Easement for Construction of Toll Crossing of San Francisco Bay: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, Eighty-first Congress, First Session on S. 1390 ... July 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12, 1949

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949 - 256 lappuses
Considers (81) S. 1390.

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134. lappuse - Corps shall be organized, trained, and equipped to provide fleet marine forces of combined arms, together with supporting air components, for service with the fleet in the seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and for the conduct of such land operations as may be essential to the prosecution of a naval campaign.
319. lappuse - Government while making or causing to" be made with a stop watch or other time-measuring device a time study of any job of any such employee between the starting and completion thereof, or of the movements of any such employee while engaged upon such work...
177. lappuse - All requests to purchase major defense equipment are reviewed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
29. lappuse - Authority for the Architect of the Capitol, under the direction of the Senate Office Building Commission, to enter into contracts for the full amount of $20,600,000 is also contained in that act.
330. lappuse - Senator THOMAS. The committee will be in order. We have before us the Military Establishment appropriation bill for 1945.
71. lappuse - I recommend that the foregoing amendments to the budget for the fiscal year 1950 be transmitted to the Congress. Respectfully yours, FRANK PACE, Jr., Director of the Bureau of the Budget.
106. lappuse - The Librarian of Congress is further authorized to appoint in the Legislative Reference Service senior specialists in the following broad fields : Agriculture ; American government and public administration; American public law; conservation; education; engineering and public works; full employment; housing; industrial organization and corporation finance ; international affairs ; international trade and economic geography | labor- mineral economics; money and banking; price economics; social welfare;...
160. lappuse - ... appropriation, no special appropriation is made for it. Chairman McKELLAR. In other words, this is not authorized by law, or is it, by the same law you mentioned awhile ago? in the Senate increase of the House bill by special action of this committee, but it was not written into the law. (The following information was supplied:) The United States Quarterly Book List was initiated by a transfer of funds from the State Department to the Library of Congress, and had the required clearance of the...
370. lappuse - The Secretary of Defense is authorized and directed, whenever in his judgment the best interests of the United States so require, to direct the insertion of a clause incorporating the Renegotiation Act of 1948 in any contracts for the procurement of ships, aircraft, aircraft parts, and the construction of facilities or installations outside continental United States entered into by or in behalf of the Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy or the Department of the Air Force which obligates...
319. lappuse - That no part of the appropriations made in this Act shall be available for the salary or pay of any officer, manager, superintendent, foreman, or other person having charge of the work of any employee of the United States...

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