VOLUME INDEX NEW SERIES, VOL. 20, NOS. 1-12, 1923 PART 1, GROUP 2, PAMPHLETS, ETC., LECTURES, DRAMATIC COM POSITIONS, MAPS, AND MOTION PICTURES This index contains in one alphabet the names of all copyright proprietors; the names of all authors of pamphlets, the titles of anonymous pamphlets, the names of all authors of dramatic compositions, and the subject word of the title of maps. These figures refer to the citation numbers following the title in the CATALOGUE Absecon Island, map. 29163. Accounting appliance co. Vogel (Mil- Accurate bus system. Acctg. sim- Acevedo L. (Julio) Amer. direct. & Acher (V. P.) Prayer for the New Acheson graphite co.: Cold roll neck lubrication. 41863. Achievement films, inc. Milady. 1595 Acker (H. G.) Puntz & Pietz. 35763. Acme art co. Acme art. 29808. Ceredo, W. Va., direct. 48741. Acme mineral co. Bull or no bull. Hawthorne (O. L.) After the Friend of men. [etc.] 50636-. Years between. 43956: Acorn tire & rubber co. Acorn post.. Acorn Acorn wire & iron works. Acree (I. C.) Arkansas, map. 29158. Ad art service-Newspaper supply co. Ada Co., Id., direct. 90. CO. Adam (H. C.) Reflectolyte lighting Adami (Giuseppi) Piccola felicita Adams (Gridley) Prose & worse. Adams (H. R.) Adams Paingo lini- Adams (Harrington) inc. Glorious Adams (Hugh) Tex. original Ford Adams (R. H.) : Adelman (A. E.) Mister Lawrence. 35239. Adelson (Albert) Souvenir poems. Adenis (Edouard): Chevalier de la Guillotière. [etc.] Roger-Bontemps. 7926. Aderer (Adolphe) Tolstoï. 29094. Adler (E. H.) Chairman of the en- Adler (H. H.) Planning the color Adler (Sara) Camouflage. 35043. Daily-dolly-balls. [etc.] 10770, Good luck pencils. 47704. Admiration attractions. Paris after Adrian, Mich., direct. 29828. If I had a daughter to send to Adrian, Minn., map. 14393. Finan. facts. [etc.] 14695. Wallace (A. G.) Unfilled orders. Adams (S. H.) : Riches have wings. 41870. Adams (S. S.) Linen & how to set Adams (W. R.) W. R. Adams form. Adams & Kelly co. Homes of com- Addington (Sarah) Great adventure Adriance (Н. В.) Calson (0.) Adsit (J. 0.) : Concerning citizenship. 41873. Advance auto. accessories corp.: Advance asbestos. [etc.] 47705- Beeman (Otis) Far in the lead Correct brake lining. 7608. Advertiser reporter. 29829. Indianapolis star. Spend your Whose taxes do you pay. [etc.] 32026, 32027. Aeronautical chamber of commerce of Aeschylus. Choëphoroe. 19185. Aetna life insur. co., Auto. dept. Con- Air. 19881. Air brake assn. Prin. & design of foundation brake rigging. 14716. Afco mfg. co., inc. Bizness kreator. | Air conditioning & eng. co. : Affelder (W. M.) : Constr. acctg. [etc.] 7610, 7611, Affre (Mme. Barrère-) See Barrère- Africa, map. 1302, 14394 24384, 41462. Harnessing a natural resource. Investment features of the chain store. 19879. Agency, Mo., map. 3918. Ager (Waldemar) Vældige navn. Robes. 8, 14712, 29833. O'Fallon. Another fresh air schl. Pure air for your schls. 24862. Aircraft yr. bk. 19882. Aistons, inc. Cat. theatrical footwear. Ajax rope co., inc. Rope with a repu- Akers (O. M.) Warwick (William) Akins (Zoë) : Déclassée: Daddy's gone a-hunt- Lucifer's ladies. 26967. Akkurate loose-leaf co., inc. A-proved 19467, 29148. Akron, O., map. 47715. Agnès.: Agricola. 14714. 29836-29847. Akron public schls. Dept. of research. Alamo (Angel Torres del) Alanic (Mathilde): Derrière le voile. 876, 45415. See Torres 10774. Endimione. Aleramo 28865*. (Sibilla) Alexander (A. R.): Dedicated to the home fireside Toast to Miss Columbia. 7614. Alexander (C. G.) 1789. 19287. Ladies' aid in Alexander (C. M.) Ford acct. system Alexander (Claire): Assert Cabinet of Mussolini is so Italy & Spain plan alliance. Alexander (Conlin) of mystery. 14720. Alexander's bk. Alexander (F. O.) Bill Jones' pract. philos. 47729. Alexander (J. G.) Full of the moon. 35126. Alexander (Milton) co. Jewelry adv. Alexander film co.: High lights of the Alexander film Red blooded salesmen. 10776. Adv. the Martin jr. [etc.] 11- Afraid to face the facts. [etc.] As a rule. [etc.] 29858-29870. Bus. progress bul. 7617-7622, Charles E. Hires. [etc.] 10777- |