The Statutes at Large, the United States from ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1887 |
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act granting amend America in Congress appropriated Approved article of treaty bridge cents CHAP clerks of class common carrier Congress assembled construction Continuing improvement court Department District of Columbia eight hundred dollars eighteen hundred eighty-three and prior enacted February February 23 fifty dollars fiscal year eighteen five hundred dollars five thousand dollars four hundred dollars granting a pension hereby House of Representatives hundred and eighty hundred and eighty-five hundred and eighty-three hundred and fifty Indian January 27 July July 29 June 24 lands lars March ment Missouri River navigation nine hundred officers oleomargarine penses Provided public building purchase relief repairs River sand dollars Secretary Secretary of War Senate and House six hundred dollars Territory thereof thousand dollars thousand eight hundred thousand five hundred thousand four hundred thousand six hundred thousand two hundred three thousand dollars tion Treasury twenty dollars United
Populāri fragmenti
382. lappuse - Every common carrier subject to the provisions of this act shall, according to their respective powers, afford all reasonable, proper and equal facilities for the interchange of traffic between their respective lines, and for the receiving, forwarding and delivering of passengers and property to and from their several lines and those connecting therewith...
382. lappuse - Act to charge and receive as great compensation for a shorter as for a longer distance; provided, however, that upon application to the Commission appointed under the provisions of this Act, such common carrier may, in special cases, after investigation by the Commission, be authorized to charge less for longer than for shorter distances for the transportation of passengers or property; and the Commission may from time to time prescribe the extent to which such designated common carrier may be relieved...
385. lappuse - ... suffer or permit to be done, any act, matter, or thing in this act prohibited or declared to be unlawful...
381. lappuse - railroad" as used in this act shall include all bridges and ferries used or operated in connection with any railroad, and also all the road in use by any corporation operating a railroad, whether owned or operated under a contract, agreement, or lease; and the term "transportation" shall include all instrumentalities of shipment or carriage.
381. lappuse - ... engaged in the transportation of passengers or property wholly by railroad (or partly by railroad and partly by water when both are used under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment...
442. lappuse - That in order to aid in acquiring and diffusing among the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects connected with agriculture, and to promote scientific investigation and experiment respecting the principles and applications of agricultural science...
388. lappuse - All of the expenses of the commission, including all necessary expenses for transportation incurred by the commissioners or by their employees under their orders, in making any investigation, or upon official business in any other places than in the city of Washington, shall be allowed and paid on the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor approved by the commission.
385. lappuse - That the Commission hereby created shall have authority to inquire into the management of the business of all common carriers subject to the provisions of this Act, and shall keep itself informed as to the manner and method in which the same is conducted, and shall have the right to obtain from such common carriers full and complete information necessary to enable the Commission to perform the duties and carry out the objects for which it was created...
383. lappuse - And when any such common carrier shall have established and published its rates, fares, and charges in compliance with the provisions of this section, it shall be unlawful for such common carrier to charge, demand, 'collect, or receive from any person or persons a greater or less compensation for the transportation of passengers or property, or for any services in connection therewith, than is specified in such published schedule of rates, fares, and charges as may at the time be in force.
444. lappuse - That payments of such installments of the appropriation herein made as shall become due to any state before the adjournment of the regular session of legislature meeting next after the passage of this act shall be made upon the assent of the governor thereof, duly certified to the secretary of the treasury.