Chronicles of the Bank of England

Pirmais vāks
S. Sonnenschein, 1897 - 296 lappuses

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Populāri fragmenti

117. lappuse - In order to keep up the credit of our house, I have forged powers of attorney for the above sums and parties, and sold out to the amount here stated, and without the knowledge of my partners. I kept up the payment of the dividends, but made no entries of such payments in our books.
19. lappuse - Philip and Mary, by the grace of God King and Queen of England, France, Naples, Jerusalem, and Ireland ; Defenders of the Faith ; Princes of Spain and Sicily ; Archdukes of Austria ; Dukes of Milan, Burgundy, and Brabant ; Counts of Hapsburg, Flanders, and Tyrol...
142. lappuse - England, to borrow, owe, or take up any sum or sums of money on their bills or notes payable on demand or at any less time than six months from the borrowing thereof...
159. lappuse - ... has been aggravated by a want of that confidence which is necessary for carrying on the ordinary dealings of trade. They have been in hopes that the check given to transactions of a speculative character, the transfer of capital from other countries, the influx of bullion...
41. lappuse - A company for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is.
102. lappuse - An Act for the further prevention of the counterfeiting of silver tokens issued by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England called dollars, and of silver pieces issued and circulated by the said Governor and Company...
83. lappuse - Board, that it is indispensably necessary for the Public service, that the Directors of the Bank of England should forbear issuing any Cash in payment, until the sense of Parliament can be taken on that subject, and the proper measures adopted thereupon, for maintaining the means of Circulation, and supporting the public and commercial credit of the Kingdom at this important conjuncture...
22. lappuse - I am where it is my duty to be ; and I may without presumption commit my life to God's keeping: but you " While they were talking a cannon ball from the ramparts laid Godfrey dead at the King's feet.
83. lappuse - In consequence of an order of his majesty's privy council, notified to the Bank last night, a copy of which is hereunto annexed, the governor, deputy-governor, and directors of the Bank of England, think it their duty to inform the proprietors of Bank stock, as well as the public at large, that the general concerns of the Bank are in the most affluent and prosperous situation, and such as to preclude every doubt as to the...
101. lappuse - If guineas cannot be procured, by a payment in Portugal gold coin, equal in weight to the number of guineas requisite to discharge the rent : 3rd.

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