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ARABIAN. One of the three great groups of the Semitic branch of the Caucasian race. The Arabians are related to the Hebrews and include Arabs proper and the wandering Bedouin tribes of the desert. They have long since spread out from the country that bears their name and settled in distant portions of Africa and Asia, as well as penetrated into Europe. They have given their language, through the Koran, to the vaster populations of Mohammedan faith. They are not to be confounded with the Turks (see), who are Mongolian Tatar, in origin and speech, rather than Caucasian. Neither are they closely related to the Syrians (see), who are Christians and Aryans, not Semites; nor even to the Berbers and the modern Moors of north Africa, who are Hamitic rather than Semitic in origin. Yet Syrians and Moors alike have long used the Arabic tongue. The Arab population of Arabia is between 3,500,000 and 5,000,000. Still more live in northern Africa. Very few come to the United States.

ARMENIAN (called by themselves Haik). The Aryan race or people of Armenia, in Asiatic Turkey. Linguistically the Armenians are more nearly related to the Aryans of Europe than to their Asiatic neighbors, the Syrians, Arabs, and Hebrews (Semites), and especially the Turks and Kurds, the inveterate enemies of the Armenians. In language the latter are more European than are the Magyars, the Finns, or the Basques of Europe. The nearest relatives of the Armenic tongue are the other members of the Indo-Iranic group of Aryan languages, which includes the Persian, the Hindi, and the Gypsy. In religion the Armenians differ from all the above-named peoples excepting the Syrians in that they are Christian. They boast a church as old as that of Rome. To add to the ethnical confusion they are related physically to the Turks, although they exceed these, as they do almost all peoples, in the remarkable shortness and height of their heads. The flattening of the back of the head is noticeable at once in most Armenians. It can only be compared to the flattened occiput of the Malay, often noticed in Filipinos.

Only a fraction of the Armenians are found in their own country, Armenia; perhaps 650,000 out of a total variously estimated at from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000. Over 1,000,000 live in Russia, in the Transcaucasus (only 30,000 in Ciscaucasia); 400,000 in European Turkey; 100,000 in Persia; about 15,000 in or near Hungary; and 6,000 in India and Africa. Perhaps half their number still live in different parts of the Turkish dominions. Large numbers of those who have migrated did so because of the persecutions of the Turks and Kurds directed against them. Only 26,498 Armenian immigrants were admitted to the United States in the twelve years 1899-1910.

ARYAN, INDO-EUROPEAN, INDO-GERMANIC, INDO-CELTIC, CELTO-GERMANIC, JAPHETIC, or SANSCRITIC. The family of inflected languages spoken by all the races or peoples of western Europe (with the exception of the Basques) and throughout eastern Europe and southern Asia, with some exceptions, as far as eastern India.

Since four-fifths of our immigrants are of Aryan stock and their racial relationships to each other are determined by their languages, the student of immigration will need some acquaintance with the results of philology as regards the ordinary groupings of the Aryan tongues. Upon this, he will find, depends the distinction, for example, between Slovak and Czech (Bohemian), or the relationship of the Lithuanian to the Russian and the Old Prussian, or the very existence of Croatian, Slovenian, Bosnian, and Herzegovinian, as distinct among our immigrants from the Balkan States. (See articles on these and Slav for details.)



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The Aryan is the most important family of all inflected languages. The Semitic-Hamitic is the only other division of them. The only other type of

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languages found in Europe is the agglutinative (see Finno-Tataric, Finnish, Turkish, Magyar); and the only remaining forms of speech in the world are the monosyllabic (see Chinese) and the polysynthetic, the language of the American Indian.

It will be seen that the words "Aryan," "Indo-European," and the like are linguistic rather than ethnological. Yet there has been much written, especially among the earlier philologists, about an "Aryan race." Although no longer strictly scientific, this expression will sometimes be used, for convenience, in this dictionary to designate the group of peoples originally speaking Aryan tongues. It must be admitted that there is greater diversity between eastern and western Aryans than there is, for instance, between the Aryan Greeks on the one hand and the Semitic Jews or Turanian "Hungarians" and Finns on the other. As different as the latter are in language from ourselves, they share more fully our modern science, literature, and civilization and they acquire more readily our tongue than does the Aryan Hindu or the Persian. Physically, also, they have become more like ourselves than are the darker and Asiaticized Hindus.


As a matter of fact, there are at least three races, anthropologically speaking, instead of one in western Europe. They are, as Ripley and others have shown, the "Teutonic " or Nordic (tall, blond, and long-headed), the "Alpine" (broad-headed), and the "Mediterranean" (brunette and long-headed). Huxley long ago marked out in this field two distinct physical races, the "Xanthochroi" and the "Melanochroi," or light and dark Caucasians (see). The Aryan, the German, the French, and the Italian are "races" from a linguistic point of view that combine dissimilar portions of physical races. Yet, as has been shown in the introduction, such use of words is unavoidable.

More questionable are innovations in the use of these terms to fit some social theory. De Lapouge, for instance, limits the use of the word "Aryan" to the blond, long-headed, or Teutonic race; and an active social propaganda in Germany is built upon this supposed identification of races. Yet Sergi, as an Italian, holds that the original Aryans were dark and of Mediterranean rather than of Teutonic stock.

Turning now to a less doubtful use of terms, it is safe to divide the Caucasian grand division of mankind on the basis of language into the Aryan, Semitic, Hamitic, Caucasic, and Euskaric stocks. The two last possess agglutinative languages and are confined to the small areas of the Caucasus Mountains and the Pyrenees. The word "Indo-European" is preferable to "Aryan" in scientific usage. Germans are more inclined to use the term "Indo-Germanic," and to use "Aryan" in the sense of "Indo-Iranian; " that is, to designate the eastern group of Indo-European languages.

The Aryan "races" comprise nearly half the population of the earth, say 700,000,000 out of a total of 1,500,000,000. Of course, a great multitude of these are Asiatic Aryans, the most of whom are crowded into India. Still, the Aryans of Europe are nearly double the Aryans of Asia in number, 520,000,000 as against 280,000.000. This European stock also outnumbers the Chinese, the greatest homogeneous population beyond all exception in the world. The Aryan stock is divided as follows by Hickmann:

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These comprise practically all Europeans with the exception of the Magyars of Hungary, the Turks of Turkey, and various Finno-Tataric peoples of eastern and northern Russia and of Lapland, while the Caucasus peoples in Turkish Armenia, Asia, and the greater part of the countries eastward to the Ganges, also are Aryan, excluding the large Dravidian territory in southern and central India.

Of American immigrants, as has been said, four-fifths are still Aryan, in spite of the largely increasing numbers of non-Aryans now arriving from eastern Europe-Hebrews, Magyars, Finns, and Turks.

AUSTRIAN. Not a race name and not used by the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. It has no significance as to physical race or language. There is no Austrian race in the sense in which we use the terms French, German, Italian, Hebrew, or Bohemian. The term "Austrian" simply means an inhabitant or native of Austria. Austria contains more different races or peoples than any other country of Europe except Russia. Germans form the largest ethnical group in Austria; Magyars, the largest of Hungary. The following table shows the diversity of races or peoples represented by large populations in Austria-Hungary and the relative proportion which the AustroHungarian section of these races contributes to the immigration from Europe to the United States. For further details see articles on each of these races, as German, Hebrew, Polish, Bohemian, Slovenian.

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a Including Slovak.

c25,632, 000 19,254,000

1,199, 500








Includes Bulgarian and Montenegrin.

c Excluding 518,000 foreigners, of whom over half are Magyars.

d Counted as German, etc., in language, but as Jews in the census of religions.

BELGIAN. A native or citizen of Belgium. Not the name of a race and not used by the Bureau of Immigration. Southern Belgians are for the most part Walloons, that is. French (see), and northern Belgians are Flemish. Dutch and Flemish).

BLACK RUSSIAN. (See Russian.)


BOHEMIAN and MORAVIAN (CZECH). It will be convenient to discuss these races or peoples in one article. They are counted together by the Bureau of Immigration.

Czech or Tsekh is best defined as the westernmost race or linguistic division of the Slavic (with the exception of the Wendish fragment in Germany); or, as the race or people residing mainly in Bohemia and Moravia, but partly also in Hungary.

Bohemian is the westernmost division or dialect of the Czech and the principal people or language found in Bohemia.

Moravian is that division of the Czech found in Moravia; that is, between the Bohemians and the Slovaks.

Other definitions different from the above can be referred to good authority, but are confusing and will be mentioned only at this point. Thus, some authors reverse the meanings of Czech and Bohemian, making Bohemian the name of the division which includes the Czech, the Moravian, and the Slovak. The term "Moravian Brethren" is used in a religious sense as the name of a wellknown sect which is akin to the "Bohemian Brethren." Finally, "Bohemian"

in the current literary or artistic sense means one of unconventional or Gypsylike habits. It comes perhaps from "Bohémien," the French word for "Gypsy.” Gypsies were once ignorantly supposed to come from Bohemia.

The Czech is most nearly related to the Polish and Wendish languages, which, with it, constitute the so-called Western Division of Slavic languages. "Czech generally covers also the Slovak (see), which in the Austrian census is not separated from the Bohemian and Moravian. Although the total Czech population, comprising Bohemians, Moravians, and Slovaks, is rather small, about 8,200,000, Czechs, in 1907, stood sixth in rank as to the number of immigrants to the United States.


The Bohemian people appears on the ethnological even more than on the political map as a peninsula intruding far into German territory, for Bohemia is nearly cut off from Moravia by Germans of lower Austria pressing in from the south and Germans of Prussia pushing down from the north. One-third of the population of Bohemia itself is composed of Germans, who inclose the Moravians on every side except the east. In early times the domain of the Western Slavs extended farther, not only into Germany nearly as far as Berlin, but on the south far beyond Vienna, into Carinthia. Here another intruding race, Mongol in origin-the Magyars-have divided the Western Slavs from the Croatians and other Southern Slavs.

The long contact of the Bohemians with the Germans has profoundly modified their civilization, if not their physical type and even their language. They are the most nearly like western Europeans of all the Slavs. It may be fairly said that they are the most advanced of all. This is in great part due to their native endowment as Slavs. Their weight of brain is said to be greater than that of any other people in Europe. At the same time the eastern Bohemians and Moravians are among the most broad-headed--that is, Slavic or "Eastern "—in physical type. They do not show the Asiatic element, Finnic or Tataric, found in the Russians, but they show a Teutonic admixture in theif being of greater height than most Slavs and often in the presence of a blond element among them.

Although the Bohemians and the Moravians form but a minute fraction of the great Slavic stock, less than 2 per cent, they have contributed not a little to its history. They were practically the first Slavs to come under the influence of western civilization. Cyril and Methodius, apostles to the Slavs, gave them their alphabet. Since the eighth century they have had a literature of their own, which until the Hussite war was the most important of all Slavic literatures. Huss, the Bohemian, a century before Luther, sounded the first note of religious freedom in Europe. To Comenius, the Moravian, are due the beginnings of modern education in Europe. During the long years of German Catholic rule the use of the Bohemian language was proscribed. To-day it is again flourishing.

While the Germans and the Bohemians have been strenuous rivals in this corner of Austria, it is due to their joint efforts that Bohemia is now "the brightest jewel in the Austrian crown." Its natural wealth and the industry of its inhabitants have made it the richest province of the monarchy. The Bohemians, like the Slavs in general, are preeminently a nation of agriculturists, but they also excel as miners and as craftsmen. In religion all but 5 per cent are Roman Catholic. In art they are leaders; as musicians they are unsurpassed. They are equally renowned in the political and in the military service of the monarchy.


It is unnecessary to give much space to the Moravians. Their ethnical type is much the same as the Bohemian, although we find here more dialectal variation and, on the east, transitional types that approach the Slovaks or the Poles. The Moravians speak the same language as the Bohemians, notwithstanding some difference in dialects. Both divisions are, therefore, to be considered as constituting but one race in a classification of European races. The division into two is political, geographical, and historical, rather than ethnical. Like the Bohemians, the Moravians are surrounded only by Germans and their Czechish kinsmen-excepting the Leks, or Waterpolaks, in the northeastern

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