Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

Jackson (Joseph) Amer. colonial ar-
chitecture. 21557, 26468, 32055,
38156. 50987.

Jackson (Lee) Instr. in pub. speak-
ing. 12033.

Jackson (O. W.) Jackson (O. W.) &
CO. Our salesman's creed. 44176.
Jackson (R. W.) Long Beach Signal
Hill oil field, Calif., map. 7477.
Jackson (Thomas J.) Celina, O. Back
to the Bible. 32056.

Jackson (Thomas Jay) Orlando, Fla.
Triplets. 12034.

Jackson (Thomas Jefferson) Dazey,
N. D. Land & labor monetary sys-
tem. 12035.

Jackson (Thomas Jefferson) Dear-
born. Mich. Bill to provide for the
realization of the constitutional au-
thority. 44177.

Jackson (W. C.) Curse. 24103.
Jackson & Perkins co. Growth of a

half century. 50989.
Jackson Co., Ark., map. 3960.
Jackson Co., Minn., map. 14465.
Jackson drug co. Tide tabs. & st.
direct. 32057.

Jackson highway, map. 35487.

[blocks in formation]

Index to sts. 38159.

Shreveport, La., map. 24645.
Jacobs (William) Toodle aye. 24343.
Jacobs & Chaney new Mich. digest.
12036, 16306, 32058.

Jacobsen (E. A.) Non-sketching stud-
ies. 32059.

Jacobsen pub. co.:

Cobb (H. P.) Shoe factory acctg.
192, 4630, 11270, 15372, 20498,
25440, 30513, 36456, 42742, 49006.
Hide and leather. Buyer's index.

Jacobsohn (Herman) Jew 'n Amer.
industry. 44179.
Jacobson (Leopold):

Dorfmusikanten. 3769.
Katja, die tänzerin, 14246, 28943.
Tanzgräfin. 10450.

Was mädchen träumen. 3908.
Jacoby (C. M.) Marriage. 24234.
Jacovatos (N. H.) Bensinger iron &
steel trade co. 8718.

Jager-Schmidt (A.) Ricochet. 7325.
Jahn (H.) Hand composition. 19128.
Jahn & Ollier engraving co. Williams
(M. B.) Art inst. of Chicago color
prints. 56004.

Jaloux (Edmond):

Branche morte. 21558.
Sophiana. 44180.

James (A. A. S.) Torch. 7391.
James (C.) Letania en honor de la
beata Teresa. [etc.] 32060-32063.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 20

[blocks in formation]

James (Felix):

Matilde. 38161.

Signal. 21577.

James (G. W.) ir. And the centurion
marveled. 21578.

James (H. C.) Coup bk. 44194.
James (H. G.) Petroleum refining in-,
dustry. 26477, 26478.

James (Lauchlin) Poppy peril. 21579.
James & Law co. W. Va. Comm. on
accredited Bible study. Bible study
syllabus. 41108.

Jameson (A. A.) Camp Dixie. 12078,

Jameson (A. E. F.) Susan in charge.
12080. 16354, 21580, 26479, 32095.
Jameson (Mrs. Falconer) See Jame-
son (A. E. F.)

Jameson (P. R.) Humidity, its effect.

[blocks in formation]

Jarvis (A. J.) Brighton-mystic sys-

tem. 16361.
Jarvis (Anna)

venir service.

Mother's day off. sou-

Jarvis (C. D.) Three wise men.

Jaske (J. C.) Perfect system. 21587.
Jaspar (F. H.):

Origin of money. 38162.

To make your bank the commu-
nity's own. 44196.
Jasper, S. C., map. 35488.
Jayne (H. B.) Gleanings from the
Gwallia studio. 26486.

Jayne (H. H. F.) Jumblies. 7212.
Je sais tout. 8732, 12081, 16362, 21588,
38163, 44197, 51080.

Jeambey (E. L.) Lost in the desert.

Jean (Albert) Quinzième station.

[blocks in formation]

Jefferies (Norman) Sing them again.
19815, 41815.

Jefferis (J. W.) Crown of thorns.

Jefferson (Mrs. E. P.) Rip Van
Winkle. 35429 (5)

Jefferson (Joseph) Rip Van Winkle.
35429 (5)

Jefferson, Tex., map. 41535.
Jefferson City, Mo., map. 41536.
Jefferson co. Jefferson lamp. 44201.
Jeffersons ptg. co. Sangamon County,
Ill., direct. 18309.

Jeffery (Joseph) Prosperity. 32099.
Jeffery (Mary) Whither. 24369.
Jeffery-Dewitt insulator co. Rugged
insulators. 26487.
Jeffrey (W. R.) jr.:

Lighted cross. 12082.
Star of Bethlehem. 51082.

Jeffrey mfg. co. :

[blocks in formation]

nós. 1-12, 1923

Jenkins (S. H.) Internatl. code of
rules. 51086.

Jenkins (W. C.) :

Chicago's big southend develop-
ment. [etc.] 12084, 12085.
Exceptional possibilities. 32101.
Lake Calumet harbor now as-

sured. 2504.

Jerome mining properties, Ariz., map.

Jeromsky (Stephane) Plus blanc que
neige. 24286.

Jerrard (H. G.) Story of three sis-
ters. 12100.

Jerrie (L. F.) Expers. to acc. 5348.
Jersey City, N. J., map. 29330.

Magic city of steel. [etc.] 21589, Jersey journal:

Popular romance of money &
banking. 44204.

Jenks, Gwynne & co. Ten yr. cotton
statement. 51087.

Jennings (G. E.) :

Cat's claws. 41303.

Isabel, Edward & Anne. 41356.
Jennings (J. E.) First mortgage corp.
Jennings plan of making first mort-
gage loans. 50077.

Jennings (K. Q.) Scarlet letter.

Jennings (R. N.) Scourge. 7337.
Jenö (Heltai) See Heltai (Jenö)
Jenquin labs. Ext. cod liver oil pills.

Jensen (E. M.) Vikings in Amer.

Jensen (Johannes) Snow white cabi-
net clothes dryer. [etc.] 28683,

Jensen (Marie) Soldier of the cross.

Jepson (Edgar) Broker's man. 2505.
Jerauld (J. D.) Bakersfield Califor-
nian. $500 in cash given away.

Jergens (Andrew) co.:

Blackheads are a confession.
[etc.] 32102-32104.

Blackheads indicate. [etc.] 8737-

Is your skin. 524, 12087.

Is your skin oily? [etc.] 38165,

Sallow skin is a skin that is
asleep. [etc.] 51089-51091.
Sensitive skin. [etc.] 16365-

There is a constant danger. 26488.
What particular skin problem.
[etc.] 44205-44207.

Jeritza (Maria) Your beauty. 5345,
12088, 16368, 21591, 26489, 32105,
38167, 44208, 51092.

Jerome (Emery) Milan, Mich., map.

[blocks in formation]

Egyptian royal burial. 21609.
First sketches.


[etc.] 12101-

Jersey silk mills, inc. Truhu thoughts.

Jessen (J. C.) :

[blocks in formation]

Jett (C. C.) Regeneration of Xerxes.

Jevne (Jack) Clear as crystal. 7084.
Jewel (Alice) :

Aphorisms. [etc.] 16372-16376.
Internatl. soc. of applied psychol.
[etc.] 16377-16379.
Poems & songs. 18082.

Jewelers' circular pub. co. Jewelers'
circular buyers' direc. 32132.
Jewell (F. M.) Jewell model for biol.

Jewell (Richard) pseud. See Chansky
(L. W.)

Jewell elec. instrument co. Radio in-
struments. 8752.

Jewett (H. S.) Music mirror. 2506.
Jex (John) In open court. 28924.
Jillson (G. M. R.) Golden wedding
day & other poems. 32133.

Jillson (W. R.) :


Bibliog. of the geol., &c., of the
John Day region.
Jillson (G. M. R.) Golden wed-
ding day & other poems. 32133.
Pract. talks on photo-engraving.

Jiménez Gimena (Luis) Four horse-
men of the Apocalypse. 47231.
Joachim (Leo) Buy-words. 50257.
Jockey club. Amer. stud bk. 8753,

Joffa (M. E.) Rational use of meat.

Johanson (N. J.) Dialogue on the
flag & seal of the U. S. A. 16380.
John (E. M.) bldg. co. Subscription
agreement. 16381.

[blocks in formation]

John Martin's house. See Martin's

(John) house.
Johns-Manville, inc.:

Asbestos protected metal. [etc.]

Hdbk. of specs. & data. 16382.
Handy roof fixings. [etc.] 26493-

Johns-Manville asbestos built-up
roofing. 21613.

Johns-Manville sales bul. 26496,

Johns-Manville vapor tight in-
sulated tank tops. 38175.
Non-burn asbestos brake band
lining. [etc.] 12104, 12105.
Safeguard your roofing. 2507.
Selling helps. 8754.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Johnson (Edward E.), inc. Johnson
brass well screens. 16383.
Johnson (Gilbert) Bk. of light. 32139.
Johnson (H. H.) Johnson (M. M.)
co. Famous Old trusty incubator.
528, 51118.

Johnson (H. L.) Johnson's pract. in-
struction. 44254.

Johnson (J. A.) Natl. assn. of re-
tailers. Natl. assn. of retailers' col-
lector. 2782.

Johnson (John) corp. Filter presses.

Johnson, Joseph & G. M. Josselyn &
co. Cat. of information. 26501.
Johnson (L. E.) :

[blocks in formation]

Johnson (L.O.) Chem. note bk.

Johnson (М. М.) co. Famous Old
trusty incubator. 528.

Johnson (M. T.) America's child.

Johnson (Marjorie B.) Life in letters
& art music. 38180.

Johnson (Martin) African films, inc.
Trailing African wild animals.

Johnson (Melvin B.) Elaine. 47212.

Facts about the Johnson (N. M.):


Johnson (Burges) Mother Goose
paint bk. Dancing cut outs. 670.
Johnson (C. A.) Bull & the bear.

[etc.] 12106, 12107.
Johnson (С. С.) Lubin (K. Μ.)
Gymnastic facial exercises. 44601.
Johnson ((. E.) What do you know
about office lighting? 51115.

Johnson (('. E.) & co. Down go prices.

Few pointers about wobbly auto
wheels. 21615.

Few suggestions for buyers of
used cars. [etc.] 32140-32142.
New car buyer. 26500.
Promises. [etc.] 38181–38183.
Johnson (O. R.) Natl. automatic tel-
ler corp. Auto-teller converts good
intentions into cash. 52212.

Johnson (Oliver) & co.. inc. Helpful
hints. 44256.

Jos. 1-12, 1923

Johnson (Otto):


Eleven o'clock.
Indian's magic. 10295.
Michael Strokoff. 7263.

So this is America? 47387.
Suspicion. 35365.

Johnson & Johnson :

Absorbable membranes in surgery.

Bk. with a mission. 51120.
Dobbs (H. J.) Making of sur-
gical catgut. 36885.

Johnson bronze co.

bushings. 12108.

Johnson bronze

Johnsone (Otto) Top o' the hills.

Johnsrud (H. C.) Algol. 14731.
Johnston (B. K.) Sound the call.

Johnston (Bertha):

Lyrical lines for lassie & lad.

Talking bird & singing leaves &
golden water. 47401*.

Johnston (Mrs. C. F.) Little pilgrim's
page. 2509, 38184.

Johnston (F. A.) Fusible plug in-
vestigation. 26502.

Johnston (Mary) Nemesis. 5350.
Johnston (R. F.) paint co.:

Blue bird for happiness. 8756.
Johnston's lino-nu. 5351.

Johnston (T. T.) Day on Mt. Tom.
[etc.] 21617–21620.

Johnston (W. & A. K.) ltd. See, for
map entries, this index under names
of places.

Johnston (Wm.) & co. Masonic direct.

Johnston City, Ill., map. 1406.
Johnstone (A. E.)

high schl. course. 21621.

Joker poker billiards mfg. co., inc.
Rules for joker poker billiards. 529.

Joliet, Ill., direct. 44257.

Joliet mfg. co. From oats to eggs.

Joliet township high schl. & junior
college. Hist. & social science cur-
riculum. 26503.

Jolly (L. S.) Ten essentials of sell-
ing. 19129.

Jonas (Julius) Love's combination.

Jones (A. H.) Van Camp products
co. Get your share. 13857.

Jones (B. T.) Off. list of open &
prepay stations. 2600, 26673.
Jones (Bob) Modern woman.

51124, 51125.


Jones (C. B.) Organizing service.
Organize your estate. 53925.

[blocks in formation]

Progressive ser.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

law. 48646.

[blocks in formation]


Workmen's compensation

Johst (Hans):


Workmen's compensation

Johnstown, N. Y., direct. 422.

[blocks in formation]

law. 49081.

[blocks in formation]

Ia. Workmen's

law. 50981.


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