Pinckney's Treaty: A Study of America's Advantage from Europe's Distress, 1783-1800Johns Hopkins Press, 1926 - 421 lappuses |
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1.5. rezultāts no 13.
396. lappuse
... Buques y qualesquiera otros efectos pertencientes â los sub- ditos y Ciudadanos de la otra que se hallen en la extencion de su juris- diccion por Mar ô por tierra ; y empleará todos su esfuerzos para | recobrar y hacer restituir â los ...
... Buques y qualesquiera otros efectos pertencientes â los sub- ditos y Ciudadanos de la otra que se hallen en la extencion de su juris- diccion por Mar ô por tierra ; y empleará todos su esfuerzos para | recobrar y hacer restituir â los ...
397. lappuse
... Buques ô efectos no podran sugetarse â ningun em- bargo ô detencion de parte de la otra , â causa de alguna expedicion militar , uso publico , ô particular de qualquiera que sea ; y en los casos de aprehension , detencion , ô arresto ...
... Buques ô efectos no podran sugetarse â ningun em- bargo ô detencion de parte de la otra , â causa de alguna expedicion militar , uso publico , ô particular de qualquiera que sea ; y en los casos de aprehension , detencion , ô arresto ...
398. lappuse
... Buques , y con- tinuar su viage , todo mediante un precio equitativo ; y no se les deten- drá ô impedirá de modo alguno el salir de dichos Puertos ô Radas , antes bien podran retirarse y partir como y quando les pareciere sin ningun ...
... Buques , y con- tinuar su viage , todo mediante un precio equitativo ; y no se les deten- drá ô impedirá de modo alguno el salir de dichos Puertos ô Radas , antes bien podran retirarse y partir como y quando les pareciere sin ningun ...
399. lappuse
... Buques y efectos , del mismo modo que se haría con los habitantes del Pais donde suceda la desgracia , y pagaran ... Buque qe . se descargue el carga- mento en todo ô en parte , no pa- garán impuesto alguno , carga , o derecho de ...
... Buques y efectos , del mismo modo que se haría con los habitantes del Pais donde suceda la desgracia , y pagaran ... Buque qe . se descargue el carga- mento en todo ô en parte , no pa- garán impuesto alguno , carga , o derecho de ...
400. lappuse
... Buques mercantes de las dos Partes qe . fuesen destinados à Puer- tos perteneciences à una Potencia enemiga de una de las dos , cuyo viage y naturaleza del cargamento diese justas sospechas , se les obligará à presentar sospechas , se ...
... Buques mercantes de las dos Partes qe . fuesen destinados à Puer- tos perteneciences à una Potencia enemiga de una de las dos , cuyo viage y naturaleza del cargamento diese justas sospechas , se les obligará à presentar sospechas , se ...
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Bieži izmantoti vārdi un frāzes
agreed Alcudia alliance ally American Aranda archives Britain British Buques Carmichael and Short Carolina Carondelet Catholic Majesty Choctaw citizens claims colonial commerce commissioners Congress Continental Congress convention Creek despatches diplomacy diplomatic Estados European favor foreign France free navigation French Gardoqui to Floridablanca Gayarré Georgia Godoy Godoy's Government Governor Hague and Spain Ibid Indian instructions Jaudenes and Viar Jay's Treaty Jefferson July Kentucky King of Spain letter Louisiana Madrid Manuel de Godoy ment minister Miró Mississippi Question Monroe nation negotiation neutral North Carolina Orleans Paris party peace Peace of Basle Philadelphia Pinckney Pinckney's Pinckney's Treaty plenipotentiary ports present President proposed province Randolph ratified Revolution river Secretary secure Serrano y Sanz settlement ships Short Papers Short to Sec southern boundary Spanish Court stipulated Subditos territory thence Thomas Pinckney tion tribes United Virginia Washington West Florida western Wilkinson William Short Yazoo Yela
Populāri fragmenti
399. lappuse - ... within the jurisdiction of the other, by sale, donation, testament or otherwise, and their representatives being Citizens of the other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab...
402. lappuse - It shall be lawful for all and singular the subjects of the Most Christian King, and the citizens, people and inhabitants of the said United States, to sail with their ships with all manner of liberty...
400. lappuse - And where, on the death of any person holding real estate within the territories of the one party, such real estate would, by the laws of the land, descend on a citizen or subject of the other, were he not disqualified by alienage, such citizen or subject shall be allowed a reasonable time to sell the same and to withdraw the proceeds without molestation and exempt from all duties of detraction, on the part of the Government of the respective States.
400. lappuse - ... the inhabitants of the country wherein the said goods are shall be subject to pay in like cases. And in case of the absence of the...
404. lappuse - These merchandises which follow, shall not be reckoned among contraband or prohibited goods ; that is to say, all sorts of cloths, and all other manufactures, woven of any wool, flax, silk, cotton, or any other materials whatever, all kinds of wearing...
333. lappuse - It is likewise agreed that the Western boundary of the United States, which separates them from the Spanish colony of Louisiana, is in the middle of the channel or bed of the river Mississippi, from the Northern boundary of the said States to the completion of the thirty-first degree of latitude north of the equator.
411. lappuse - States, for the space of three years from this time, to deposit their merchandise and effects in the port of New Orleans, and to export them from thence without paying any other duty than a fair price for the hire of the stores...
391. lappuse - With this intention, His Catholic Majesty has appointed the most excellent Lord Don Manuel de Godoy, and Alvarez de Faria...
167. lappuse - That the free navigation of the river Mississippi is a clear and essential right of the United States, and that the same ought to be considered and supported as such.