate, right, title and interest of the people of the State of New York of, in and to a certain piece of land situate in the city of Rochester, of which Ralph M. Crysler died seized. Passed April 24, 1868, by a twothirds vote.

CHAP. 324. An Act to authorize the Board of Education of Union Free School district number one, of the town of Kingsbury, to borrow money to build a school-house in said district. Passed April 24, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 325. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the widening and improvement of Union street, in the city of Brooklyn," passed April twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; and to confirm the acts of the board of improvement thereby created. Passed April 24, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 326. An Act to amend chapter one hundred and twenty-three, Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "An act to enable the trustees of the First Presbyterian Church to donate and convey their property to the New York City Mission and Tract Society," passed March twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Passed April 25, 1868; without the approval of the Governor.*

CHAP. 327. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to grant to William Orton, Charles C. Leigh and Charles Havard, their associates, successors and assigns, an exclusive right to lay telegraphic cables from this State to the empire of France, and to work the same," passed April twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Passed April 25, 1868; without the approval of the Governor.*

CHAP. 328. Act to amend and continue in force an act entitled "An act to incorporate an association for the relief of respectable, aged indigent females in the city of New York," passed March tenth, eighteen hundred and fifteen, amending the same. Passed April 25, 1868.

CHAP. 329. An Act to provide for an iron bridge over the artificial outlet of the Seneca lake. Passed April 25, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 330. An Act to authorize the Canal Appraisers to appraise damages to the owners of property on the Skaneateles outlet. Passed April 25, 1868; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 331. An Act providing for additional compensation to deputies, clerks and assistants in the various departments of the State government. Passed April 25, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 332. An Act to incorporate "The Hudson Highland Suspension Bridge Company," mcorporate for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a suspension bridge, appurtenances and approaches to the same, over the Hudson river, at a point or points between Verplanck's Point and Buttermilk Falls on said river. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 333. An Act to incorporate the Pawners' Bank, of the city of New York. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 334. An Act to authorize the town of Saratoga, in the county of Saratoga, to issue bonds to aid in the construction of a railroad from the village of Mechanicsville to intersect the Glens Falls Railroad. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 335. An Act to incorporate the city of Ogdensburg. Passed April 27, 1868; threefifths being present.

CHAP. 336. An Act to incorporate the Board of Trade of the city of Troy. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 337. An Act to release the interest of the State to certain lands of which William Watt died seized and possessed, to Mrs. Mary Watt, his widow. Passed April 27, 1868, by a two-thirds vote.

CHAP. 338. An Act to change the number of Accord Lodge number four hundred and twenty-one, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, incorporated under chapter eight hundred and ifty-two, Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, to Accord Lodge number one hundred and sixty. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 339. An Act to authorize the construction and maintaining of a free bridge over the Susquehanna river at Afton, in Chenango county, and for the purchase of the franchise of the existing bridge company, and to borrow money therefor. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 340. An Act for the relief of Theodocia Wall, Amasa P. Hart, Oliver Breed, Joseph
J. Glass, Edwin P. Hopkins, George G. Breed, Edmund Merry and Daniel Hubbard.
Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 341. An Act to incorporate the Ocean Rock Division
Temperance, located at Louisville, St. Lawrence county.
CHAP. 342. An Act for the relief of the city of Rochester.
fifths being present.

number thirty of the Sons of Passed April 27, 1868.

Passed April 27, 1868; three

CHAP. 343. An Act to incorporate the Union Foundry Company of Troy. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 344. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to amend and consolidate the several acts relating to the preservation of moose, wild deer, birds and fresh water fish, passed May thirteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven," passed January twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 345. An Act to amend section six of an act entitled "An act for the publication of the Session Laws in two newspapers in each county of this State," passed May fourteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-five. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 346. An Act to re-appropriate moneys for extraordinary repairs and improvements of the canals; for making maps of the canals under the directions of the Canal Board; for paying awards of the Canal Appraisers prior to eighteen hundred and sixty-six; for the payment of miscellaneous claims against the State; for the improvement of the Champlain canal; for the extension of the Chenango canal; for the improvement of the Gensee Valley canal, and for the improvement of the Black River canal; and to appropriate the unappropriated surplus of the tax of eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Passed April 27, 1968; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 347. An Act to authorize George W. Snyder, Frederick Snyder and John P. Kimble to abandon a part of their Turnpike road, and for other purposes. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 348. An Act making appropriations for the payment of the principal and interest of the canal debt, commencing on the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight; and to provide for the payment of the debt contracted under section ten of article seven of the Constitution. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 349. An Act for the relief of Wyllis Barber. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 350. An Act to provide for the construction of vertical stone walls along the berme bank of the Erie canal in the villages of Medina and Albion, and appropriating money therefor. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 351. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act in relation to the offices of Recorder Assessor, Chainberlain and City Attorney of the city of Troy," passed April nineteen eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 352. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the election of two Police Justices in the town of Kingston," passed March twentieth, eighteen hundred and fifty


Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 353. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act in relation to police commissioners and police officers in the village of Cold Spring, Putnam county," passed March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 354. An Act to authorize and require the Comptroller of the State to settle with the treasurer of the county of Franklin in relation to certain non-resident taxes. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 355. An Act to authorize and require the Comptroller of the State to settle with the treasurer of the counties of Hamilton, Warren and Essex, in relation to certain nonresident taxes. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 356. An Act to amend section one of chapter five hundred and thirty-seven of Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act authorizing the changing the course of the creek running through the village of Westville, in the county of Otsego." Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 357. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to suppress intemperance and to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors in the county of Dutchess," passed April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 358. An Act to legalize the official acts of Joshua S. Bliss, a justice of the peace, and continue him in office. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 359. An Act to prevent waste of timber on the Cattaraugus, Allegany and Oil Spring Indian reservations in this State. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 360. An Act confirming the action of the Common Council of the city of Buffalo, in annulling assessment roll number nine hundred and seven, assessors' series, confirmed September third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 361. An Act to regulate the times of opening and closing the clerk's office of Erie county. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 362. An Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of the county of Chautauqua to levy an additional highway tax on the taxable property of the town of Charlotte, in said county, and to authorize the highway commissioners of said town to borrow money to pay the existing indebtedness of said town for highway and bridge purposes, and to repair the highways and bridges therein. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 363. An Act in relation to the New York, Housatonic and Northern Railroad Company. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 364. An Act to extend the operation of chapter four hundred and forty-eight of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, being "An act to facilitate the construction of railroads and tramroads within the counties of Essex and Clinton, and to authorize the formation of companies therefor," to the counties of Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester and Orange. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 365. An Act authorizing the Middletown, Unionville and Water Gap Railroad Company to use fifty pound iron rail. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 366. An Act for the relief of Charlotte Dalton, widow. Passed April 27, 1868, by a two-thirds vote.

CHAP. 367. An Act relative to Horace L. Barnes, a Justice of the Peace in the county of Chenango, designated to hold courts of sessions in said county, at the general election held in November, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 368. An Act to release the title and interest of the people of the State of New York in and to certain real estate to Thomas Jackson, Robert Vose and William Vose. Passed April 27, 1868, by a two-thirds vote.

CHAP. 369. An Act to legalize and confirm certain proceedings of the school meetings held in joint district number four, of the towns of York, Livingston county, and Pavilion, Genesee county, in designating a site for a school-house in said district, in voting a tax to purchase such site, and also build a school-house thereon, and of the trustee of said district in causing such taxes to be levied and collected. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 370. An Act to release and convey to Isabella Jackson the interest of the people of the State of New York in certain real estate. Passed April 27, 1868, by a two-thirds vote.

CHAP. 371. An Act to authorize the town of Rutland to raise money by tax to build an iron bridge over Black river. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 372. An Act appointing commissioners to investigate the cost and expenditures of building a bridge across the Sacandaga river at Northville, in the town of Northampton, and to provide for the payment of any balance thereof unpaid by said town of Northampton. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 373. An Act to authorize the building of a bridge between Brutus, Mentz and Conquest, in the county of Cayuga. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 374. An Act giving permission to the United States to remove a portion of the public work known as the "Erie Basin Breakwater," in or near Buffalo harbor. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 375. An Act to authorize the sale of the lands of the State of New York situated in the city of Newburgh, heretofore purchased for the purposes of a regimental armory at the city of Newburgh, and to provide for the construction of a regimental armory in the city of Newburgh upon other lands of the State of New York, and for the appropriation of the proceeds of such sale, with such other moneys as the supervisors of the county of Orange and the common council of the city of Newburgh may appropriate therefor. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 376. An Act to authorize the town of Cazenovia, in the county of Madison, to raise money for repairing and building bridges. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 377. An Act to enable the trustees of the village of Greene, Chenango county, to raise money to purchase hose. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 378. An Act to authorize the supervisor, town clerk and commissioners of highways of the town of Milton, in the county of Saratoga, to issue the bonds of said town to raise money to pay its indebtedness created for the purpose of building bridges in said town. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 379. An Act to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-four of Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-three, entitled "An act to make a road district of the village of Gallupville." Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 380. An Act to amend chapter one hundred and forty of the Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-three, entitled "An act to consolidate and amend the several acts relating to the village of Batavia, to alter the bounds and enlarge the powers of the corporation of said village," and chapter twenty-nine of the Laws of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act to consolidate and amend the several acts relating to the village of Batavia." Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 381. An Act to authorize the trustees of the Hamilton Union Presbyterian Church of Guilderland, Albany county, to sell their parsonage. Passed April 27, 1868; threefifths being present.

CHAP. 382. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Sidney and Unadilla Bridge Company," passed April twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 383. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act for the incorporation of the Skaneateles Railroad Company, and to authorize the same to construct and operate a railroad from the village of Skaneateles to Skaneateles Junction," passed April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 384. An Act in relation to the Goshen and Deckertown Railway Company. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 385. An Act to define the boundaries of the village of Livingstonville, Schoharie dunty, and in relation to highway labor therein. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 386. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act regulating highways and bridges in the counties of Suffolk, Queens and Kings," passed February twenty-third, eighteen hundred and thirty, and acts amendatory thereof. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 387. An Act to provide for the examination of the accounts and operations of the several commissions in the city of Brooklyn. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

СПАР. 388. An Act to legalize the proceedings of Henry H. Hatheway, as justice of the peace of the town of Lenox, Madison county, in this State. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 389. An Act releasing the title of the State of New York to certain lands situate in Caledonia, Livingston county, of which Thomas Jenkins died seized. Passed April 27, 1868, by a two-thirds vote.

CHAP. 390. An Act to establish the quorum of the Local Board of the Oswego Normal and Training School. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 391. An Act releasing the interest of the people of the State of New York to certain lands and premises to Mary Wilson. Passed April 27, 1868, by a two-thirds vote. CHAP. 392. An Act releasing the interest of the people of the State of New York in certain real estate to Matthias McMahon. Passed April 27, 1868, by a two-thirds vote.

CHAP. 393. An Act relating to the care and custody of children committed to the house provided by the city of Rochester for the reception of idle and truant children. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 394. An Act to enable the Board of Supervisors of the county of Erie to raise money by tax for building and repairing bridges in the town of Aurora in said county. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 395. An Act to incorporate the Young Men's Association of the village of Cooperstown. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 396. An Act to divide the county of Tompkins into two school commissioner districts, and for the election and appointment of a commissioner for the second district therein. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 397. An Act to provide for the proving of certain maps and other papers of the "Farmers' Trust and Loan Company," in the county of Cattaraugus. Passed April 27,


CHAP. 398. An Act empowering the Board of Supervisors of Monroe county to require bail from the Superintendent of the Monroe county penitentiary. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 399. An Act to authorize the formation of Independent Hose Companies in the city of Oswego. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 400. An Act to authorize the borrowing of money and the issue of town bonds by the board of town auditors of the town of Varick in the county of Seneca. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 401. An Act in relation to the collection of certain unpaid county taxes in the city of Rochester in the county of Monroe. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 402. An Act to authorize the trustees of incorporated rural cemeteries to impose a tax upon the lot owners in said cemeteries. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 403. An Act to establish and maintain a free bridge between Sag Harbor and North Haven in the town of Southampton, Suffolk county, and to make such bridge a county charge. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 404. An Act to authorize the commissioners of highways of the town of Fort Covington to raise money to build a bridge. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 405. An Act for the relief of the Oxford Academy. Passed April 27, 1868; threefifths being present.

CHAP. 406. An Act to legalize the acts of Byron Paine as a Justice of the Peace of the town of Warren, county of Herkimer. Passed April 27, 1868.

CHAP. 407. An Act directing certain moneys raised by tax for the improvement of the Oneida Lake canal, under chapter nine hundred and thirty-four of the Laws of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, to be paid into the State treasury. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 408. An Act to regulate the fees of Justices of the Peace attending as justices of sessions at the criminal terms of the several courts of record within the county of Erie. Passed May 9, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 409. An Act to incorporate the Naples Soldiers' Monument Association, and to raise money by tax to erect a monument. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 410. An act to authorize the supervisor of the town of Westport, in the county of Essex, to convey certain lands to the Westport Cemetery Association. Passed April 27, 1868; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 411. An Act to authorize the Astoria and Hunters' Point Railroad Company to change the route of their road. Passed April 27, 1868.

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