Lapas attēli


Mr. WOODRUM. Have you a statement about the Great Lakes? Commander LEFFLER. The largest item there again is for material in the amount of $294,874.

Mr. WOODRUM. This covers the same type of operation that you have in other stations?

Commander LEFFLER. Yes.

Mr. TABER. How many men did you previously figure on at the Great Lakes?

Commander LEFFLER. Originally Great Lakes Training Station was assigned 8,220 recruits and service school students. We now plan to raise the quota to 51,511.

Mr. TABER. And this increase is entirely due to that set-up?

Commander LEFFLER. Yes; due to increased plant and increase in number of students.

Mr. TABER. Will you insert in the record the break-down appearing on page 11?

(The statement referred to follows:)

[blocks in formation]


Mr. WOODRUM. Will you insert in the record the summary of objects, on the front page, and page 1 of the justifications, covering the Naval Training Station at Norfolk.

(The statements referred to follow:)

[blocks in formation]


The purpose for which these additional funds are required is to provide for expansion of recruit training facilities, including maintenance and operation, and repairs to buildings and distributing systems, services and upkeep of grounds, based on training 32,352 recruits, including mess attendants, during the fiscal year 1942.


The 1942 Budget estimates submitted by this station were based on 10,280 recruits, including mess attendants, as directed by the Bureau. On the basis of an 8-week training period, this station can handle 32,352 recruits, inclusive of mess attendants, and these estimates are based as follows:

(a) July 1941 through June 1942, 32,352 recruits, an increase of 22,072 over the number estimated for in the original 1942 Budget estimates.

(b) Since submission of the 1942 Budget the following buildings are anticipated during the fiscal year 1942: Dispensary (250 beds), recreation building, barracks (2), service building, 28 sets chief petty officer family quarters, instruction building, and clothing and small-stores storehouse.

(c) The original appropriation was based on the assignment of 2,400 serviceschool students during the fiscal year 1942. This supplemental estimate is based on an estimated increase of 1,900 students, to a total of 4,300.

Commander LEFFLER. There was originally assigned to Norfolk Training Station 12,680 men under training; students and recruits now planned total 42,077.

Mr. WOODRUM. You are asking for $200,000 additional?

Commander LEFFLER. Yes.

Mr. TABER. The principal item here is for heat, light, water, and materials.

Mr. THOMAS. Are you going to be able to take care of the additional 30,000 men with the $200,000 you are requesting?

Commander LEFFLER. That station is in pretty good condition. Mr. THOMAS. In other words, you have spent considerable money at that station at the time you previously assigned the 12,680, and the plant will take care of the 42,000?

Commander LEFFLER. Yes.


Mr. WOODRUM. $83,500 is requested for fleet training.

Commander HOLLOWAY. This is to complete the camera party in the current fiscal year rather than carrying it over into the 1943.

The situation has developed quite rapidly with the Atlantic forces increasing due to the force being brought from the Pacific, and in addition to that, strategical deployment of that fleet, scattering it to the extent that we have, increases overhead in equipment beyond what we anticipated. And it is the camera party which is the ultimate in battle training; it is the final word, you might say, and for that reason I am very anxious to complete it this year and give the Atlantic Fleet the full benefit of these services.

Mr. WOODRUM. Put that first sheet in the record. (The statement referred to follows:)

[blocks in formation]

--- $6,500

Recurring items: Additional photographic materials and equipment‒‒‒‒‒‒ Increase due to increased number of ships to which target practice photographic services will be rendered. Increase in number of ships anticipated in 1942 appropriation to that now planned is 1 to 1.4.

Nonrecurring items:

Purchase of 4 additional aerial viewers__.

Purchase of 2 additional sets (7 cameras per set)

Purchase of 2 additional sets AA triangulation cameras.
Purchase of 2 AA viewers__.

$8,000 46,000

16, 000

3, 600

East Coast Camera Party to be largely completed during 1942, due to expansion Atlantic Fleet. Also strategical deployment of that fleet increases overhead in equipment, due to necessity of breaking Camera Party into subgroups to render services to widely dispersed task groups.

Project III. Rifle ranges and small-arms instructions

Recurring item: Increased cost of maintenance and operation of rifle ranges---


Cost of operation of rifle ranges is based on average enlisted strength. 1942 appropriation based on 245,000 men. That now planned is 317,000 men.


Mr. TABER. What is the reason for the increase in project No. 2, Photographic Material and Equipment; is that due to the increase in the number of men?

Commander HOLLOWAY. It is not directly associated with the number of men. This is due to the fact that we started from scratch in the Atlantic Fleet.

Mr. TABER. It is due to the fact that you are going ahead with your program a little faster than had originally planned?

Commander HOLLOWAY. That is true, yes.

Mr. TABER. What do they do with this camera set-up?

Commander HOLLOWAY. In target practice photographs are taken of the hits relative to the target, and these pictures are the source of determining particularly the number of hits, and that goes to show the effectiveness in the type of training that is being given.

Mr. SHEPPARD. It is the basis of giving you corrective information in target practice as well.

Commander HOLLOWAY. Yes; and every bit of the progress we have made in operating technique has been made on data made available by this method.

Mr. THOMAS. This is for the Atlantic Fleet?

Commander HOLLOWAY. For the Atlantic Fleet.

Mr. THOMAS. What is the condition in the Pacific Fleet? Commander HOLLOWAY. The Pacific Fleet is very well equipped. We have had the fleet there built up pretty well but not carried over to the Atlantic Fleet.


Mr. WOODRUM. Captain Lake, have you a statement to make on the item for Instruction involving $575,000?

Captain LAKE. The increase under Instruction is made necessary by the authorized increased strength in enlisted personnel, and the increase in the number of ships, expansion of existing schools, and establishment of new schools for enlisted personnel since the submission of the 1942 regular estimates.

The principal items of this increase are caused by the inclusion in this appropriation of the estimates for instruction of Reserves formerly carried in the Reserve appropriation, in the amount of $550,436. Without that the increase only amounts to $24,564.

This $550,436 was included in the supplemental estimates submitted in the Reserve appropriation, and we were directed by the Bureau of the Budget to take it out of the Reserve appropriation, and put it in the appropriation for Instruction because the instruction of Reserves and Regulars has now been combined. I would like to insert pages 1, 2, and 3 in the record.



Instruction: For services of employees assigned to group IV (b) and those performing similar services carried under native and alien schedules in the Schedule of Wages for Civil Employees in the Field Service of the Navy Department, postgraduate instruction of officers in other than civil government and literature, including such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of the act approved January 16, 1936 (34 U. S. C. 1073), and for special instruction, education, including the rental, maintenance, operation, repair, and alteration of buildings for housing schools and individual training of officers and enlisted men at home and abroad, including maintenance of students abroad, except aviation training and submarine training otherwise appropriated for, $290,000: Provided, That no part of this or any other appropriation contained in this act shall be available for or on account of any expense incident to giving special educational courses or postgraduate instruction to officers with view to qualifying them or better qualifying them for the performance of duties required to be performed by or in pursuance of law by officers of the Supply Corps, the Corps of Civil Engineers, and officers assigned to engineering duty only, except present students and except such officers who are commissioned in such corps or have been assigned to engineering duty only or who have not been commissioned in the line of the Navy more than 3 years and 4 months prior to the commencement of such educational courses or postgraduate instruction.


Heretofore it has not been necessary to rent buildings for schools for officer and enlisted personnel for instruction. However, due to the greatly expanded

training program, it has become necessary to rent buildings for schools and the language underlined is necessary for the purpose.

[blocks in formation]

Local defense school, Boston, Mass.: 1 junior clerk-stenog-
rapher, CAF-2___

1, 440

Navy Supply Corps School, Boston, Mass:

2 junior clerk-stenographers, CAF-2 @ $1,440_.

1 messenger, CU-2__.

1 assistant clerk-typist, CAF-3-.

4 junior clerk-typists, CAF-2 @ $1,440_.

Radio school, Noroton, Conn.: 4 telephone operators, CAF-1
@ $1,260---

1, 620




5, 040

Aviation training school, Navy pier, Chicago: 10 clerks for
9 months @ $1,440_

10, 800


Project V. Stationery and supplies for schools for enlisted men. Recurring item: Consumable supplies for 63,975 addtional men at $.293 per man..

Nonrecurring item:

Textbooks for class A school, Great Lakes, Ill.:
100 copies Industrial Electricity_

28, 620


$18, 745

750 copies Practical Shop Mechanics-

100 copies Industrial Sheet Metal Drawing_


Project VI. Educational material___-

Recurring item:

Textbooks, slidefilm equipment, and so forth, for 75
additional ships at $55 per ship----


Slidefilm projector.



Nonrecurring item:

O'Rourke Mechanical Aptitude Tests for 96,419 recruits
at $.06 each___

Textbooks for new Naval Academy Preparatory School,
San Francisco, Calif.:

[blocks in formation]





12, 893

$4, 125





5, 768








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