Acts and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina

Pirmais vāks
State Printer, 1882 - 142 lappuses
Acts for 1849 and 1855 contain Senate and House journals.

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840. lappuse - That in case any common carrier subject to the provisions of this Act shall do, cause to be done, or permit to be done, any act. matter, or thing in this Act prohibited or declared to be unlawful, or shall omit to do any act. matter, or thing in this Act required to be done...
815. lappuse - ... being treated as one continuous carriage from the place of shipment to the place of destination, unless such break, stoppage, or interruption was made in good faith for some necessary purpose, and without any intent to avoid or unnecessarily interrupt such continuous carriage or to evade any of the provisions of this act.
694. lappuse - States army and navy or the customs and usages thereof, but no punishment under such rules and articles which shall extend to the taking of life shall, in any case, be inflicted except in time of actual war, invasion or insurrection, declared by proclamation of the governor to exist, and then only after the approval by the governor of the sentence inflicting such punishment.
711. lappuse - York" and by that name they and their successors shall and may have continual succession, and shall be persons in law, capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and being defended, in all courts and places whatsoever...
1127. lappuse - Electors, then such persons shall deliver the lists of votes in their custody into the office of the Secretary of State, to be safely kept and delivered over, as soon as may be, to the President of the Senate.
797. lappuse - States, whenever the two or more railroads of the companies or corporations so to be consolidated shall or may form a continuous line of railroad with each other, or by means of any intervening railroad, bridge or ferry.
1119. lappuse - ... imprisonment, and for each subsequent offense by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
821. lappuse - ... the actual working of the system of railroad transportation in its bearing upon the business and prosperity of the state...
820. lappuse - ... stations or station houses, or any change in its rates of fare for transporting freight or passengers, or any change in the mode of operating its road and conducting its business is reasonable and expedient in order to promote the security, convenience and accommodation of the public...
798. lappuse - ... terms and conditions thereof, the mode of carrying the same into effect, the name of the new corporation, the number and names of the directors and other officers thereof, and who shall be the first directors and officers, and their places of residence, the number of shares of the capital stock, the amount or par value of each share, and the manner of converting...

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