OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND BYL B. B. TURNER Clerk in the Bank of England AUTHOR OF "COMMERCE AND BANKING,' ""GUIDE TO COMMERCIAL ། * LIBRARY PREFACE HE two hundredth birthday of the celebrated THE Old Lady of Threadneedle Street has come and gone, and little has been said or done in commemoration of the bi-centenary. It has occurred to me that a short history of the Bank during two hundred years of her existence, written in popular style, might be interesting to the public, and I now trust that this humble attempt to produce such a history may prove acceptable. I am, of course, indebted for much of the following information to previous writers, and in some cases, though not in all, I have stated the names of those writers. I have found Mr. Francis's History (now out of print) and past numbers of the Bankers' Magazine very useful in the compilation of this work. |