108 30. Jan. 17, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 18; A 663036. 31. Jan. 18, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 19; A 663097. 32. Jan. 19, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 20; A 663104. 34. Jan. 22, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 23; A 663270. BRACKETT (George) * Boston. Original economic ratio standard pelt value vs. live fox value. Sheet, illus., printed on both sides, 11 by 9 in. 101 Jan. 23, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 26; A 695864. BRADFORD (James C.) Musical synopsis. [New York, Famous playersLasky corporation, 1922] Each, Sheet, printed on both sides, 12 by 9 102-104 in. For Back home and broke. Dec. 23, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 13, 1923; A 694902. For my American wife. © Jan. 2, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 13; A 694904. For Drums of fate. Dec. 27, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 13, 1923; A 694903. Famous players-Lasky corp., New York. [Applications give Famous players-Lasky corporation as author under Sec. 62.] BRANDON (Edgar Ewing)* Oxford, O. Spanish series for beginners. Lessons 5, 10, 16, 18, 16, 12, 8, 12, 10, and 7. 121 loose 1. 12mo. 105 Dec. 15, 1922; 2 c. Dec. 22; aff. Jan. 25, 1923; A 695895. BRANNONS. Doc Blow's notes. (In Dallas world) 106 Dec. 22, 1922; 1 c. Jan. 2, 1923; A 651989; John Parke Hussey, Dallas. BRANOWER (Edmund I.)* New York. Proper care of the teeth and danger of neglect. 21 p. illus., diagrs. 107 .0. 1, 1923 BLACKSTONE INSTITUTE*, Chicago. 81-88 Causes of action. 12 p. 8vo. (Blackstone legal training course and service. Guide no. 51) © Nov. 7, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 12, 1923; A 695345. Filing the præcipe. 12 p. 8vo. (Modern American law course and service. Guide no. 53) © Dec. 29, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 12, 1923; A 695347. Personal liberty. 9 p. 8vo. (Black stone legal training course and service. Guide no. 54) Jan. 29, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 12; A 695348. Practical training and self-survey bulletins. nos. 51-54. 4v. 8vo. Nov. 7, 8, Dec. 29, 1922; 2 c. each and affs. Jan. 12, 1923; A 695341-695344. Steps in pleading. 11 p. 8vo. (Blackstone legal training course and service. Guide no. 52) © Nov. 7, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 12, 1923; A 695346. BLOESER (Walt) & co. Mighty-but walled in! Sheet, col. illus., printed on both sides, 11 by 7 in., fold. to 16mo. 89 Dec. 30, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 12, 1923; A 695350; Walt Bloeser, Chicago. BOISE, Id. R. L. Polk & co.'s Boise city and Ada County directory, 1923. v. 14. Salt Lake City, R. L. Polk & co. 1923. 418 p. 8vo. 90 Dec. 9, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 6, 1923; A 690929; R. L. Polk & co. of Utah, Salt Lake City. SONTER (Max)* Kent, N. Y. Black channel. (In Adventure, Feb. 20, 1923) 91 Jan. 5, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 17; A 663016. ORSODI (Ralph)* Tallman, N. Y. 92-100 7. Dec. 18, 1922; 1 c. Jan. 17, 1923; A 662916. 18. Jan. 3, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 4; A 662100. 21. Jan. 6, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 8; A 662377. 22. Jan. 8, 1922; 1 c. Jan. 9; A 662405. 24. Jan. 10, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 11; A 662457. nar. 16mo. Jan. 6, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 11; A 694762. BRATTLEBORO, Vt. Brattleboro (Vermont) directory, 1922. v. 23. Springfield, Mass., H. A. Manning company, 1922. 275 p. 8vo. 108 Sept. 12, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 2, 1923; A 696092; H. A. Manning co., Springfield, Mass. Jan. 4, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jar 11; A 694777. BUREAU OF VOCATIONAL RESEARCH New York. What shall I be? 15 I nar. 16mo. 12 Dec. 23, 1922; 2 c. Dec. 28; aff. Jan. 25, 1923; A 695896. BRISBANE (Arthur) 110,111 Cat would like fish-but. © Jan. 14, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 16; A 662884. Dope the slavemaker. Jan. 6, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jar 24; A 695833. © Jan. 21, BURGESS (Thornton W.) 1923; 1 c. Jan. 22; A 663247. [Note: The foregoing are in New York American.] O International feature service, inc., New York. BROOKS (Keith Leroy)* Los Angeles. 23; A 695800. BROWN (Cyril) 113-116 Cuno cabinet plans aggressive policy. Nov. 24, 1922; 1 c. Jan. 18, 1923; A 663007. French hold Ruhr in a velvet grip. Germans urged to endure. Jan. New York times co., New York. BRUECKERLITES MFG. COo.*, Fort Wayne, Ind. Instructions for installing Brueckerlites. Sheet, illus., diagrs. 121 by 6 in. 117 Dec. 29, 1922; 2 c. Jan. 2, 1923; aff. Jan. 17; A 695951. BUCKLEY (Elton J.)* Philadelphia. You may have an order and you may not. (In Modern merchant and grocery world) 118 Jan. 1, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 4; A 662095. BULLARD MACHINE TOOL Co.*, Bridgeport, Conn. Bullard mult-au-matic. Operator's hand book. 93, [3] p. (part. fold., part blank) illus., diagrs. 8vo. 119 Nov. 1, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 26; A 695877. 122-13 Buster Bear invites old Mr. Toad t dine. [11] p. col. illus. 48m Aug. 18, 1922; 2 c. and aff. De 30; A 693817. Digging match. [11] p. col. illus 48mo. Aug. 18, 1922; 2 c. an aff. Dec. 30; A 693823. Discontent of Peter Rabbit. [11] I col. illus. 48mo. Aug. 18 1922: 2 c. and aff. Dec. 30; 4 693832. Fun with Farmer Brown's boy Grandfather Frog stays in the smil Jerry Muskrat is laughed at. [11] Jerry Muskrat wins respect. [11] p col. illus. 48mo. Aug. 18 1922; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 30; A 693826. Jumper the Hare cannot Peter Rabbit finds no one to play Peter Rabbit is lonesome. [11] p col. illus. 48mo. Aug. 18 1922; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 30; A 693824. 5. 1, 1923 156 Peter Rabbit puts on airs. [11] p. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DIRECTORY of Davenport, col. illus. 48mo. Aug. 18, graphed] Dec. 11, 1922; 2 c. Dec. 22; A 696001. Miracles of candidacy, 4-5. Chronicles of reality, 1 to 10 inc. cover-title, various pagings. 4to. Iowa, 1922. Davenport, Ia., The Monarch press [1922] cover-title, 1 p. l., 49, [1] p. nar. 16mo. 144 Dec. 15, 1922; 2-c. Jan. 11, 1923; aff. Jan. 25; A 695902; Fred G. Norman, Davenport, Ia. C. B. C. FILM SALES CORP.*, New York. Forbidden love. Synopsis. Sheet, 11 by 8 in. 145 Freddie. False Sweetie!! Proof, illus. Jan. 19, 1923; 2 c. and aff.. Jan. 29; A 695960. Yes, if you wish to know, I'm going to a dawnce. Proof. illus. Dec. 29, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 11, 1923; A 695297. Piffle family. Dearie doesn't let her sweetie get discouraged. Proof, illus. Jan. 19, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 29; A 695954. Firm that Hon works for. Proof, illus. Dec. 29, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 11, 1923; A 692296. King features syndicate, inc., New York. CALLOWAY (Artemus A.)* BirmingAla. Dreamland children. 150 ham, (In Birmingham, Ala., news) v. 3. [Mimeographed] © Dec. 11, 1922; 2 c. Dec. 22; A 696003. Sym Program of righteousness, 48-49-50. Boiling pot, 1 to 4 inc. posium 2. Miracles of candidacy, 1-2-3. v. 2. cover-title, various pagings. 4to. [Mimeographed] Dec. 11, 1922; 2 c. Dec. 22; A 696002. Jan. 1, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 4; A 663017. CAMPBELL (Frank E.)* New York. In the hour of need. allel with binding] Jan. 24, 1923; A 695843. Aug. 9, 1922; 2 c. and aff. 151, 152 Jan. 16, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 18; A 663040. Sacred task. Jan 9, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 18; A 662925. [Note. The foregoing are in New York times] CAMPBELL, METZGER & JACOBSON*, New York. Instructions for crocheting and embroidering Peri-lusta pillow cases, scarfs and vanitie sets. Forms H 39, 40. 2 folders, illus. fol. 153, 154 Jan 6, 10, 1923; 2 c. each and aff. Jan. 13; A 694873, 694874. CANNAN (Cecil C.)* Houston. 155, 156 Making money with Cannan. cover title, [16] p. port. nar. 8vo. Jan. 18, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 22; A 695767. Systematic saving. cover-title, 16 p. 16mo. Jan. 18, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 22; A 695766. 157 pt. 1, n. s., v.2 CHATTANOOGA MEDICINE Co.*, Cha tanooga. Traitement Cardni po les maladies de la femme. cove title, 16 p. (incl. ports.) 12mo. 16 O Dec. 22, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Ja 26, 1923; A 695873. CHESAPEAKE & POTOMAC TELEPHON co. of Baltimore City*, Baltimor Hagerstown, Clear Spring, Hancoc [etc.] Md., telephone directory, fa issue, 1922. cover-title, 68, 83 1 8vo. 16 Jan. 11, 1923; 2 c. Jan. 12 aff. Jan. 13; A 694861. CHICAGO ASSN. OF COMMERCE*, Chicag Way to ship from Chicago. 19t ed. Jan., 1923. cover-title, variou pagings. (indexed) 4to. 16 Jan. 2, 1923; 2 c. Jan. 3; af Jan. 4; A 695651. CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE. Bulletin. Paris, Jan. 12. 170-17 Jar 13, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 20; A 66310 -Riga, Jan. 12. Jan. 13, 1923 1 c. Jan. 20; A 663110. Enemy of klan kidnapped. © Jar 1, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 6; A 662365. Roumania begins martial law i Transylvania. Jan. 16, 1923 1 c. Jan. 22; A 663236. [Note: The foregoing are in Chi cago daily tribune] Chicago tribune, Chicago. 174, 17 CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE. German school children dead starvation. Jan. 7, 1923; 1 Jan. 22; A 663235. $10,000.00 in cash prizes. Jar CAREY (Anita B.)* Richmond Hill, N. CARNEGIE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. 158 Jan. 10, 1923; 2 c. Jan. 16. aff. Jan. 15; A 695431. CARPENTER (Frank G.)* Washington. 159, 160 Belgium effaces evidence of war in many salients. (In Nashville Tennessean) Jan. 14, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 18; A 663047. Labor and business going at full speed in the French capital. (In Washington Sunday star) Dec. 3, 1922; 1 c. Dec. 6; A 650722. CENTRAL POCAHONTAS COAL CO. [Hampton Roads schedule of charges pertaining to bunker coal] [4] p. nar. 16mo. 161 Jan. 26, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 29; A 695944; Harrison G. Ecker, New York. CENTURY ADVERTISING SERVICE, inc.*, New York. 162-164 Beau Brummell; advertising system for high grade haberdashers. [Feb., 1923] cover-title, 35 1. illus. fol. Jan. 3, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 24; A 695853. Casco [system, Feb., 1923]. covertitle, 23, 19 numb. 1. illus. fol. [With this: Le chapeau, Feb., 1923] Jan. 4, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 24; A 695852. Century advertising service, Feb. 1923. 23 numb. 1. illus. obl. 4to. Jan. 2, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 24; A 695851. CHAPIN (BEN E.)* Newark, N. J. 165, 166 Political regulation. Jan. 2, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 15; A 662914. Why government ownership? O Jan. 2, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 15; A 662913. [Note: The foregoing are in Railroad employee] 14, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 17; A 662860 [Note: The foregoing are in Ch cago Sunday tribune] Chicago tribune, Chicago. CHILDS (Leslie)* Greenfield, Ind. 176, 17 Law for the dentist. 24. (In Denta cosmos, Jan., 1923) Dec. 2 1922; 1 c. Jan. 19, 1923; A 663100 Law for the hotel man. 2 Insta ments. (In Hotel gazette) Cor tents: 1. Liability of hotel ma 2. Liability of hotel keepers. Nov. 25, 1922; Jan. 6, 1923; 1 each Jan. 19, 1923; A 663101. 201 . 1, 1923 nar. HURCH & DWIGHT CO.*, New York. Friend in need. Each, 32 p. 24 mo. 178, 179 Arm & Hammer. Nov. 6, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 11, 1923; A 694773. Cow brand. Nov. 6, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 11, 1923; A 694774. INCINNATI BICKFORD TOOL Co. Cincinnati Bickford 9 and 10 foot master radials. [4] p. illus. 4to. (Circular R. 7) 180 Jan. 8, 1923; 2 c. Jan. 12; aff. Jan. 29; A 699004; Henry McCoy Norris, Cincinnati. LAPP (Frank L.)* Madison, Wis. Clapp's standard school tests. Correct English. 2 v. 4to. (Forms A. B) 181, 182 Sept. 10, 1922; 2 c. each and aff. Jan. 15, 1923; A 695422, 695423. LARK BARGET & Co.*, Chicago. Not a rainy day. Sunny days. covertitle, 12 p. illus., diagrs. 16 mo. nar. 183 Dec. 18, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 29, 1923; A 699027. LASSIFIED TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES CORP.*, New York. Oleck's green book of Borough of Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y., classified telephone directory, 1922-1923. covertitle, 32 p. 4to. 184 Jan. 10, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 29; A 695943. LAYTON (Henri)* New York. Clayton's card guide. Card, col. facsims. printed on both sides, 6 by 101 in. 185 Dec. 1, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 22, 1923; A 695780. LAYTON (John) 186-191 [Bulletin] Essen, Jan. 13. Jan. 13, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 20; A 663106. Halt U. S. concessions. © Jan. 2, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 6; A 662358. Ismet and Child confer. Jan. 1, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 6; A 662370. Peace in your hands, Turks tell Allies. Jan. 7, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 22; A 663233. Refused Yanks elope and wed in Luxembourg. Jan. 16, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 22; A 663239. [Note: The foregoing are in Chicago daily or Sunday tribune] Chicago tribune, Chicago. COBB (Howard P.) Shoe factory accounting and cost keeping. pt. 1. The shoe industry. chap. 2. Sec. f. (In Hide and leather.) 192 Jan. 13, 1923; 1 c. Jan. 18; A 663126; Jacobsen pub. co., Chicago. COFFMANN (Hal) Coffmann's cartoons. Each, proof, illus. 193-195 Henry here it is the first of the year.Dec. 20, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan 19, 1923; A 695609. If you had an awful lot of money. Jan. 5, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 19; A 695616. When the rest of the world gets in a scrap. Dec. 30, 1922; 2 c. and aff. Jan. 19, 1923; A 695608; International feature service inc., New York. COGHLAN (James J.)* Jersey City, Coghlan's jester [no. 2] 62 p. 8vo. |