NOTICE The Copyright Act of 1909 provides that of the articles deposited for copyright registration the Librarian of Congress shall determine what books and other articles shall be transferred to the permanent collections of the Library of Congress and what other books or articles shall be transferred to other governmental libraries in the District of Columbia for use therein. The Act further provides that any article undisposed of as above and still remaining on the shelves of the Copyright Office may be returned to the claimant of copyright under the provisions of section 60 of the Act. NOTICE is, therefore, hereby given to any author, copyright proprietor, or other lawful claimant, that, in so far as any copyright articles deposited from July 1, 1914, to June 30, 1919, inclusive, are still remaining in the files of the Copyright Office, and are not to be transferred to the Library of Congress or to any other governmental library in the District of Columbia, such books or articles may be returned to the claimant of copyright if requested by such claimant prior to December 31, 1923. This notice includes any printed and published copyright deposits, such as books, periodicals, dramatic compositions, musical compositions, engravings, cuts or prints, lithographs, photo-engravings, or photographs. Manuscripts or typewritten dramas and photographs filed for identifying works of art may not be returned. No maps are available for return. To secure such possible return the claimant of copyright of record. should make formal request for the return of the articles, which must be separately and definitely specified. A suitable blank will be sup-plied on request. Address REGISTER OF COpyrights, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. BOOKS PART I: GROUP 2 Note. An asterisk (*) after the author's name indicates that the author and copyright proprietor are the same, and that therefore the name is not repeated in the claim paragraph. 47677 47678-47683 Abercrombie & Fitch co., New York. Christmas trail, 1923. 32 p. illus. 8vo. Nov. 15, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 5; A 771067. Abrahamson (H. S.) Quinine is an interesting chapter in economic chronicles of recent past. [6 instalments] (In Oil, paint and drug reporter, Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31.) © Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 1923; 1 c. each Nov. 26, Dec. 4, 11, 17, 29, 31; A 717837, 718172, 718427, 718726, 719190, 719213; Oil, paint & drug reporter, New York. Acheson graphite co.,* Niagara Falls, N. Y. Gredag lubricants, a catalog of grades and their uses. illus. 12mo. [Form no. 445] O Nov. 20, 1923; 2 c.. and aff. Dec. 5; A 772286. [O p. 3-9, 41] 48 p. Smashing sale of army goods. 3 v. cover-title, illus. 4to. (Catalog no. 25-27) Oct. 15, Nov. 11, Dec. 7, 1923; 2 c. each Nov. 15, Dec. 12: affs. Nov. 15, Dec. 24; A 764744, 764745, 772484. Hardware supplement. 15 p. illus. 4to. fold to obl. 32mo. (Catalog no. 26) Nov. 30, 1923; 2 c. Dec 12; aff. Dec. 24. A 772483. Acorn wire and iron works,* ('hicago. [Acorn heavy wire mesh products.] 48 p. illus., diagrs. 4to. (Catalog no. 200) Nov. 18, 1923; 1 c. Dec. 5; 1 c. Dec. 8; aff. Dec. 21; A 771860. 47693 47684 47694 Ad art service. Allied newspapers, inc., Cleveland. 47694, 47695 Ad art service, Oct. 1-31, 1923. 2 v. illus. fol. Sept. 17, Oct. 2, 1923; 2 c. Dec. 6; aff. Dec. 5; A 771109, 771110. Adams (Bertram Martin),* Modesto, Calif. 47696, 47697 Helmsmen of the Harper, by Bill Adams [pseud.] (In Adventure, Dec. 20, 1923) Nov. 7, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 19; A 717438. Slants on life. Great gift, by Bill Adams [pseud.] (In Adventure, Dec. 10, 1923) Oct 31, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 19; A 717437. Adams (Glenn David),* Chicago. World outlook. 32 p. 47698 illus. nar. 12mo. Nov. 7, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 13; A 763340. Adams (Gridley),* Hartford, Conn. 47699, 47700 Prose and worse. [2 instalments] (In Everybody's magazine, Dec, Jan., 1924) Nov. 5, Dec. 5, 1923; 1 c. each Nov. 3, Dec. 7; A 716803, 718305. Addy (Mathew) co.,* Philadelphia. Pickelette. 31 p. 24mo. 47701 Nov. 20, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 26; A 764716. Adler (Hazel H.) 47702, 47703 Planning the color schemes for your home. 31 p. 31 p. col. illus. 4to. O Dec. 14, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 18; A 771892. George W. Blabon co., Phila delphia. Question and answer. [6] p. folder. nar. 8vo. Nov. 7, 1923; 2 c. Dec. 6; aff. Dec. 12; A 772104. Taylor system of color harmony, inc., New York. Adler (Stella)* St. Louis. 47704 Good luck pencils. Sheet, 11 by 51 in. May 12, 1923; 2 c. May 25; aff. Aug. 13; A 757277. Advance automobile accessories corp.*, Chicago. 47705-47714 Advance asbestos. Copy for catalogs, folders, etc. 2 1. illus. 8vo. Nov. 6, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 10; A 763267. the quality brake lining., Sheet, Dec. 3, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 10; A 771327. illus., 12 by 12 in. pt. 1, n. s., v. 20 Advance white stripe cord fan belt for Fords. Sheet, illus., 12 by 12 in. Dec. 3, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 10; A 771322. Advance white stripe heavy duty transmission lining for Fords. Sheet, illus, 12 by 12 in. © Dec. 3, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 10; A 771325. Cork feltbak. Copy for catalogs, folders, etc. 21. illus. 8vo. O Nov. 6, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 10: A 763265. Duplex cantilever. The rough road shock absorber for Fords. Sheet, illus., 12 by 12 in. Dec. 3, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 10; A 771323. Feltbak stops Ford chatter permanently Sheet, illus., 12 by 12 in. Dec. 3. 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 10; A 771324. Red star timer for Fords. Sheet, illus., 12 by 12 in. © Dec. 3, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 10; A 771326. White stripe card fan belt. Copy Aims (Wm. D. P.)* Philadelphia. York. 47743 no. 12, 1923 din homes. 16 p. Aladdin co.*, Bay City, Mich. Alad- Alexander Hamilton institute*, New illus. (part col.) diagrs. 4to. © Dec. 10, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 13; A 772138. TAYSE 47720 Alanic (Mathilde)* Angers, M. & L., France. Sachet de Lavande. [12 instalments] (In Annales, 9 sept.25 nov., 1923) Sept. 9-Nov. 25, 1923; 1 c. each Dec. 28; A-Foreign 23756. 47721 Alaska. Workmen's compensation law of the Territory of Alaska; effective Aug. 2, 1923. 2 p. 1., 3-28 p. 8vo. July 9, 1923; 2 c. and aff. July 14; A 711175; Frederick Robertson Jones, New York. 47722 Alaska-Yukon gazetteer and business directory. Polk's 1923-24 AlaskaYukon gazetteer and business directory. [v. 12] 668 p. 8vo. Nov. 23, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 22; A 765428; R. L. Polk & co., inc., Seattle. 47723 Alaskan churchman calendar, 1924. Wall chart. cover-title, [12] p. illus. 8vo. Nov. 5, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 14; A 764195; Alaskan churchman, Haverford, Pa. 47724 Alberty (Ada)* Los Angeles. Wonderworking calcium. Sheet, illus. (ports.) printed on both sides, 84 by 7 in. Aug. 25, 1923; 2 c. and 47725 aff. Nov. 19; A 764347. Alberty food products co. 47726, 47727 Alberty food for adults. 46, [2] p. illus. (ports.) sq. 24mo. © July 20, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 19; A 764345. Mrs. Alberty's food for infants. 47 p. illus. (ports.) sq. 24mo. © July 20, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 19; A 764346. Ada Alberty, Los Angeles. Alexander (Claire) Italy and Spain plan alliance as kings visit. (In Chicago daily tribune) © Nov. 20, 1923; 1 c. Nov. 23; A 717667; Chicago tribune, Chicago. 47728 Alexander (Frank O.) Bill Jones' practical philosophy. no. 1 of a series. Dec. 10, 1923; 2 c. Dec. 15; aff. Dec. 13; A 772163; ParkerHolladay co., Chicago. 47729 Alexander (Milton) co.*, Detroit. Jewelry advertising for November. 4 1. illus. fold to fol. (Series no. 26) Nov. 1, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 19; A 764395. 47730 47731-47740 Avoiding the exchange risk. covertitle, 11 p. 16mo. (Modern business talk no. 35) Nov. 15, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 23; A 764490. Business progress bulletin, Nov. 27, 1923. 8 p. 4to. Nov. 27. 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 30; A 763908. Financial and trade review, Nov., Dec., 1923. 2 v., diagrs. 4to. C Nov. 19, Dec. 18, 1923; 2 c. each and affs. Nov. 23, Dec. 21; A 764491, 771812. Financing corporate operations. cover-title, 12 p. 16mo. business talk no. 8) (Modern Nov. 26, 1923: 2 c. and aff. Dec. 6; A 764905. Investment bulletin, Dec. 12, 1923. [4] p. 4to. Dec. 12, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 15; A. 772202. Monthly letter, Dec., 1923. [4] p. diagrs. 4to. [With this: suppl. Sheet, printed on both sides, 102 by 84 in.] Dec. 5, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 7; A 771205. p. Canadian, Dec., 1923. 3, [1] diagr. 4to. Dec. 5, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 7: A 771206. Sterling exchange outlook. covertitle, 6 p. 16 mo. (Problem no. 18). Nov. 27, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Dec. 6; A 764906. Trade bulletin, Nov. 22, 1923. 8 p. diagrs. 4to. Nov. 22, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 24; A 763718. Allen (Darden)* Louisville, Ky. Automobile tour book. v. no. 2. Showing main traveled highways of the Southeastern States and other trunk line connections. 1924 ed. 226 p. fold. map. sq. 8vo. Nov. 1, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 12; A 760830. 47741 Allen (J. Worth)* Oskaloosa, Ia. Allen system of musical expression. [31] p. 4to. (Series 3) [Mimeographed] Dec. 22, 1923; 2 c. Dec. 26; A 772559. 47742 Allyne-Zerk co., Cleveland. Equipment manual of Zerk lubrication for passenger cars [and price list, Nov. 1st, 1923] 137, [3] p. diagrs. nar. 8vo. Nov. 9, 1923; 2 c. and aff. Nov. 16; A 764279. 47743 |