LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE. CHAPTER 1. PUBLICATION OF LAWS. SRC. 1. Secretary of State directed to exclude SEC. 3. Tax on private laws. certain acts in the publication of the laws. 2. What acts excluded. 4. Clerks not to furnish copies of acts without the certificate of Secretary of An Act concerning the Publication of the Laws. State di SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen- Secretary of tatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That rected to exthe Secretary of State be and he is hereby directed to exclude clude certain from the publication of the laws of this State all acts of incor- publication poration, and other acts of a private nature, unless such acts contain a provision directing their publication. of the laws. SECTION 2. That in the publication of the acts of the present session of the Legislature the Secretary of State shall exclude all acts of incorporation, and acts of a private nature, except acts incorporating railroad companies, towns and banks, and the sup- excluded. plements to said acts. What acts vate laws. SECTION 3. That the Secretary of State is hereby authorized and directed to demand and receive for the use of the State, on certifying any act of incorporation, the sum of twenty dollars, Tax on priwhen the capital stock of such incorporation shall exceed fifty thousand dollars, and ten dollars when the capital stock shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars; and on certifying any other act or resolution of a private nature, he shall demand and receive, for the use of the State, a fee of ten dollars. Clerks not to copies of acts SECTION 4. That it shall not be lawful for the Clerks of the two Houses of the Legislature, or either of them, hereafter to furnish give or permit copies of such acts as are referred to in the fore- without the going sections to be taken, unless the certificate of the Secretary Secretary of of State is appended thereto. certificate State. Passed at Dover, February 17, 1866. |