LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATION BILL, 1945 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS CLARENCE CANNON, Missouri, Chairman CLIFTON A. WOODRUM, Virginia JOHN H. KERR, North Carolina JOHN TABER, New York H. CARL ANDERSEN, Minnesota 78-2-4 MAR 281944 A6521 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATION BILL, 1945 HEARINGS CONDUCTED BY THE SUBCOMMITTEE EMMET O'NEAL (CHAIRMAN), JOE HENDRICKS, ALBERT GORE, MICHAEL J. KIRWAN, NOBLE J. JOHNSON, WALTER C. PLOESER, AND HARVE TIBBOTT (SERVING TEMPORARILY), OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN CHARGE OF THE LEGISLATIVE-JUDICIARY APPROPRIATION BILL, 1945, ON THE DAYS FOLLOWING: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1944. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATEMENTS OF J. C. SHANKS, DISBURSING CLERK; H. NEWLIN MEGILL, ASSISTANT ENROLLING CLERK; AND JOHN C. PAGE, PROPERTY CUSTODIAN GENERAL STATEMENT Mr. O'NEAL. Gentleman, we will take up the items for the House of Representatives. We are glad to have with us Mr. Shanks who will present an explanation of the various items in the bill. We shall be glad to have a general statement from you indicating the appropriations for the current fiscal year and the estimates for the fiscal year 1945. COMPARISON OF 1944 APPROPRIATION AND 1945 ESTIMATES Mr. SHANKS. Mr. Chairman, with your permission, we first desire to insert in the record a comparative statement marked "Exhibit A" showing the appropriations for the fiscal year 1944, the estimates for the fiscal year 1945, and the increase or decrease proposed in the estimates as compared with the current appropriations. (Exhibit A referred to is as follows:) EXHIBIT A.-Comparative statement showing the appropriations for 1944, the estimates for 1945, and the increase or decrease proposed in the estimates as compared with the current appropriations EXHIBIT A.-Comparative statement showing the appropriations for 1944, the estimates for 1945, and the increase or decrease proposed in the estimates as compared with the current appropriations Continued 950 950 Postage stamps.. Air mail and special delivery stamps. Folding speeches Revision of the laws. Preparation new edition United States Code.. Services, various compilations.. Speaker's automobile. Compiling testimony contested election cases. Total contingent expenses. Total House of Representatives, general fund. LEGISLATIVE MISCELLANEOUS Salaries, Capitol Police.. Uniforms and equipment, Capitol Police. Capitol Police Board (detail District of Columbia Metropolitan Total, Capitol Police. Joint Committee on Printing. Legislative counsel. Statement of appropriations. 21,900 21,900 30,000 30,000 8,000 8,000 100,000 -100,000 4,500 4,500 4,000 4,000 1,750 +1,750 1, 175, 835 947, 185 -228,650 9,793, 587 9, 559, 533 -234,054 4 98, 940 98,940 9,400 9,400 55,000 55,000 163.340 163, 340 $ 11,860 11,860 83,000 83,000 4,000 4,000 262, 200 262, 200 Total, legislative miscellaneous. 1 Includes $34,592 appropriated by the Urgent Deficiency Act of 1943, Public Law No. 132, approved July 12, 1943, for the payment of pages' salaries for the period July 1 to Dec. 31, 1943. Includes $131,400 (same appropriation act as quoted in footnote 1) for additional stationery allowance, first session, 78th Cong. Includes $1,000 additional for stationery for committees and departments of the House. 4 Includes $18,105 supplemental appropriation (First Supplemental National Defense Act of 1944, Public Law No. 216, approved Dec. 23, 1943) for the payment of additional compensation as provided by law for the fiscal year 1944. Includes $1,254 (same appropriation act as quoted in footnote 4) for the payment of additional compensation as provided by law for the fiscal year 1944. Mr. SHANKS. These items of increases and decreases, as well as the regular estimates, will be explained in detail as we now take up each paragraph as appearing in the Budget estimates. SALARIES OF MEMBERS, DELEGATES, AND RESIDENT COMMISSIONER FROM PUERTO RICO The estimates for 1945 for "Salaries of Members" calls for $4,385,000, the same as appropriated for the current fiscal year 1944, and is based on 435 Members, 2 Delegates and 1 Resident Commissioner, or a total of 438 at $10,000 each and $5,000 additional compensation for the Speaker of the House of Representatives. MILEAGE OF MEMBERS, DELEGATES, AND RESIDENT COMMISSIONER FROM PUERTO RICO The next item is for "Mileage of Representatives, the Delegates from Hawaii and Alaska, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico," and the amount estimated for 1945 is $171,000, the same as appropriated for the fiscal year 1914. SALARIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER The estimates for 1945 amount to $13,500, the same as appropriated for 1944, there being no change whatsoever in the paragraph. THE SPEAKER'S TABLE The estimates for the employees at the Speaker's table for the fiscal year 1945 amount to $14,740, or a decrease of $660 from the amount appropriated for 1944. The former messenger to the Speaker's table, who was receiving $660 additional so long as the postion was held by him, was appointed to another position and accordingly this additional sum is now being eliminated from the bill. Mr. PLOESER. What is the difference in compensation? Mr. SHANKS. He was receiving $1,740 and there was added $660, or a total of $2,400, as long as the position was held by the incumbent. His successor drops back to the basic salary of $1,740, so we eliminate that extra amount, making a saving of $660. CHAPLAIN The salary of the Chaplain of the House, total $2,500, remains the same for the fiscal year 1945. OFFICE OF THE CLERK Mr. O'NEAL. We will take up the item, "Office of the Clerk, salaries." The current appropriation is $182,144 and the estimate submitted for 1945 is $189,700. Mr. SHANKS. The estimates for 1945 call for $189,700 compared with $182,144 appropriated for 1944. There are several changes in this paragraph, with a net increase of $7,556 for the fiscal year 1945. |