(19 U.S.C. 2462(a)(4)), is ineligible for designation as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of the GSP. Pursuant to section 504 of the 1974 Act, the President may withdraw, suspend, or limit the application of dutyfree treatment under the GSP with respect to any article or with respect to any country upon consideration of the factors set forth in sections 501 and 502(c) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2461 and 2462(c)). 4. Pursuant to sections 501, 503(a), and 504(a) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2461, 2463(a), and 2464(a)), in order to subdivide and amend the nomenclature of existing provisions of the HTS to modify the GSP, I have determined, after taking into account information and advice received under section 503(a), that the HTS should be modified to adjust the original designation of eligible articles. In addition, pursuant to title V of the 1974 Act, I have determined that it is appropriate to designate specified articles provided for in the HTS as eligible for preferential tariff treatment under the GSP when imported from designated beneficiary developing countries, and that such treatment for other articles should be terminated. I have also determined, pursuant to sections 504(a), (c)(1), and (c)(2) of the 1974 Act, that certain beneficiary countries should no longer receive preferential tariff treatment under the GSP with respect to certain eligible articles. Further, I have determined, pursuant to section 504(c)(5) of the 1974 Act, that certain countries should be redesignated as beneficiary developing countries with respect to certain eligible articles. These countries have been previously excluded from benefits of the GSP with respect to such eligible articles pursuant to section 504(c)(1) of the 1974 Act. Further, pursuant to section 504(d)(1) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2464(d)(1)), I have determined that the limitation provided for in section 504(c)(1)(B) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2464(c)(1)(B)) should not apply with respect to certain eligible articles because no like or directly competitive article was produced in the United States on January 3, 1985. Last, I have determined that section 504(c)(1)(B) of the 1974 Act should not apply with respect to certain eligi-ble articles pursuant to section 504(d)(2) of the 1974 Act. 5. Pursuant to sections 502(b)(7), 502(c)(7), and 504 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(b)(7), 2462(c)(7), and 2464), I have determined that it is appropriate to provide for the suspension of preferential treatment under the GSP for articles that are currently eligible for such treatment and that are imported from Mauritania. Such suspension is the result of my determination that Mauritania has not taken and is not taking steps to afford internationally recognized worker rights, as defined in section 502(a)(4) of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2462(a)(4)). 6. Pursuant to sections 501 and 502 of the 1974 Act (19 U.S.C. 2461 and 2462), and having due regard for the eligibility criteria set forth therein, I have determined that it is appropriate to designate Albania as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of the GSP. 7. Proclamation 6517 of December 23, 1992, withdrew the duty-free treatment accorded under the GSP, pursuant to title V of the 1974 Trade Act, to imports of sulfanilic acid, provided for in HTS subheading 2921.42.24. Proclamation 6544 of April 13, 1993, made further modifications in the HTS provisions for such goods. Through technical error, the HTS provisions created in the annexes to such proclamations were not properly structured and numbered. Therefore, I have decided that it is necessary and appropriate to modify the HTS to correct these errors. 8. Section 604 of the 1974 Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2483), authorizes the President to embody in the HTS the substance of the relevant provisions of that Act, and of other Acts affecting import treatment, and actions thereunder, including the removal, modification, continuance, or imposition of any rate of duty or other import restriction. NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the United States of America, acting under the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to title V and section 604 of the 1974 Act, do proclaim that: (1) In order to designate certain articles as eligible articles for purposes of the GSP when imported from designated beneficiary developing countries, the HTS is modified as provided in Annex I to this proclamation. (2)(a) In order to designate certain articles as eligible articles for purposes of the GSP when imported from any designated beneficiary developing country, the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for the HTS subheading enumerated in Annex II(a) to this proclamation is modified by inserting in the parentheses the symbol "A" as provided in such Annex. (b) In order to designate certain articles as eligible articles for purposes of the GSP when imported from any designated beneficiary developing country excluding India, the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for the HTS subheading enumerated in Annex II(b) to this proclamation is modified by inserting in the parentheses the symbol "A" as provided in such Annex. (c) In order to restore preferential tariff treatment under the GSP to a country which has been excluded from the benefits of the GSP for an eligible article, the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for each of the HTS subheadings enumerated in Annex II(c) to this proclamation is modified: (i) by deleting symbol "A*" in parentheses, and (ii) by inserting in such subcolumn the symbol "A" in lieu thereof. (d) In order to provide that one or more countries should no longer be treated as a beneficiary developing country with respect to an eligible article for purposes of the GSP, the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for each of the HTS provisions enumerated in Annex II(d) to this proclamation is modified: (i) by deleting the symbol "A" in parentheses, and (ii) by inserting in such subcolumn the symbol "A" in lieu thereof. (3) In order to provide for the suspension of preferential treatment under the GSP for Mauritania, to provide for the addition of Albania as a beneficiary developing country under the GSP, to provide that one or more countries that have not been treated as beneficiary developing countries with respect to an eligible article should be redesignated as beneficiary developing countries with respect to such article for purposes of the GSP, and to provide that one or more countries should no longer be treated as beneficiary developing countries with respect to an eligible article for purposes of the GSP, general note 3(c)(ii) to the HTS is modified as provided in Annex III to this proclamation. (4) In order to ensure the withdrawal of GSP treatment from imports of sulfanilic acid and to correct technical errors in certain HTS provisions, as created in the Annex to Proclamation 6517 and modified in Annex II to Proclamation 6544, such annexes are hereby superseded, and the HTS is modified as set forth in Annex IV to this proclamation. (5) Any provisions of previous proclamations and Executive orders inconsistent with the provisions of this proclamation are hereby superseded to the extent of such inconsistency. (6) (a) The modifications made by Annexes I, II, and III(a) to this proclamation shall be effective with respect to articles both: (i) imported on or after January 1, 1976, and (ii) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after July 1, 1993. (b) The modification made by Annex III(b) to this proclamation shall be effective with respect to articles both: (i) imported on or after January 1, 1976, and (ii) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 60 days after the date of publication of this proclamation in the Federal Register. (c) The modifications made by Annex IV to this proclamation shall be effective with respect to articles both: (i) imported on or after January 1, 1976, and (ii) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 12, 1993. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and seventeenth. WILLIAM J. CLINTON Annex I Modifications to the HTS The HTS is modified as provided below, with bracketed matter included to assist in the understanding of proclaimed modifications. The following supersedes matter in the HTS. The subheadings and superior text are set forth in columnar format, and material in such columns is inserted in the columns of the HTS designated "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", "Rates of Duty 1-General", "Rates of Duty 1-Special", and "Rates of Duty 2", respectively. Effective with respect to articles both: (i) imported on or after January 1, 1976, and (ii) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after July 1, 1993. 1. Subheading 4418.20.00 is superseded by: the GSP Modification in the HTS of an Article's Preferential Tariff Treatment under Effective with respect to articles both: (i) imported on or after January 1, 1976, and (ii) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after July 1, 1993. (a) For HTS subheading 7202.50.00, in the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn, insert in the parentheses following the "Free" rate the symbol “A," in alphabetical order. (b) For HTS subheading 2902.60.00, in the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn, insert in the parentheses following the “Free” rate the symbol “A*,” in alphabetical order. (c) For HTS subheadings 4008.19.10, 8112.91.50 and 8527.11.60, in the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn, delete the symbol “A*" and insert an "A" in lieu thereof. (d) For the following HTS provisions, in the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn, delete the symbol "A" and insert an "A*" in lieu thereof: Modifications to General Note 3(c)(ii) of the HTS (a) Effective with respect to articles both: (i) imported on or after January 1, 1976, and (ii) en tered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after July 1, 1993. (1) General note 3(c)(ii)(A) is modified by inserting “Albania” in alphabetical order in the enumeration of independent countries. (2) General note 3(c)(ii)(D) is modified: (i) by deleting the following HTS subheading and the country set opposite such subheading: 4008.19.10 Malaysia 8112.91.50 Chile 8521.10.00 Malaysia; Thailand 8527.11.60 Malaysia (ii) by adding in numerical sequence, the following HTS provisions and countries set opposite them: (iii) by adding, in alphabetical order, the following countries opposite the following HTS (b) Effective with respect to articles both: (i) imported on or after January 1, 1976, and (ii) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 60 days after the date of publication of this Proclamation in the Federal Register. (1) General note 3(c)(ii)(A) is modified by deleting "Mauritania" from the enumeration of independent countries. (2) General note 3(c)(ii)(B) is modified by deleting “Mauritania" from the enumeration of countries. Annex IV Effective with respect to articles both: (i) imported on or after January 1, 1976 and (ii) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 12, 1993. 1. The HTS is modified as provided below, with bracketed matter included to assist in the understanding of proclaimed modifications. The following supersedes matter in the HTS. The sub headings and superior text are set forth in columnar format, and material in such columns is inserted in the columns of the HTS designated “Heading/Subheading”, “Article Description", "Rates of Duty 1-General", "Rates of Duty 1-Special”, and “Rates of Duty 2", respectively. Subheading 2921.42.24 is deleted and the following new subheadings inserted in numerical sequence: [Amine-function compounds:] Conforming change: General note 3(c)(ii)(D) to the HTS is modified by deleting "2921.42.24 India" and inserting, in numerical sequence, "2921.42.21 India” in lieu thereof. Editoral note: For the President's letter to Congressional leaders on trade with Mauritania, see the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (vol. 29, p. 1175). Proclamation 6576 of July 1, 1993 National Youth Sports Program Day, 1993 By the President of the United States of America The National Youth Sports Program (NYSP) provides economically disadvantaged children between the ages of 10 through 16 opportunities to earn and learn self-respect through a comprehensive sports and educational instruction program. Today, in its 25th year, the NYSP serves more than 69,000 young people at 173 colleges and universities in 44 States and the District of Columbia. The children who participate in the program receive supervised training in sport competitions, personal health care, proper nutrition, and free medical and follow-up examinations. They obtain information on drug and alcohol abuse and are taught about good study habits. Career and educational opportunities in math and science are also offered. In addition to the benefits provided to the children, the NYSP enables staff at the participating institutions to become involved in their communities and in providing solutions to community problems. For more than 25 years, the NYSP has worked to develop effective partnerships with several Federal agencies and departments and with the Nation's colleges and universities acting through the National Collegiate Athletic Association. These unique partnerships have allowed Federal funds to be used to provide direct services for youth, have enabled institutions to contribute their facilities and personnel, and have permitted public and private businesses to donate equipment and supplies needed for the children to participate in the program during the summer. By utilizing competitive sports as a means of expression, it has allowed these children to express their pain and deal with their difficult living conditions in a positive way, rather than in a self-destructive manner. For many of these children, a sense of accomplishment and empowerment has taken the place of despair. I urge all Americans to join me on this special |