Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

[Report no. 71.] p. 855-856. Cumulative index p. 7-8, 15-16, 2728, 31-34, 39-46, 51-52, 65-66. 26 p. Svo.

Nov. 21, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 23; A 764513.

[Report no. 72.] p. 857-860, Cumulative index p. 3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 29, 30, 53, 54, 57, 58. [20] p. 8vo. Nov. 28, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 3; A 771021.

[Report no. 73.] p. 861-868, Cumulative index p. 13, 14, 51, 52, 65, 66. [14] p. 8vo. © Dec. 5, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 7; A 771180 [Report no. 77] Cumulative index p. 7-10, 15, 16, 19, 20, 27-30, 33, 34, 37-40, 45-48, 57-60. [26] p. 8vo. Dec. 14, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 20: A 772371.

[Report no. 781 p. 93, 94, 881883, Cumulative index p. 27, 28. 11. [6] p. 8vo. Dec. 17, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 20; A 772372.

[Report no. 79.] Cumulative index p. 17, 18. 29, 30, 57-62. [10] p. 8vo. Dec. 20, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 26: A 772518. New York income tax service [19231924. Report no. 4, 5] 2 v. 8vo. Contents:-4. Addenda p. 3-8, 195-197. 5.-Addenda p. 5-8, 197-200. Nov. 17, 1923; 2 c.

[blocks in formation]

Dec. 6, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 11; A 772032. Questionnaire-to determine the need of qualification as a foreign corporation in various states. [4] p. 4to. Nov. 10, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 13; A 763320. War tax service, 1923. Report no. 40, 41. 2 v. 8vo. Oct. 31, Nov. 21, 1923; 2 c. each and affs. Nov. 2, 23; A 762857, 764514.

75 points of comparison corporation
laws Delaware, New York, Illi-
nois, Michigan, Indiana. 19, [3]
8vo. Nov. 26, 1923; 2 c.
and aff. Nov. 28; A 764762.

Minnesota, Delaware, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska. cover-title, 19 [5] p. 8vo. Nov. 21, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 23; A 764515. Corticelli silk co.*, Florence, Mass. Irene Castle corticelli fashions. [12] p. illus. (part col.) 16mo. © Dec. 19, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 31; A 773146. 49244 Cosgrove (William T.) Revolt in Ireland has now passed from stage of criminal violence; defeated leaders have learned Free State has overwhelming support. (In Chicago herald and examiner) © Dec. 16, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 20; A 718880; Chicago herald & examiner, Chicago. 49245 Cosmopolitan stores assn., inc.*, New York. Sign of the bank account. [4] p. 16mo. Dec. 22, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 28; A 771976. 49246 Cotton (Oscar William) Twelve years to riches. 30, [1] p. incl. plates, map. 8vo. Nov. 10, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 17; A 763499; Pacific bldg co., San Diego, Calif. 49247 Couch (Ralph Ford)* Washington. Your dollar, uncle Sam tells who gets it. Sheet, 25 by 20 in. Dec. 17 [1923]-Jan. 12, 1924. © Dec. 11, 1923: 2 c. and aff. Dec. 13; A 772142. 49248

Couilliard (Mme. H. A.)* Neuilly-surSeine, France. Six jours d'un bourgeois de Bourges [par] H. A. Dour

no. 12, 1923

liac [pseud.] nos. 1-25, 27-48. [47 instalments] (In Paris La croix, 18 sept.-24 nov., 1923) Sept. 18-Nov. 24, 1923; 1 c. each Dec. 28; A-Foreign 23755. 49249

Council of Jewish women*, New York. Course of study on Jewish prayer in eight lectures. 10th triennial period, 1920-1923. Prepared by committee on religion. 174 p. 16mo. Nov. 8, 1923; 2 c. Nov. 13; aff. Nov. 14; A 765076. 49250 Court players*, Brooklyn.

Off stage. Court players premiere program number. no. 7, Nov. 7, 1923. covertitle. 3-18 p. illus. 12mo. 7, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 764460.

Nov. 13; A



Court press, inc.*, New York. press on evidence. [15] p. illus. 24mo. Dec. 22, 1923, 2 c. and aff. Dec. 29; A 772670.


Coutant (Oscar Z.)* Springfield, Ill. How organized common sense will stop automobile theft. 2 v. 4to. (Series no. 1, 2) Aug. 1, 1923; 2 c. each and affs. Dec. 10; A 771319, 771320. 49253, 49254 Cowan (Sada)* Hollywood, Hollywood, Calif. Tumbleweed Jackson; by Sada Cowan and Howard Higgin. [4] p. nar. 16mo. [Motion picture scenario] Oct. 1, 1923; 2 c. Dec. 12; aff. Nov. 12; A 772086. 49255

Cowgill (Frank B.)* Huntington Park, Calif. Public ministry of Jesus. chap. 2, 3. [2 instalments] (In Good citizen, Nov., Dec., 1923) Nov. 10, Dec. 11, 1923; 1 c. each Nov. 22, Dec. 29; A 717770, 719169. 49256, 49257

[ocr errors]

Cowles (John) Soviet Russia today. [7 instalments] (In Des Moines register) Nov. 5-10, 12, 1923; 1 c. each Nov. 26; A 717989; Register & tribune co.. Des Moines.

49258 [Cox (0. J.)] Report of a special investigation made by H. P. Gould co. Chicago. Made expressly for Willys-Overland, inc. Overland passenger car. Installation, Kanawha Valley coal co. Report no. S. 5. Salesmen. cover-title. 3 (i. e. 4)

p. 4to. Dec. 4, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 15; A 772276; H. P. Gould co., Chicago. 49259 Cragun (J. Beach) Cragun conservatory method for saxophone. v. 1. Chicago, Ill., Finder & Urbanek


[1923] 1 fs. p., 5-103 p. illus (incl. port.), diagrs. fol. Oct. 26, 1923; 2 c. Oct. 18; aff. Oct. 27; A 761846; George A. Finder & Joseph Urbanek, Chicago.

Craig (E. M.)* Chicago.



council suspended lathers. 12th article. (In American constructor) Oct. 20, 1923; 1 c. Oct. 24; A 716218. 49261 Craig (Elizabeth) Five queens see niece of King wed. (In Chicago daily tribune) Nov. 13, 1923;

1 c. Nov. 16; A 717395; Chicago tribune, Chicago. 49262 Crandall (Edna)* New Haven. Junior program of worship. (In Church school, Nov., 1923) Oct. 10, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 14; A 717614. Crane (Peter B.)* Oxford, N. Y.


49264, 49265 Key to Crane's peg-puzzle problems. 8 p. 24mo. Nov. 23, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 24; A 763725. One hundred sixty Crane's peg-puzzle problems. 23 p. 24mo. © Nov. 23, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 24; A 763724.

Crannell (Philip Wendell)

Crannell's pocket lessons for 1924. 7th annual V. By P. W. Crannell, ed. by W. Edward Rafferty. Philadelphia, The Judson press [1923] 201, [1] p. nar. 24mo. (International improved uniform series) Oct. 12, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Oct. 27; A 759602; Gilbert N. Brink, sec., Philadelphia. 49266



(Charles H.)* Colorado Springs, Col. Pageants to illustrate no. 9-11. [Colorado Springs, Colo., Bible pageants, 1923] 3 v. 8vo. Contents: no. 9. Long distance courtship.-no. 10. Joseph sold into Egypt.-no. 11. Crossing of the Red Sea. Dec. 22, 1923; 2 c. each and aff. Dec. 27; A 772624-772626. 49267-49269 Creager (S. H.)* Los Angeles. Have dinner with us. (In Los Angeles times) Nov. 29, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 10: A 718491.


Cream of wheat co.*, Minneapolis Baby specialist's advice about the first solid food. (In Womens home companion. Oct. 1923) Sept. 20. 1923; 1 c. Oct. 26; A 716399. 49271 Credit reporting co. of New England *, Boston. Greater Boston charge book. [Suppl. no. 8] 374 loose p. 4to.

[blocks in formation]

Corporation chart sales presentation
[Graphic visualized psychological
chart] [5] 1. diagrs. fol. ©
Nov. 7, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec.
7; 771245.
Second sales presentation of recapit-
ulation of the graphic visualized
psychological chart. 3 1. diagrs.
fol. Nov. 7, 1923; 2 c. Dec.
7; aff. Dec. 29; A 771246.

49273, 49274 Creesy (George Bertram)* Boston. Memorandum of agreement. Sheet, 13 by 81⁄2 in. Nov. 6, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 12; A 764128. 49275 Creesy (George Bertram) co. Profitable use of surplus funds. 29, [2]

р nar. 24mo. Nov. 6, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 12; A 764127; George Bertram Creesy, Boston.

49276 Crépaux (Loui)* San Francisco. Italian method explained. A vocal statement, Feb. 22, 1922. Sheet, 10% by 8% in. Sept. 20, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec 11; A 722049.

[blocks in formation]

Cross (John H.) Human race. Chicago, Gordon D. Cooke, 1923. [30] p. 12mo. Dec. 22, 1923; 2 c.

and aff. Dec. 26; A 772557; Sadie H. Cross, Chicago. 49280

Crosse (Tex. L. S.)* Los Angeles. Just one time more. (In Los Angeles evening herald) Oct. 31, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 12: A 718480.

49281 Crowell pub. co.*. New York, Springfield; O. 49282, 49283 Building Crowell good will. 29 p. 16mo. Nov. 22, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 27; A 763782.

Circulation Women's home companion, Mar., 1923. 3 p. 1., 99 p. 4to. Nov. 23, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 10; A 772533.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 20

Crum (William Leonard) Introduction to the methods of economic statistics, by W. L. Crum and A. C. Patton. pt. 1. General statistical methods. 1st preliminary ed. New Haven, Connecticut, The HartyMusch press, inc., 1923. 2 p. 1., 43 p. diagrs. 4to. Nov. 23, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 26; A 771103; Alson C. Patton, New Haven. 49284 Cummings (John)

49285, 49286 Statistical tabulation. Instruction paper with examination questions. 4054, 1st ed. cover-title, 38, 2 p. diagr. 8vo. (International correspondence schools) Oct. 23, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Oct. 30; A 764268.

Statistical units

Instruction paper

with examination questions. 4055, 1st ed. cover-title, 30, 2 p. 8vo. (International correspondence schools) Oct. 23, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Oct. 30; A 764267.

International textbook co., Scranton, Pa.

Cummings (Robert) jr.*, Pittsburgh. Expansion of college fraternities. Sheet, diagrs., 184 by 373⁄4 in. © Nov. 19, 1923; 2 c. Nov. 23; aff. Dec. 26; A 772553. 49287 Cummings (William L.)* Syracuse, N. Y. 49288, 49289 Chemical service bulletin, no. 106. cover title, 31 p. nar. 8vo. © Mar. 27, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 26; A 772515.

Money maker supreme. Superclean, the master cleanser. [4] p. 8vo. Oct. 27, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 26; A 772516. Cunningham (Eugene)* San Francisco. Jungle-thing. (In Everybody's, Jan., 1924) © Dec. 5, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 17; A 718701. 49290 Cupples & Leon co.*, New York. Every-home books for boys and girls. cover-title, 48 p. illus. (part col.) 12mo. Aug. 1, 1923; 2 c. Sept. 28; aff. Sept. 27; A 760084.

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(William H.)*, Brookline, Mass. 49303 [Once a month reminder, June, 1923] [32] p. (part blank) nar. 24mo. May 16, 1923; 2 c. May 18; aff. July 2; A 709875. Cutler mail chute co.*, Rochester, N. Y. 49304, 49305 Cutler mail chute catalogue numb. 2374, 2375. 2 1. illus. diagr. 4to. (Sweets' architectural catalogue, 18th annual ed.) Oct. 11, 1923;


2 c. Nov. 28; aff. Nov. 2; A

Use and care of the
chute. [4] p. 8vo.
1923; 2 e. and aff.

Cutler mail

Dec. 15, Dec. 21; A

Hollywood, 49306

Cutting (Elizabeth)*, Calif. Love nest [by Elizabeth Cutting and Samuel Wilcocks Gillett] in two parts. 27 p. 27 p. front, plans. nar. 16mo. Oct. 27, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 1; A 763015.

Dabney (Julia P.)*. Brookline, Mass. 49307

Primal poet. 13 p.
6, 1923; 2 c. and

12mo. Dec.
aff. Dec. 8; A

Dague (Mary E.)
49308, 49309
Sister Mary's kitchen. 2 proofs.
illus. Oct. 1, Nov. 1, 1923; 2 c.
each and affs. Nov. 24, Dec. 11;
A 763696, 772076; N. E. A. service,
inc., Cleveland.

Dahlstrom metallic door co.*, Jamestown, N. Y. 49310

Dahlstrom hollow metal doors and trim, architectural, builders' and manufactures' shapes, 3d ed. rev., 1923. various pagings. illus., diagrs. obl. 8vo. Oct. 27.

1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 1: A 763011.

Dailey (Charles)


Chinese battle foreign ships on great rivers. Nov. 15, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 19; A 717489.

Eight American

missionaries in

China missing. Nov. 23, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 26; A 717787.

Foreigners in China menaced as strife grows. Dec. 26, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 31; A 719495.

Powers gather fleet at Canton under U. S. chief. Dec. 15, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 18; A 718743.

Remote city of China to greet Dr. Schurman. Dec. 24, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 28; A 719466.

Troops battle bandit attack on China train. Oct. 25, 1923; 1 c. Oct. 29; A 716525.

Unpaid armies menace Peking; $9,000,000 need. Nov. 10, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 13; A 717381; [Note: The foregoing are in Chicago daily tribune]

Chicago tribune, Chicago.

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Daily racing form charts. Jefferson park form chart. [16 instalments] (In New York daily racing form)

Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 2, 4-9, 11-16, 18, 1923; 1 c. each Dec. 7, 8, 10, 12-15, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26-28, 31; A 718854718862, 718997, 719081-719083, 719090, 719162, 719241; Daily racing form pub. co.. New York.

Dainty products co.*, Atlanta. 90 days foot comfort in every 35¢ can. Sheet, illus., printed on both sides, 9 by 6 in. June 23, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 9; A 764024. 49336

Dale (Arch) Doo Dads. Each, sheet, illus., printed on both sides, 16 by 18 in. (Doo Dad releases, Oct. 22Dec. 1, 1923) Oct. 12, 19, 27, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 1923; 2 c. each and affs. Nov. 19: A 764337-764342: Universal feature & specialty co., Chicago. 49337-49342

Dallas art assn.*, Dallas, Tex. Catalogue, fourth annual exhibition, Nov. 14th to the 28th, 1923. 6 p. 1., 1536 p.. 2 1., [13] p. illus.. plates. 12mo. Nov. 9, 1923: 2 c. and aff. Nov. 12; A 760829.

Dallas morning news*, Dallas.



Advertising-the master teacher of money spending.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 20

Charming story of dress. Nov. 21. 1923; 1 c. Dec. 7; A 718269. Choice of a car. Oct. 21, 1923;

1 c. Nov. 5; A 717514.

Clothes question. Sept. 12, 1923; 1 c. Oct. 2; A 717505.

Dallas' book of fashions. © Sept. 28, 1923 1 c. Nov. 5; A 717507. Dallas choicest market for musical instruments. Nov. 6, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 7: A 718263.

Double your value lengthen your life. Oct. 28, 1923; 1 c. Nov.

[blocks in formation]

Message to men.

Sept. 16, 1923;

1 c. Oct. 12; A 717502.

Put music in your life. Nov. 25, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 7; A 718270. Putting your best foot forward. © Sept. 19, 1923; 1 c. Oct. 2; A 717500.

Ships and shoes and sealing wax. Oct. 17; 1 c. Nov. 5: A 717513. Shooting the city chutes. Oct. 14, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 5; A 717512. Stores and shops are now resplend

ent with autumn modes. Sept. 30, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 5; A 717508. Surprise mother and the girls. O

Nov. 11, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 7: A 718266.

To the buyers of musical instruments. Nov. 9, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 7: A 718265.

True economy in shoe selection. O Oct. 31, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 5: A 717517.

[ocr errors]

Well-dressed men of Dallas.
Sept. 10,
Nov. 7, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 7: A

1923; 1 c. Oct. 2; A 717506. All important subject of shoes. O Oct. 24, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 5; A 717515.

Approaching the crest of the carbuying season. Oct. 7, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 5: A 717510.

Are you a thrifty shopper? Nov. 14, 1923: 1 c. Dec. 7; A 718267. Behind their advertising is sincere service. Oct. 3, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 5; A 717509.

What a little red book told about advertising. Sept. 14. 1923: 1 c. Oct. 2; A 717503. Your feet feature the facts about you. Oct. 12. 1923; 1 c. Nov. 5; A 717511. [NOTE: The foregoing are in Dallas morning news.]

D'Alroy (Marceline) You said it. ' Marceline. Nov. 5-7, 12-Dec. 1, 10

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