Lapas attēli



Secretary's Office, Bismarck.

I, Thomas Hall, Secretary of State, hereby certify that the laws contained in this volume are true and correct copies of the original enrolled bills passed at the Thirteenth Session of the Legislative Assembly of the State of North Dakota, beginning January 7th, 1913, and terminating March 7th, 1913, now on file in this office, with the exception of clerical


In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of North Dakota, this twentieth day of April, 1913.



Secretary of State.





CHAPTER 8-An Act providing for the cancellation of all North

Dakota live stock brands or marks; providing for re-recording

of same; notices to record owners; publication of notices;

manner of re-recording and future recording fees; expenses;

appropriation; repeal

CHAPTER 9-An Act authorizing the board of trustees of public

property to acquire for the state, by purchase or condemnation

proceedings in the name of the state, additional land for capi-

tol park and site purposes and making an Appropriation therefor

CHAPTER 10-An Act authorizing the governor of the State of

North Dakota to employ chartered public accountants to ex-

amine, audit and check the accounts of the several depart-

ments of the state government; to list, examine and appraise

the securities of all kinds in possession of any of the state

officers; to make a complete appraisal on a date certain of all

buildings and property of all kinds belonging to the state; to

make a careful research into the business methods, system of

accounting and bookkeeping, and making reports of the various

state, county and city officers, and to install improvements in

bookkeeping and methods of handling the business of the state;

extending the duties of the state examiner prescribed in Sec-

tion 141 of Article 9 of the Political Code of 1905, by amend-

and re-enactment of said Section 141, to cover an examination

of the books and accounts of city auditors and city treasurers,

county clerks, county judges, register of deeds, county superin-

tendent of Schools, county auditors and sheriffs of the counties

of the State of North Dakota, and prescribing fees therefor;

requiring the governor to make report to the Legislature next

succeeding any such examination of the results of such ex-

amination, auditing and checking of the several state depart-

ments of the state property by the chartered public accountants

by him employed, and appropriating money to carry out the

provisions of this Act.....

CHAPTER 11-An Act authorizing the Supreme Court of North

Dakota to direct the Bar Association of North Dakota, to in-

stitute legal proceedings for the disbarment or other discipline,

of practicing attorneys of the State of North Dakota, provid-

ing for the payment of counsel in the conduct of such disbar-

ment proceedings, and authorizing the Supreme Court to fix

the amount and direct the payment thereof, and to appropriate

money for the payment thereof...

CHAPTER 12-An Act to provide for making permanent improve-

ments at the state tuberculosis sanitarium at Dunseith, to assist

in the maintenance thereof, and for other purposes, and making

appropriations therefor

CHAPTER 13-An Act appropriating money for the current and

contingent expenses of the state tuberculosis sanitarium at


CHAPTER 14-An Act making an appropriation for a suitable

building at the mining experiment sub-station at Hebron, Mor-

ton County

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