nos. 1-12, 1923 Perry (Lawrence) Sporting blood. Petit-Mangin (-) Knock-out. 7223. 39425. Perry (M. E.) : Among those present. 10152. Jonah's whale. 24188. Sketch bk. of life. 6305. Trying 'em out. 10464. Perry (Peter) Spoiled parents. 19404. Perry photo novelty corp. Three new Perry tick-tack art medallions. 893. Perryville, Md., map. 24606. 27649, 33721, 39427, 45573, 5403754039. Persons (V. H.) Syllabus for Bible study. 3101. Perth Amboy, N. J., direct. 27650. Peter (René) Pouche. 10398. Peters (E. K.) Set up of the an Peterson (Н. С.): Above the clouds with the pony express pouch. [etc.] 3942939442. Chinese tong wars of the days of 49. [etc.] 33722-33730. Dodging the hug of the grizzly. [etc.] 54042, 54043. Early river navigation. 45575, 45576. [etc.] Petruccelli (L. M.) Modern cain. 43103. Petrus Stuyvesant bk. guild. Guthrie (W. N.) Verse parallels. 5170. Petry (E. J.) Plant anal. & descr. 54045. Pettet (R. D.) Bus. letters for optometrists. 9455. Pettijohn (M. L.): Accompanist. 34982. Across the airie-way. 28778. Pettijohn (T. S.) Community playground. 39443. Pettric (V. F.) Motoring in Wis. 18043. Peyrade (Robert de la) See De la Peyrade (Robert) Peyster (Katherine de) See De Peyster (Kathrine) Pfeiffer (E. H.) Winged wheel. 6309. Pfeiffer (Frederick) & co., inc. Zill (Ludwig) Regarding the technique. 6997. Famous hang trees of Calif. gold Pferdmenges (Charles) Stammering & its cure. 39444. 6310. Philadelphia guide of prescription opticians. Pig's eye failed. Philadelphia real estate bd. Yr. bk. 54087. Philadelphia seed co., inc. : Certified PSC seed. 54088. Philadelphia storage battery co.: Philco money back battery sery- Philippine Islands, map. 41605. Philippon (R.) Mysteries de Paris, 14296. Philipsborn's. Philipsborn's style & shopping guide. 18049, 39463, 39464. Phillippi, W. Va., map. 41606. Phillips (Charles) Herself. 24159. Clara's own story. [etc.] 39465. Ahlers & Davis. Bringing Broad 10773. way to Dayton. Berkeley (F. W.) Old & the new. 36097. Bogler cafeteria. Look before you eat. 30209. Coca-Cola bottling works. Keeping step with the times. 20505. Halbrooks (P. M.) Say it with flowers. 31765. Homestead baking co. Nature's two greatest foods. 38068. Homestead gas & elec. supply co. progress. Keep abreast 38069. of Irwin (T. W.) Keeping step with progress. 32043. Jones & Wesson. Success & the cause of it. 32162. Kuhn motor co. Public opinion is changing. 32310. Lytle's electric shop. Today's greatest slave. 21950. Experience of Food for Meyer, Lindorf co. Newark monument co. On the Park natl. bank. Secret of success. 22861. Voris (J. V.) Good teeth. 9985. 2737-2745, 5673, 5674. Phoenix, Ariz., direct. 18052. Phoenix hosiery co.: Because it is finished by hand. One half of your life-time. 45641. 'Tis a silk garbed world. 27660. Twixt foot & shoe. 895. Women vs. men. 54112. Phoenix safe co. Phoenix burglary chests. [etc.] 45642-45644.. Phono-syllabic sec. & acct. schl. of Rochester. Graduation. 18053. Photo drama co., inc.: Headin' through. 47624. Kings Creek law. 35670. Photomap co. Calif., map. 3933. Photoplay mag. Age factor in selling. 6314. Pickell (M. W.) U. S. wheat production. 896. Picken (J. H.) Six fundamental rules of letter writing. 9461. Picken (M. B.) : Brocade, black velvet. [etc.] 9462-9479. Brown chiffon & lace. [etc.] 22918-22928. Chiffon with taffeta. [etc.] 33743, Dresses. 22925-22928. Patterns for aprons & caps. [etc.] Pickens (A. L.) Palestine, map. 7504. Pickford (Mary) co. Rosita. 35712. Pickles (J. E.) Cowling's system. 45645. Pickthall (M. L. C.) Bulletin. [etc.] 45647-45648. Picorri (John) Grameses the eleventh. 41344. Pictorial clubs, inc.: Forty thousand neglected customers. 13125. Pictorial associates. Pidgeon (М. Е.) 22929. Storey (Daisy) Pierce (A. L.) Beautify your home with gold seal congoleum. 45650. Pierce (B. S.) Wall between. 33745 Pierce (C. W.) : Breaking Winnie. 24061. Job thirteen. 1265. Laziest man in the world. 19292. Not by a dam site. 29007. Tip by radio. 14366. When Grant surrendered to Lee. 24364. Who am I? 24370. Pierce (Dana): Elec. circuits. 1693. Underwriters' requirements for safe elec. installations. 14776. Pierce (Ellis) pseud. See Smith (M. Pi kappa P.) Pierce (F. C.) Colloquial & idiomatic Mexican. 13126. Pierce (J. A.) Real secrets of free Pick (Albert) & co.: masonry. 54116. Hot drink & luncheonette. Schl. cafeterias. [etc.] 94589460. 39471. Pierce (J. J.) Pierce system of mileage computation. 27662. Pick-Mangiagalli (R.) Mahit. 10332. Pierce (Percy) When fairies fly in airplanes. 3127. Jacqueline. 10702. Pinero (A. W.) 14392 (1) Benefit of the doubt. Pinillos (J. López) See López Pinillos (J.) Pinkard (Maceo) Liza. 7230. Pinkerton (K. G.) Jungle drama. 39480. Pinkerton (R. E.) Indian blood. 9480, 13130, 18066, 18067, 22930-22933, 27668-27670. Pinkerton (W. J.) Pinkerton-r. r. shippers, &c., cross indexed car & corres. rec. 22934. Pinkham (H. W.) Collective homicide letters. 898. Pinkham (William): Craig Kennedy. 10208. Eyes in the dark. 7136. Pinochet (Tancredo) americanas de Nueva York. Pinski (David): Pionieri dell emancipazione. MelesPorru (Frank) Programma massimo. 51955. Piper (C. E.) Shine on. 19144. Piper (L. M.) More truth than poetry. 39481. Piper (R. F.) Introduction to the science of thinking. 6317, 22935. Pipp (E. G.): Ford's broken promise. 27671. Romance of Detroit real estate. 54124. Piqua, O., direct. 27672. Pirandello (Luigi): Come prima. 3756. Each in his own way. 47208.* He didn't mean it. Honesty. 10278. 7179. Legal title. 47281. Man, beast & virtue. 14274. Man with the flower. 10341. Piron (Alexis) Metronomie. 35094.* Pirox loid products corp. Manovill (Hugo) That you may know the ancient game. 22059. Pirtle (G. W.) Cumberland Co., Ky., map. 19511. Pitman (Isaac & sons: McKee (Louise) Pitman's loose leaf suppl. typewriting exercises. 12388. Pract. course in touch typewriting. 18553. Smith (C. E.) Pract. course in touch typewriting. 28141. Pitman, N. J., map. 24608. Pitometer co. Cole pitometer system. 54125. Pitt (F. M.) Life. 18069. Pitts (W. S.) Mother Goose dot pictures. 6318-6321. Pittsburg, Kans., map. 24609. Pittsburg Co., Okl., map. 29478. Pittsburgh, Pa., direct. 18070. Escuelas inter 37009. Pittsburgh, Pa., map. 35542. Pittsburgh blue bk. 899. Final balance. 10235. 29479-29480, nos. 1-12, 1923 Pittsburgh builders exchange. Complete bldg. show and-own-a home expos. Off. hdbk. & direct. 8058. Pittsburgh Chamber of commerce. Pittsburgh, Pa., map. 29479. Pittsburgh-Des Moines steel co. Elevated steel water tanks. 9481. Pittsburgh plate glass co. Glass, hist., mfr. & its universal appl. [etc.] 39482, 39483. Pittsburgh sun. Pittsburgh sun hand bk. 54126. Pittsburgh transformer co.: Bul. [etc.] 6324, 6325, 9482, 27673-27676. Installation of two 15,000 kva Pittsburgh polyphase transformers. [etc.] 33746, 33747. Installations Pittsburgh transformers. 45653. Pressed steel cases. 18071. Pittsburgh (Univ. of) Dept. of psychol. Special abilities test. 22936. Research bur. for retail training: Manual for a negligee dept. 13229. Manual for a waist dept. 6413. Manual for china & glassware depts. [etc.] 45654, 45655. Store language. 55708. Pittsburg water heater co.: Greater comfort. [etc.] 6322, 6323. Kitchen kalendar. 547. Butterscotch pie. [etc.] 27677- Cherry pie. 6326. Custard pie. 13135. Lemon pie. [etc.] 22937, 22938. Pittsford purity pies. 33748. Pittsford purity pie co. : Pittston, Pa., direct. 18073. Pivan (C. A.) Sundstrand adding machine sales agency. Does more. 6770. Place (George) Rept. of a spec. investigation. 54131. Plain dealer pub. co.: Cleveland, O., map. 3939. Grocers route list. 48921. Cleveland plain dealer. Would Plainfield, N. J., direct. 901. Plainfield trust co. Who will inherit your estate if you leave no will? 54144. Plainville, Conn., direct. 1849. y Planas (Alfonso). Plant marvel laboratories: Directions for using plant marvel. [etc.] 18074-18076. How to use plant marvel. 27681. Plasterers' guide. 22939. 10465. Platt (Mrs. Mortimer) Ref. outline of the Bible. 9485. Platt (Peter) pseud. See Platt (C. Н.). Adv. & the oil marPlatt (W. С.) keter. 45658. Platt (W. L.) Amer. policy. 9486. Platt & Munk co., inc. Mother Goose. 12562. Platte Co., Neb., map. 14523. Plattsburgh, N. Y., direct. 903, 39490. Plattsmouth, Neb. First natl. bank. 14 cents makes a banker. 27682. Playgoers pictures, inc. : Clouded name. 4029. Fortune of Christian McNab. Pauper millionaire. 4080. Tipped off. 24829. |