Lapas attēli

Extraordinary Improvements


The MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. respectfully announce the introduction, this season, of improvements of much more than ordinary interest.

These are:


Invented and patented by Mr. CARL FOGELBERG, a Swedish Organ Builder, and the only successful combination of real pipes with reeds ever made. (See Circulars for particulars.)

Invented and patented by Mr. W. G. DAY, of Baltimore, by which the performer can instantly move the Key-Board to the right or left, and so play at a higlier or lower pitch. (See Circulars:)



"-THEODORE THOMAS."Excel all "The best now in use."-CHRISTINE NILSSON, ANNIE LOUISE CARY, MARIE LEON DEVAL, VICTOR CAPOUL, P. BRIGNOLI, and others. We have not heard such pure musical tones from any others."-CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG, ADELAIDE PHILLIPS, CARL BERGMANN, and others."Musicians generally regard the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs as unequaled by any otOLE BULL. The best instruments of instruments of the class I havo ever seen."the class made."-ANNA MEHLIG.-"In all those qualities which constitute excel

lence-unrivaled."-S. B. MILLS.-"Far superior to everything of its class I have seen."-L. M. GOTTSCHALK."Wonderfully beautiful."-P. S. GILMORE."Superior in all respects to any I have ever seen."-EUGENE THAYER."Excelling in quality of tone, general excellence and durability and valuable improvements not found in others.-CARL ZERRAIN."The more critically they are tested, and the more competent the judge, the more certain and high will be the meed of superiority accorded them."-JULIUS EICUBERG.


AT $140, $132 AND $125 EACH.

Considering capacity, elegance and thorough excellence of workmanship, these are CHEAPER THAN ANY BEFORE OFFERED.



The MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS are acknowl- This Company, with its present very extenedged to be the best in the world, excelling all sive machinery and extraordinary facilities for in purity and beauty of tone, power and general manufacture, can afford, and now undertakes to excellence; have uniformly taken highest pre-sell at such prices that its Organs shall be unmiums at Industral Exhibitions, including a questionably cheapest. Four Octave Organs, $50; MEDAL AT PARIS EXPOSITION, Five Octave, $100, $125 and upwards; with three sets Reeds, $150, and upwards; with four sets and are publicly declared by more than 1000 Reeds, Octave Coupler, &c., $260, and upwards. most prominent musicians to be unequaled. (See FORTY STYLES, TO $1,500 EACH. testimonial Circular.)

NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, with full descriptions and drawings of all styles and improvements; also, TESTIMONIAL CIRCULAR, sent free to any address.


154 Tremont St., Boston.

596 Broadway, New York.


15 Laight Street, New York.

DIPTHERIA; It's Nature, History, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment on Hygienic principles, etc. Price, by mail, $1 25.

It contains chapters on the Nosology and Technology of Diptheria, Description and Pathology of Diptheria, the false Membrane, History and Infectiousness of Diptheria, its Causes and Mortality, Complications and Sequelæ, Morbid Anatomy of Diptheria, the Drug and the Hygienic Treatment, Stimulation, etc.

THE TRUE TEMPERANCE PLATFORM; or, An Exposition of the Fallacy of Alcoholic Medication. Being the substance of Addresses delivered at the Queen's Concert Rooms, London; to which is added a Discussion on the Modus Operandi of Alcoholic Medication. Price, by mail, 50 cents.

This excellent Temperance document should be read by every one who would understand the true arguments against the use of alcohol.

WATER CURE FOR THE MILLION. The processes of the Water Cure Explained, Popular Errors Exposed, containing Rules for Bathing, Dieting, Exercising, Recipes for Cooking, directions for Home Treatment, and cases to illustrate, etc. Price, by Tail, 30 cents.

THE TURKISH BATH; Its History and Philosophy. By Erasmus Wilson. With Notes ard an Appendix by M. L. Holbrook, M. D.-This is the only book on the Turkish Bath published in this country. Illustrated. Price 25 cents.

TOBACCO AND ITS EFFECTS.Being a Prize Essay, showing that the use of Tobacco is a physical, mental, moral, and social eril. By HENRY GIBBONS, M. D., Editor Pacific Medical and Surgical ournal. Price, by mail, 20 cents.

RATHE'S MANUAL OF GYMNASTICS. Illustrated. For Instruction in Classes and Private use. Dio Lewis's System Explained. By W. L. Rathe. Price 40 cents.

DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. Giving their Cause, means of Prevention, and methods of Cure. Price 25 cents.

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List of Articles for Sale by WOOD & HOLBROOK, No. 15 Light Street, New York. BACON'S HOME GYMNASIUM, with book of explanation and 100 cuts, $10.

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-Trapeze Adjustment, with 32 illustra -Swing Adjustment, for children, $1 50. Each part sold separately. The whole, $15. This is the most valuable piece of Gymnastic apparatus for home use ever invented. Any one can use it. For weak chests, backs, and sides its use is the best remedy known. A half hour's use of it daily would prevent and cure many cases of dyspepsia and consumption.

SYRINGES.-The best styles in market. Usual style, by mail, $3. For children, with Eye and Ear Douche for sores, etc., $2. The Spray Syringe, $3. The Trade supplied.

BOUND VOLUMES.-We still have a few Bound Volumes for 1863, 1864, 1867, 1868 and 1869 for sale, postpaid, by mail, for $3 Soon it will be impossible to obtain them.

HERALD OF HEALTH COVERS-so that every one can bind their numbers and preserve them neatly. 50 cents.

BREAD PANS-for making light, aerated Bread without soda, saleratus, yeast, or other poisonous compounds. Only by Express, $1 25.

HAND MILLS-for cracking Wheat, making Rusk, Hominy, etc. By Express, $3.

BEST GRAHAM CRACKERS-per barrel, $10 Half barrel -38 lbs., $6.

ELECTRIC MACHINES-Kidder's, best Manufactured, $20 to $22:

FILTERS.-Simmons's, Syphon, $3.




Price 50 cents, or if sent by mail, 65 cents.
15 Laight Street, New York.


Canal Street. Ladies', Gentlemen's, Boys', Misses' (and Children's Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, in all their varieties, always on hand. Work made to order, and Repairing done on the shortest notice and reasonable terms. DAVID WALKER,



No. 415 Canal, corner Sullivan Street.

D. H. PRIME, Printer, at the Hygienic Institute, N. Y.

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13 & 15 Laight Street, New York City.

A. L. WOOD, M. D., Physician.

THE objects of this institution, which has been n successful operation for more than twenty years, are two-fold, viz.: 1. The Treatment and Cure of the Sick, without poisoning them, by Hygienic agencies alone.

2. To furnish a pleasant, genial IIOME to friends of Hygiene throughout the world, whenever they visit this city.



Thousands of Invalids have been successfully treated at this institution during the past twenty years, and its fame is known wherever the English language is spoken. Its appliances for the treatment of disease without the use of poisonous drugs are the most extensive and complete of any institute in America. They comprise the celebrated Turkish Baths, Electric Baths, Vapor Baths, Swedish Movement Cure, Machine Vibrations, the varied and extensive resources of the Water Cure, Lifting Cure, Magnetism, Healthful Food, a Pleasant Home, etc. etc. Particular attention is given to the treatment of all forms of CHRONIC DISEASE, especially of Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Torpidity of the Liver, Weak Lungs, and Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, Poor Circulation, General Debility, Curvature of the Spine, Scrofula, Diseases of the Skin, Uterine Weaknesses and Displacements, Spermatorrhea, etc. Any one wishing further information should Send for a Circular, containing further particulars, terms, etc., which will be sent free by return mail.


We are open at all hours of the Day and Night for the reception of Boarders and Patients. Our location is con venient of access from the Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings, and to the business part of the city. Street care pass near the doors to all parts of the city, making it a very convenient stopping-place for persons visiting the city on business or pleasure. Our table is supplied with the Best Kinds of Food, Healthfully Prepared, and Plenty of it. Ir these respects it is unequaled. Come and See! and learn how to live healthfully at home. Terms reasonable.

WOOD & HOLBROOK, Proprietors.



UNDER the Psycho-Hygienic method of treatment we have cured the following diseases, many cases of which were of long standing, those afflicted with them having tried every other form of treatment known to them without any benefit, before coming to us.

1. Very severe cases of scald-head.

2. Severe cases of deafness with running sores from the ears.

3. Bad cases of inflammation of the eyes.

4. Total blindness accompanied with Saint Vitus's dance.

5. Nasal catarrh of varied forms in the extremest degree of offensiveness.

6. Great numbers of cases of bronchial sore throat.

7. Very severe cases of ulcerated mouth, throat, and stomach.

8. Severe cases of long standing congestion of the lungs.

9. Very severe cases of acute inflammation of the lungs.

10. Cancer of the lip and nose.

11. External ulcers on the face.

12. Very severe cases of enlarged glands of the face and jaws.

13. Many cases of incipient consumption. Several cases of advanced consumption.

14. Many cases of pronounced disease of the heart.

15. Hundreds on hundreds of cases of severe chronic dyspepsia.

16. Great numbers of cases of diseases of the liver and of the spleen.

17. Many cases of chronic inflammation of the bowels.

18. Great numbers of severe cases of piles.

19. More than eight thousand cases of female diseases, hundreds of which had baffled the skill of the best physicians when under their special treatment.

20. More than nine thousand cases of spermatorrhea, hundreds of which were so severe as to have ruined the health and prospects in life of the young men who were afflioted with them.

1. A great number of cases of joint, muscular and nerve rheumatism.

22. Neuralgia in many and very severe forms.

23. Many cases of insanity.

24. Many cases of the worst forms of epilepsy.

25. Many cases where persons bave had more than one fit of apoplexy, and a great many cases of severe vertigo. 26. A great many cases of partial paralysis of the lower limbs, or one side of the body.

27. Hundreds of cases of chronic diarrhea.

28. A number of cases of pronounced spinal disease accompanied with curvature of long standing.

29. A great mary cases of chronic syreilis.

30. Hundreds of cases of what doctors call nervous debility.

31. More than a thousand cases of bowel consumption, or what doctors call marasmus.

32. More than a hundred cases of severe diptheria, also a great many cases of scarlet fever.

Add to these that we have treated a great many cases of typhus and typhoid fevers, billions intermittent fevers, congestive chills, ordinary fever and ague, dysentery in its worst forms, and the reader can get a bird's eye view of the efficacy and sufficiency of our methods of treatment, enough perhaps to arouse him to make a decided investigation into its merits; particularly when we add that no medicine has ever been given by our physicians in a single case, though occasionally permission has been granted to patients to continue for a little while after coming here medicines to which they had long been accustomed.

Now we do so like to have a good understanding, and do so dislike to have a misunderstanding, with any person or persons who may seek to obtain relief from their ailments or cure of their diseases from us by a visit to Our Home on the Hillside and a course of treatment therein, that we wish to say one or two things so that whoever may read this notice and be induced to come to us shall find themselves in the best relation to efforts for their recovery, after they shall get here.

18T. Permit us to say fo all who are sick and may be disposed to seek relief by the use of Psycho-Hygienic treatment in Our Home, that we want they should make such preparation at home before coming, as to enable them to keep their souls within their bodies while under treatment. To have care, anxiety, trouble of spirit, uneasiness of mind and restlessness of soul while here taking treatment because of their ill relation to their business or their duties at their homes is to place themselves under great disadvantage.

2ND. To be unpleasantly related to their lives here because of their dissatisfaction with our plan of life for them, is also to detract greatly from their progress.

Let it be understood that Our Home is conducted on a plan different from that of other Water Cures; that it is an Institution seeking to restore the sick to health by and through the use of such agencies only as are compatible with the laws of life and health as these exist in the human body and its relations to the outside world.

We aim to keep every thing neat and nice about the establishment, but every thing is plain. There is no show nor fashion here. The rich, the extremely refined, and the elegantly cultured; as well as the poor, the plain, the simple, and the unlettered are here. And as God's laws make no distinction between these in assertion of authority, nor in the blessings conferred when obedience is rendered, neither do we. We treat every man and women well, because they are human beings, and all the professional, social, religious, and personal influences of our Institution, are brought to bear on these persons of whatever grade or standing of growth in the higher life they may have reached, from such points of interest as to make them take on larger hope, broader faith, diviner impressions, more manly and womanly courage, and enlture if possible to have it so, than the best of them have attained.

Our Home, therefore, is a school or college of learning as well as an infirmary for the sick; an Institution where the most intelligent and refined can learn how to live in better relations to the development of their own faculties and powers, how to make these of higher use to others as well as to themselves, and thus how to attain elevation of thought, feeling and conduct in life, such as before coming here they had not known. It is a source of great satisfaction to us that while restoring thousands on thousands of sick persons to health, we have also been instrumental in giving to them knowledge and inspiration to live better lives henceforth than hitherto they had lived.

If therefore you want to come to one of the most beautiful places in the world, because of its natural surroundings; to one of the most healthy because of the purity of its atmosphere, softness of its water, equableness of its temperature, dryness of its air, and the brightness of its sunshine; and also desire to become a member for the time you may stay, of a community where each one is constantly summoned up to do all that he or she can to make the life of every other person in that community pleasant, hopeful, happy and good, and because of living in such circumstances and obeying the laws of nature, recover your health and strength, hope, courage, and power to do good and power to succeed amongst men, come on. We will take you and do the best we can for you.

Our Physician-in-Chief, James C. Jackson, M. D., will be in charge of the Cure for the coming season with good assistants. We hope to have our house full of earnest, thoughtful, jatient, determined invalids, whose whole purpose of heart shall be by God's blessing to shake off and put away from them their diseases and receive back once more health, strength and newness of life. 1

Address for Circulars or other information, HARRIET N. AUSTIN, M. D., President Our Home Hygienic Institute of Dansville, Livingston Co., N. Y.



THE Theory of the WALTHAM WATCH Manufacture has always been impregnable. The Hand-made Watch had recommendations as long as machinery was imperfect, and the average of skilled labor low. But good watches, made by hand, were always high-priced; those lower in price were inferior in finish, and almost worthless. The application of MACHINERY got rid of both these drawbacks. It cheapened the cost of the higher grades, and improved the Quality of the lower grades. It thus, for the first time, brought Good Time-Keepers within the reach of ALL.

The experimental period of the machine-made Watch is now in the past. There were diffi cuities to be surmounted, prejudices to be overcome. The attainment of the requisite perfection in machinery involved long delays. The development of the requisite skill was necessarily slow.

The Waltham Watch is now an Established Success.

It runs with the greatest accuracy. It wears well. The longer it is worn, the more it is liked; and the facility with which, in the event of accident, it is repaired, obviates an objection which is felt toward other watches. American enterprise and SKILL have proved their ability to compete with the finest workmanship of hand-labor in the Old World.

The Waltham Watch is the Cheapest Watch in the Market.

Comparing quality with quality, it is without a rival as to price. The finer qualities are as good as the best imported, and the price is, on the average, twenty per cent. less. The ordinary qualities so much surpass all ordinary imported Watches as to render comparison of prices impossible. In intrinsic cheapness-that is, estimating price according to value,

THE WALTHAM WATCH HAS NO COMPETITOR. Tastes vary, and fashions change. While keeping constantly in view the one essential of a good Watch,


aims at satisfying the various tastes in respect of size, shape, and finish. New Styles are brought out continually-new as to both movement and exterior. Among the latest novelties are the "Crescent-Street" full-plate Watch, specially recommended to Railway Engineers, and constant travelers, and a Small Watch, intended more especially for young persons. The latter is offered at a very low price. The other, THE "CRESCENT-STREET" WATCH, is made with or without stem-winding and setting attachment, and is unsurpassed by any maker. It embraces the best results of many years' study and experience, and is commended to the attention of travelers and business men, who have need of a watch that can be relied upon under ALL conditions. A third Novelty is intended more particularly for foreign markets, where it will stand competition with the small English, or the light Swiss Watch. Of these, and all its other grades,

The Waltham Company challenges Examination.

The demand for its Watches widens with the knowledge of their EXCELLENCE.

For sale by all Jewelers. No Watches retailed by the Company.

For further information address



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