| United States - 1796 - 776 lapas
...the other parly, shall l succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or a* inféstalo, and they may take possession, thereof, either by .themselves...or others acting for them, and dispose of the same ARTICLE IV. J82f. .En considération de l'étendue limitée de« territoires dee Républiques de Lübeck,... | |
 | William Graydon - 1803 - 730 lapas
...the other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab intcstato, and they may take possession thereof, either by themselves or others acting for them, and dispose oí die same at their will, paying such dues only as the inhabitants of the country wherein the said... | |
 | 1807 - 750 lapas
...the other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or nb inttstata, and they may take possession thereof, either by themselves...them, and dispose of the same at their will, paying sale duties only, as the inhabitants of the couriiry where the same goods are shall be snbjccl to pay... | |
 | 1826 - 1052 lapas
...the other Party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestate, and they may take possession thereof, either by themselves...goods are, shall be subject to pay in like cases : and if, in the case of real estate, the said heirs would be prevented from entering into the possession... | |
 | United States. Continental Congress - 1823 - 1022 lapas
...goods, whether by testament or ah inlesiato, and may take possession thereof, either by thtaS"lves or by others acting for them, and dispose of the same at their will, paving such da« only as the inhabitants of the country wherein the said gwods are, shall be subject... | |
 | Joseph Blunt - 1827 - 650 lapas
...the other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestate. and they may take possession thereof, either by themselves...acting for them, and dispose of the same at their will, payirig such dues only as the inhabitants of the country, wherein said goods are, shall be subject... | |
 | Joseph Blunt - 1827 - 658 lapas
...testament or ab intettato, and they may take possession thereof, either bv themselves or others n clmg for them, and dispose of the same at their will, paying such dues i inly as the inhabitants of the country, wherein the said goods are, shall be subject to pay in like... | |
 | Theodore Lyman (Jr.) - 1828 - 542 lapas
...personal goods, whether by testament or al> intestato, and they may take possession thereof, cither by themselves or others acting for them, and dispose...goods are, shall be subject to pay in like cases: And if, in the case of real estate, the said heirs would be prevented from entering into the possession... | |
 | Theodore Lyman (Jr.) - 1828 - 550 lapas
...shall succeed to their saiil personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestalo, nnd they may tnkc possession thereof, either by themselves or others...dispose of the same at their will, paying such dues only aa the inhabitants of the country, wherein the said goods are, shall be subject to pay in like cases:... | |
 | Georg Friedrich Martens - 1828 - 1372 lapas
...inlestato, and they may fake possession thereof, either by themselves or others actir? for them, end dispose of the same at" their will, paying such dues only as the inhabitants of UM country wherein said poods are, shall be subject 1° pay in like cases. And if, m the case of real... | |
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