Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

Deep spring water co. Deep spring De La Mare (A. T.) co., inc. :
pure water. 36798.

Deever (Brian) Silver anchor. 36799.
De Felice (Harry) Count. 47191.
Deffendall (P. H.) Key to exercise
bk. 49514.

De-fi mfg. co. De-fi. 4848, 4849, 15576.
Defiance button machine co.:

End your button troubles. 20784.
Instrs., how to use the Defiance
button covering machine. 49515.
De Flers (Robert) See Flers (Robert

Deflex vacuum tube co. Operation of
the deflex tube. 36800.

De Garros (Paul) See Garros (Paul

De Gorsse (Henry) See Gorsse
(Henry de)

De Gresac (Fred) See Gresac (Fred

DeGroat (D. C.) Human eng. 43095.
De Guerre (Herbert) For the love of

[blocks in formation]

Florists exchange. 43096.

Soc. of Amer. florists & ornamental
horticulturists. S. A. F. & 0.
H. ann. 18571.

De la Mare (Walter)
41314 *.


Del Alamo (Angel Torres) See Torres
del Alamo (Angel)

Deland (C. J.):

Mich. repts. 16940-16949.

Mich Sup. ct. Mich. repts. 52030-


Delaney (M. W.)




Ancient order of
America. Const.

Delano (E. B.) Life goes on. 24205.
Delano (W. A.) Bldg. the home.


De la Pena (H. Rodríguez)
dríguez de la Pena (H.)
De la Pena (J. Rodríguez)

dríguez de la Pena (J.)

De la Peyrade (Robert) :
Myosotis. 1276.

Redempteur. 1285.

See Ro-

See Ro-

Delaplaine (E. S.) Life of Thomas
Johnson. 2084, 30978, 49516.

De la Puente (Manuel Fernández)
See Fernández de la Puente (Ma-

De Laval steam turbine co. :

Dekowski (W. J.) United auto rental
Co. Leasing of auto tires. 13807.

De Laval centrifugal pumps.

De Laval flexible coupling. 36806.
De Laval multistage centrifugal
pumps. 25686.

De Laval small single stage cen-
trifugal pumps. 2085.

Instr. manual. 280.

nos. 1-12, 1923


Delaware corps.


Workmen's compensation law.

Delaware, map. 24524, 24698, 29256,

Delaware, O., map. 19513.

Delaware & Atlantic teleg. & telep.
co. Telep. direct. 2086, 14968,
15577, 20785, 30979, 48184, 49518.
Delaware and Hudson Co. Summer
paradise. 20787.

Delaware & Hudson Co., map. 29257.
Delaware & Md. druggists weather
chart cal. 43098.

Delaware Ave. realty office. Buffalo
N. Y., map. 14410.

Delaware City, Del., map. 35462.
Delaware Co. ref. yr. bk. 2088.
Delaware, map. 41501.
Delaware Water Gap, Pa., map. 24444.
Delbon (F. G.) Delbon hygienic
triplex arch support last. 15578.
Delco-light co. :

Delco-light water systems. [etc.]

Instructions for rebuilding delco-
light batteries. 30900.

Rept. by an investigating com.

De Leon (Walter):

In the moonlight.

Sold. 14351.


De Lima (C. A.) Ostriches. 24274.
Delineator. Good manners. 11414.
Dell (E. M.):

Passer-by. [etc.] 43099, 43100.
Tetherstones. 25688, 30981, 36807-

Dell (Floyd) 10 bks. I have enjoyed
most. 30982.

Dell pub. co., inc. Hale (V. S.) Bk.
of etiquette. 37768.

Dellinger (J. H.) Lefax radio hd.
bk. 15579.

Dello ink corp. There's more to ink
than you can think.

Creative power

Del Mar (Eugene)
of thought. 4850.
Delmar. Del. & Md., map.

Del Olmet (Luis Antón)
del Olmet (Luis)

De Lone (Loretta):


Opera glass.


See Antón

[etc.] 36810.


De Lorde (André) See Lorde (An-

dré de)


Argent qui tue. 2089.

Trahie par son cœur. 43102.

Delson (L. E.) Money-saving selec-
tion. [etc.] 49522, 49523.
Delta sigma pi. (Internatl. fraternity
of) Delta sigma pi pocket direct.

Delta-star elec. co. High tension unit
type farm power. 25689.

Del Toro (Ricardo Gonzales) See
Gonzales del Toro (Ricardo)

De Lucio (José) See Lucio (José de)
De Luxe radio co. of America. De
Luxe' radio co. of America. 20788.
Del Villar (José Fernández) See Fer-
nández del Villar (José)

Demais (Jean) Tififi. 15581, 30984.
Demand (H. P.) Natl. father & son
movement handbk. 49524.

Demarest (V. B. C.) Letter to an
atheist. [etc.] 49525-49527.
Demarest bk. concern:

Demarest (V. B. C.) Letter to
an atheist. [etc.] 49525-49527.
Philip. 49528.

Demark (Harry van)

mark (Harry)
De Meglio (F. P.)

See Van De-

Modern Cain.

De Mille (A. B.) Julius Caesar.

De Mont (W. E.) Roll on. 24306.
De Montalvo (Marie) White chips.

Demorest, Ga., map. 1359.

De Mott & Magruder. Lynchburg, Va.,
map. 7479.

Dempsey (Jack):

Big body [etc.] 36811-36834.
Champion is wary of next foe
[etc.] 43104-43114.

Champion Jack Dempsey shows
how to repel thug. [etc.] 4851-
4853, 11415-11423.

Champion says he'll K. O. rival.
[etc.] 20789-20793.

Dempsey admits he does most

worrying. [etc.] 49529-49536.
Dempsey aims for quick K. O.

[etc.] 30985-30988.

Dempsey banks on milk fund
fights. 25690.
Dempsey gives

health hint.

[blocks in formation]

Denison's method
circle. 19116.

Church organiza-

Loveless marriage.

Denison (J. E.)
for squaring the
Denison (J. M.)
tion. 11424.
Denison (S. C.)
Denison (T. S.):
Cobbler. 19465
Dude in a cyclone.
First class hotel.
Is the editor in?


19465 (2).
19465 (3).


It's all in the pay streak.

[blocks in formation]

Graduates' own bk. [etc.] 49542,

Open air stories. 25692.

Denton, Md., map. 35463.

Denver, Colo. Ballenger & Richards
Denver direct. 25693, 25694.

Madam Princeton's temple of Denver, Colo., First natl.
natl. bank.

19465 (5).

beauty. 19465 (6).

New woman. 19465 (7).

Only cold tea.

19465 (8).

Patsy O'Wang. 19465 (9).
Topp's twins. 19465 (11).

Denison (T. S.) & co. :

Awful appetite. 35009.
Bells of Shannon. 35017.
Is the editor in? 7205.
Jubilee minstrel first-part. 35189.
Too many crooks. 35378.
Denison, Ia., map. 19514.
Denkewalter (Fred):

Directions for using Plant mar-
vel. 49538.

Plant marvel laboratories. Direc-
tions for using Plant marvel.
[etc.] 18074, 18076.

How to use plant marvel.

Denmark (C. R.) Heating & venti-
lating U. S. museum. 219.
Dennen (I. C.)

world. 3696.

Dennett (D. D.)

sea. 41306.
Denney (W. H.)

Dennison mfg. co. :

Trip around the

Cinderella of the

CO. High gear.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ter. 43115-43118.
Denver gas & elec. light co. Story
of the invisible furnace man. 36837.
Denver Y. M. C. A. See Y. M. C. A.

Department of intramural athletics.
Mich. (Univ. of) See Mich.
(Univ. of) Dept. of intramural

Department of univ. extension. See
Columbia univ. Dept. of univ. ex-

De Paul univ. Kester (R. B.)
Quests. to acc. acctg. theory &
practice. 44386.

Dependable information bur. Kard-
pak sectional auto-trails. 15591.
Depew (H. A.) Abrasion machine.

Depew, N. Y., map. 41502.
Depew, Okla., map. 35464.
DePeyster (Kathrine) Etiquette.
15592-15597, 25695-25703, 36838-
36848, 43119-43123, 49544-49551.
De Poncet (Edwin) Ultimo de su
raza. 47414*.

De Queen, Ark., map. 41503.
De Rapalje (B.


De Rapalje (Eletta)
(B. E.)

E.) Love mill.

See De Rapalje

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Desmond (B. G.) mfg. corp. Between
the road & the ride. [etc.] 11428,

Desmond (Sister M. E.) When stands.
unfurl. 41458.

Destouches (P. N.) Glorieux. 35094.*
Desvallières (Maurice) Mur a des
oreilles. 1274.

De Téramond (Guy) See Téramond
(Guy de)

Detje (Harold) Maddening moments.

Detroit. Bd. of educa. Course of
study. 2092.

Detroit. First natl. bank. Household
budget & acct. bk. 8224.

Detroit. Dept. of water supply.
Metered water rates for Detroit.

Detroit, Mich., map. 1360, 7451,
10542, 19516, 24445, 29261, 41504,

Detroit enameling works. Enameled
script. 25706.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Deveraux (W. B.) Notes for begin- Diamant tool & Stand. punch
ners. 25707.

[blocks in formation]

Devney (J. J.) :

Devney's economic table. [etc.]

What happens to the average wo-
man financially. 43132.

Have you a little girl. [etc.]

Devoe (W. B.)

guide. 20798.

the yrs. [etc.]

& die sets. 4856.
Diamond chain &

Diamond power transmission
chains & sprockets. 36873.
Tables, charts & formulae. 25769.
Diamond crystal salt co. Salt seller.
987, 23161, 27899, 39806, 39807,
45897, 54561-54563.

Diamond dust co. Shave with pleas-
ure. 4857.

Diamond power specialty corp. In-
creasing marine profits. 49566.
Diamond state telep. co. Telep. direct.

31009, 36874, 4858, 8227.
Dibble (E. F.) seedgrower.

farm seed facts.


Dible (B. H.) Face of Jesus. 15609.

Dicenta (Joaquín) hijo:

Casa de salud. 24073.
Piscina de Buda. 35290.
Rosario "La Cortijera” 1287.
Simon y Manuela. 35340.

Corporate col. & Dick features. Winslow (T. S.) Au-

tobiography of a follies girl. 3655.
Dickens (A. T.) Thought from the
Dickens. 49567.

Devoe & Raynolds co., inc. Brush off
DeVore mfg. co. Riley (H.) Health Dickens (Charles)

[blocks in formation]

chief. 10324.

hearth. 10209.

Cricket on the

[blocks in formation]

Dickinson (M. B.) Mothercraft. 3697.
Dexter's orchard Dickinson (Samuel) Suggestions for

Dey (Charles) Clean slate. 3754.

chart making. 2100.

Dickinson (Sherman) How to make

lantern slides. 11439.

Dexter (N. W.)

tree tag system. 15607.

Dexter, Me., map. 1361.

[blocks in formation]
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