Lapas attēli

CHAP. 12. An Act to amend the act passed February sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to authorize the formation of corporations for manufacturing, mining, mechanical or chemical purposes, passed February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight." Passed January 31, 1867.

CHAP. 13. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate Vassar Female College," passed January twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Passed February 1, 1867.

CHAP. 14. An Act authorizing the town of Cortlandt, in the county of Westchester, to borrow money and to levy taxes for the payment of the same. Passed February 1, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 15. An Act to authorize the Supervisors of the county of Albany to borrow money on the credit of the county. Passed February 1, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 16. An Act authorizing the Village of Peekskill to borrow more money and to levy taxes for the payment of the same. Passed February 1, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 17. An Act to authorize the town of Johnstown, in the county of Fulton, to issue town bonds, and loan the same to the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville Railroad Company, and to regulate the rate of charges for carrying passengers upon said road. Passed February 1, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 18. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act providing for the erection of a Public Hall in the village of Palmyra, and the means for paying the expenses thereof," passed April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed February 1, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 19. An Act to authorize the city of Poughkeepsie to borrow money to pay for the land given by said city and the county of Dutchess, to the people of the State of New York, as a site for the Hudson River Asylum for the Insane. Passed February 1, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 20. An Act relative to the Albany City Fire Insurance Company. Passed February 2, 1867.

CHAP. 21. An Act in relation to the establishment of a Normal and Training School, in the village of Brockport. Passed February 2, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 22. An Act authorizing the Medina and Alabama Plank Road Company to reduce its number of directors. Passed February 2, 1867.

CHAP. 23. An Act to change the name of Henry Leslie Pell to Leslie Pell Clarke. Passed
February 6, 1867.

CHAP. 24. An Act to legalize certain acts of the trustees of the First Baptist Church and
Society of the town of Cortlandville, Cortland county. Passed February 7, 1867.
CHAP. 25. An Act in relation to raising moneys in the town of Homer, in the county of
Cortland, to pay bounties to certain volunteers of said town. Passed February 7, 1867;
three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 26. An Act to incorporate Gooderson Fire Engine Company, number two, in the village of Winfield, in the county of Queens. Passed February 7, 1867.

CHAP. 27. An Act to enable the towns of Rutland and Le Ray, in the county of Jefferson, to raise money for building a bridge. Passed February 7, 1867; three-fifths being present. СПАР. 28. An Act to authorize the trustee of School District number sixteen, in the town of Newstead, Erie county, to borrow money. Passed February 8, 1867; threefifths being present.

CHAP. 29. An Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of Ontario county to raise money by tax to pay for the support of certain children at the Ontario Orphan Asylum, and also to raise money by tax for the use of said Asylum. Passed February 13, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 30. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the New York Commercial Association," passed April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Passed February 13, 1867.

CHAP. 31. An Act to legalize and confirm the official acts of James Taylor, of the town of Luzerne, Warren county, as commissioner of highways. Passed February 13, 1867. CHAP. 32. An Act to amend chapter one hundred and thirty-six, Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and chapter two hundred and fifty-seven of the Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-three, in relation to Savings Banks. Passed February 13, 1867.

CHAP. 33. An Act to authorize the county of Dutchess to borrow money to pay for lands to be given to the people of the State of New York, by said county and the city of Poughkeepsie, as a site for the Hudson River Asylum for the Insane. Passed February 14, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 34. An Act making an appropriation to provide for a deficiency in the appropriation for the repairs and maintenance of the Canals during the fiscal year, commencing on the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed February 15, 1867; threefifths being present.

CHAP. 35. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to erect the village of Middleburgh into a separate road district," passed April seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, Passed February 15, 1867.

CHAP. 36. An Act to authorize the laying out of a highway in the village of Waverley, town of Otto, county of Cattaraugus. Passed February 15, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 37. An Act to authorize the trustees of the village of Rome to buy a steam Fire Engine and apparatus for said village, and to levy a tax to pay for the same, and to levy a tax upon said village to pay indebtedness. Passed February 15, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 38. An Act to make the town of Chester a part of the second school commissioner district of Orange county. Passed February 15, 1867.

CHAP. 39. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Elmira," passed April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and the acts amendatory thereof. Passed February 16, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 40. An Act to revive and continue in force the charter of the Oswego Water Works Company. Passed February 25, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 41. An Act in relation to a Stenographic Reporter for the Circuit Courts, Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Special terms of the Fifth Judicial District, Passed February 25, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 42. An Act to incorporate "Clinton Engine Fire Company Number One" of the village of Hobart, in the town of Stamford and county of Delaware. Passed February 26, 1867.

CHAP. 43. An Act to consolidate the Jordan Academy and Free School District Number Four, in the town of Elbridge, in the county of Onondaga. Passed February 26, 1867. CHAP. 44. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to constitute the village of Lowville, in the county of Lewis, a separate road district,' passed March twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and to amend the charter of said village, passed March twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Passed February 26, 1867; three-fifths being present.


CHAP. 45. An Act to appropriate money for the purchase of objects of natural history for the State Cabinet. Passed February 26, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 46. An Act to extend the time for the completion of the Lebanon Springs Railroad. Passed February 26, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 47. An Act to repeal an act entitled "An act to authorize the rector, church wardens and vestrymen of the Church of the Intercession, in the county and city of New York, to take and hold real estate by derise, and to fix the value of real and personal estate to be held by said corporation," passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. Passed February 28, 1867.

CHAP. 48. An Act to amend chapter ten of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "An act authorizing the extension of the time for the collection of taxes in the several towns and cities of this State, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven," passed January thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Passed February 28, 1867; three-fitths being present.

CHAP. 49. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations and to regulate the same," passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty. Passed March 1, 1867.

CHAP. 50. An Act to authorize the town of Le Roy, in the county of Genesee, to raise ten thousand dollars for the benefit of "The Le Roy Academic Institute." Passed March 4, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 51. An Act to amend an act to incorporate the village of Warsaw, passed March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty, so as to enable the trustees thereof to fix and prescribe fire limits therein. Passed March 4, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 52. An Act confirming the election and official acts of Walter Tefft as an assessor of the town of Moriah, in the county of Essex. Passed March 6, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 53. An Act to amend chapter eighty-four of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixtyone, increasing the salary of the District Attorney of Chautauqua County. Passed March 7, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 54. An Act to amend sections eleven and twelve of an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Albany and Delaware Turnpike Company," passed March second, eighteen hundred and five. Passed March 7, 1867.

CHAP. 55. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the trustees of the Troy Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church," passed March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. Passed March 8, 1867.

CHAP. 56. An act to increase the salaries of the Justices of the Justices' Court of the city of Albany. Passed March 9, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 57. An Act authorizing the trustees of the First Baptist Society of the village of Cazenovia, Madison county, to raise money upon its pews and sittings. Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 58. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the Emanuel Congregation of the city of New York to hold, grant and convey real estate." Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 59. An Act to amend section two hundred and ninety of chapter three hundred and eighty-nine of the Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-one, relating to the election of directors for the Rochester and Genesee Valley Railroad Company, by the common council of the city of Rochester. Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 60. An Act to abolish the office of "Inspector of gunpowder, burning fluids and other dangerous materials" in the city of Brooklyn. Passed March 9, 1867; threefifths being present.

CHAP. 61. An Act in relation to the sale and conveyance of certain lands, owned by Emma Jane Baker, an infant. Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 62. An Act making appropriations for the payment of the principal and interest of the canal debt, commencing on the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and to provide for the payment of the debt contracted under section ten of article seven of the Constitution. Passed March 9, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 63. An Act to change the time of annual elections of Emmanuel Church, Norwich, Chenango county. Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 64. An Act distributing certain bounty moneys in the town of Little Valley, county of Cattaraugus. Passed March 9, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 65. An Act to authorize School District number one of the town of Poughkeepsie, in the county of Dutchess, to borrow money for the purpose of completing a school building in said district, and to provide for the payment thereof. Passed March 9, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 66. An Act for the consolidation of the Buffalo and State Line Railroad Company with the Erie and the North East Railroad Company. Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 67. An Act to legalize the acts of the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Sempronius, Cayuga county, in auditing claims for money advanced to pay town bounties. Passed March 9, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 68. An Act to amend chapter seven, title three, article four, part three of the Revised Statutes, entitled "of depositions taken in this State, to be used in courts of other States and countries." Passed March 9, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 69. An Act in relation to the minutes and records of the Surrogate's Court of Albany county. Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 70. An Act to release to Julia Conners, the estate, rights, title and interest of the people of the State of New York, of, in and to a certain piece of land, situate in the town of Brighton and county of Monroe, of which Thomas Murphy died seized or possessed. Passed March 9, 1867; by a two-thirds vote.

CHAP. 71. An act authorizing the Canal Board to appoint a canal boat inspector at Whitehall, in the county of Washington. Passed March 9, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 72. An Act declaring the east branch of Connewango creek, known as Kendall creek, a pnblic highway, and for other purposes. Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 73. An Act to enable the board of education of Union free school district number one, of the town of Tonawanda, Erie county, to borrow money to build a school-house, and to issue the bonds of the district therefor. Passed March 9, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 74. An Act to increase the salary of Gregory Ritt, one of the assessors of the city of Buffalo. Passed March 9, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 75. An Act authorizing the Trustees of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Caughnawaga, in the village of Fonda, Montgomery county, to raise money upon its pews and sittings. Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 76. An Act to confirm the official acts of Horatio L. Day as Notary Public. Passed March 9, 1867.

CHAP. 77. An Act to fix the number necessary to form a quorum of the board of excise, in and for the Metropolitan Police District of the State of New York, excepting and excluding the county of Westchester. Passed March 11, 1867.

CHAP. 78. An Act to incorporate the Masonic Hall Association of Watertown. Passed March 11, 1867.

CHAP. 79. An Act to amend the act to incorporate the "Rome Hydraulic Company," passed April ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, so as to increase the number of directors, and to provide for the choice of inspectors of election. Passed March 11, 1867. CHAP. 80. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Odd Fellows' Hall Association of the city of New York," passed April sixth, eighteen hundred and fortyfour. Passed March 11, 1867.

CHAP. 81. An Act appointing railroad commissioners of the town of Johnstown, and modifying their powers and duties. Passed March 13, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 82. An Act to amend the charter of the village of Cortland, enlarging the boundaries thereof. Passed March 13, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 83. An Act authorizing and directing the Common Council of the city of Buffalo to pay to Jeremiah Mahoney, Street Commissioner of said city, certain amounts for livery and horse keeping, during the years one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. Passed March 15, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 84. An Act to increase the salary of the office of School Commissioner. Passed March 16, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 85. An Act to incorporate the Metropolitan Medical and Surgical Institute. Passed March 16, 1867.

CHAP. 86. An Act to incorporate the St. Augustine's Mutual Benefit and Benevolent Society, in the town of Morrisania, county of Westchester. Passed March 16, 1867. CHAP. 87. An Act to authorize the Common Council of the city of Utica to borrow and disburse money for city purposes, and to levy and collect a tax to pay the same. Passed March 16, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 88. An Act to authorize the Common Council of the city of Newburgh to enlarge, alter and improve the water-works of said city, and to acquire the title to lands, lakes, ponds, springs and streams of water, and to raise money upon the bonds of the said city therefor. Passed March 16, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 89. An Act to confirm the action of the Board of Supervisors of Herkimer county in directing the issuing of county bonds. Passed March 16, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 90. An Act to authorize the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Deerfield to raise money to build a bridge over the Mohawk river. Passed March 16, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 91. An Act to authorize Joint-Stock Fire and Marine Insurance Companies to reduce their capital stock, and to amend the act to provide for the incorporation of Fire Insurance Companies. Passed March 16, 1867.

CHAP. 92. An Act to authorize the city of Syracuse to raise money for the establishment of a High School. Passed March 16, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 93. An Act to establish and organize the Hudson River State Hospitel for the Insane. Passed March 16, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 94. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to alter and amend an act to incorporate the Greenwood Cemetery," passed April eleventh, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, in relation to the election of trustees. Passed March 16, 1867.

CHAP. 95. An Act for the relief of the Moriah Plank-road Company, and repealing chapter seven hundred and seventy-six of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-ûve. Passed March 16, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 96. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act in relation to the establishment of a Normal and Training School in the village of Brockport," passed February second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Passed. March 19, 1867; three-fifths being present. CHAP. 97. An Act providing for additional compensation to deputies, clerks and assistants, in the various departments of the State government. Passed March 20, 1867; threefifths being present.

CHAP. 98. An Act to consolidate the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Utica, with the State Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Utica, to be known as the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Utica. Passed March 20, 1867.

CHAP. 99. An Act to provide for the election of three Commissioners of Highways in the town of West Farms, in the county of Westchester. Passed March 20, 1867. CHAP. 100. An Act to release the right, title and interest of the people of the State of New York, of, in and to certain real estate, of which James Madden died possessed, to Winney Madden. Passed March 20, 1867; by a two-thirds vote.

CHAP. 101. An Act to legalize the official acts of William Lengfield, as justice of the peace of the town of Chazy, Clinton county, New York. Passed March 20, 1867.

CHAP. 102. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to consolidate and amend the several acts relating to the village of Peekskill, to alter the bounds and to enlarge the powers of the corporation of said village," passed March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and fiftynine. Passed March 20, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 103. An Act to facilitate the construction of the Whitehall and Plattsburgh Railroad. Passed March 20, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 104. An Act to provide for the draining and filling up of the old channel of Onondaga creek, between the south bounds of the city of Syracuse and Onondaga street, in said city, and for straightening and deepening the channel of said creek between said Onondaga street and the bridge across said creek north of West Genesee street and near the pump-house, and for the removing encroachments on and obstructions in said channel. Passed March 20, 1867; three-fifths being present.

СПАР. 105. An Act to amend the act entitled "An act to amend the incorporation of the village of Lancaster, in the county of Erie," passed April fourteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. Passed March 21, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 106. An Act to authorize the supervisor of the town of Corning to loan money for the purpose of building a bridge over the Chemung river and to provide for the payment thereof, and to authorize the commissioners of highways of said town to build said bridge, and in the mean time to operate a free ferry on said river. Passed March 21, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 107. An Act to incorporate the village of Palatine Bridge. Passed March 21, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 108. An Act to allow increased compensation to the Treasurer and late Treasurer of Otsego county. Passed March 22, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 109. An Act to authorize the Board of Town Auditors of the towns of Oyster Bay and North Hempstead, in the county of Queens, to raise by tax, upon the taxable property of each of said towns, the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars. Passed March 22, 1867; three-fifths being present.

CHAP. 110. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the appointment and payment of a clerk or clerks in the office of the Surrogate of the county of Kings," passed March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and forty-nine. Passed March 22, 1867: three-fifths being present.

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