Annex III (con.) Section (A)(1). (con.): (h). For the following subheadings, in the Rates of Duty 1 Special subcolumn, insert in the parentheses following "The rate applicable to each garment in the ensemble if separately entered" the symbol "MX" in alphabetical order: 6103.29.20 6104.29.20 6203.23.00 6203.29.30 (1). For the following provisions, in the Rates of Duty 1 Special subcolumn, insert in the parentheses following "The rate of duty applicable to that article in the set subject to the highest rate of duty" the symbol "MX" in alphabetical order: 8206.00.00 8211.10.00 8215.10.00 (j). For subheading 9110.11.00, in the Rates of Duty 1 Special subcolumn, insert in the parentheses following "The rate applicable to the complete, assembled movement" the symbol "MX" in alphabetical order. (k). For subheading 9608.50.00, in the Rates of Duty 1 Special subcolumn, insert in the parentheses following "The rate applicable to each article in the absence of this subheading" the symbol "MX" in alphabetical order. (2). Effective with respect to articles both: (i) imported on or after January 1, 1976, and (ii) entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 1994, or if the NAFTA does not enter into force on January 1, 1994, on or after such later date as the NAFTA enters into force, the Rates of Duty 1 Special subcolumn for the following provisions is modified by (i) deleting the symbol "A*" in parentheses, and inserting the symbol "A" in lieu thereof. Annex III (con.) Section (B). Effective with respect to goods of Mexico. under terms of general note 12 to the tariff schedule. entered. or withdrawn from |