TABLE OF CONTENTS. A NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE APPLICATION OF EXTRA-TERRITORIAL LAW A PLEA FOR STRAIGHT THINKING CONCERNING THE ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS FEDERAL TAXATION OF INTERSTATE COMMERCE. Simeon E. Baldwin. LAW AND MORALS. James Barr Ames . LODE LOCATIONS: A SPECIFIC QUESTION OF EXTRALATERAL RIGHTS AND A GENERAL THEORY OF INTRALIMITAL RIGHTS. I. A QUESTION CONCERN- ING THE EXTRALATERAL RIGHTS INCIDent to OwneRSHIP OF A JUNIOR LODE LOCATION WHICH PARTLY OVERLAPS A SENIOR LODE LOCATION. II. INTRALIMITAL RIGHTS TO ORE IN LODE LOCATION. Henry Newton 266, 339 . THE COMMODITIES CLAUSE AND THE FIFTH AMENDMENT. Learned Hand THE FEDERAL ANTI-TRUST ACT AND MINORITY HOLDINGS OF THE SHARES THE FEDERAL EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ACT OF 1908 - IS IT CONSTITU- THE GENESIS OF ROMAN LAW IN AMERica. William Bennett Munro. THE NATIONALITY OF A JURISTIC PERSON. E. Hilton Young THE RESPONSIBILITY AT COMMON LAW FOR THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS. INDEX-DIGEST. References in heavy-faced type are to NOTES and REVIEWS; in plain type to Recent Cases; and in References in heavy-faced type are to NOTES and REVIEWS; in plain type to Recent Cases; and in been anticipated, caused by animal | ASSESSMENT. See Constitutional Law; Corpora- tions; Municipal Corporations; Po- ASSIGNMENTS FOR CREDIT- ORS. Marshalling assets: Requiring mort- Principal's liability in assumpsit when stitution. 557-558 Jurisdiction of federal courts: Ef- fect of dissolution of corporation by Jurisdiction over property replevied by writ of state court within four Jurisdiction over state receiver. 377 Jurisdiction over suit which involves validity of creditor's claim and lien incident thereto, and in which on appeal the lien is alone disputed, Proceedings in bankruptcy and Involuntary proceedings: Right of holder of voting trust certificate to institute proceedings to wind up insolvent corporation under statute allowing any creditor or share- holder" of the corporation to do so. Preferences: Effect of clearing house |