Lapas attēli

DECEMBER 2, 1912-MARCH 4, 1913



VOL. 1


US Doc 445

Harvard College Library

April 10, 1914

from the

United States Government



1290. Conference report on bill to regulate money loaning in D. C.

1291. Incorporation of American academy of arts and letters.

1295. Additional aids to navigation.

1298. To extend time for bridge across Rock River near Colona, Ill.

1299. Motor boat for customs service at Corpus Christi, Tex.

1302. Donation of Government documents to Old Newbury Historical Society.

1303. American commission for investigation of rural credits in Europe.

1335. Investigation of charges relating to fencing of public lands.

1337. Conveyance of certain land to Texas.

1339. Penalties under corporation-tax law.

1340. Conference report on bill relative to immigration of aliens, etc.

1341. Rivers and harbors appropriation bill.

1342. Contingent expenses of Senate.

1343. Aerodynamical laboratory.

1344. Retirement of certain officers of Philippine scouts.

1345. Fortifications appropriation bill.

1346. Amendment to general pension act of May 11, 1912.

1348. Agriculture Department appropriation bill.

1349. Grant of certain permits, Mar. 4, 1913, in District of Columbia.

1350. Temporary clerks in Census Bureau.

1351. Conference report on bill to incorporate American Hospital of Paris.

1356. Publicity of taking evidence under Sherman antitrust law.

1358. Panama-Pacific International Exposition.

1359. To extend time for bridge across Mississipi River at Minneapolis.

1360. To extend time for bridge across Mississippi River at Minneapolis.

1361. To extend time for bridge across Mississippi River at Minneapolis.

1362. To extend time for bridge across Mississippi River at Minneapolis.

1363. Bridge across Missouri River in North Dakota.

1366. Memorials to Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in D. C.

1367. Exchange of school lands.

1368. Desert-land entries, Chuckawalla Valley, Cal.

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