36 FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL NATIONAL DEFENSE HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE U. S. Congress. Sencite COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS SEVENTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON H. R. 4124 A BILL MAKING DEFICIENCY AND SUPPLEMENTAL 1941, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1941 APR:9 41 FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL NATIONAL DEFENSE TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1941 UNITED STATES SENATE, SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS, Washington, D. C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 2:30 p. m., in the committee room, Capitol, Hon. Alva B. Adams (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Senators Adams (chairman), McKellar, Hayden, Byrnes, Overton, Thomas of Oklahoma, Nye, Holman, and Brooks. Thereupon the subcommittee proceeded to the consideration of the bill (H. R. 4124), making deficiency and supplemental appropriations for the national defense for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, and for other purposes. CORPS OF ENGINEERS, RIVERS AND HARBORS IMPROVEMENT OF KENNEBEC RIVER STATEMENT OF HON. WALLACE H. WHITE, JR., A UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF MAINE Senator WHITE. Mr. Chairman, may I say a brief word? I feel that as a member of the committee it is perhaps inappropriate for me to talk to you at all, but I have known the Bath Iron Works ever since I was a boy and would not wish to be wholly silent on a matter in which this company is interested. The Budget estimate for this item has just come up. It was not presented to the House at all. Senator MCKELLAR. What is it about? DESTROYERS TO BE BUILT AT BATH IRON WORKS Senator WHITE. The Bath Iron Works has contracts for some 26 destroyers to be built on the Kennebec River in Maine. It has contracts for other vessel building for private shipping interests of the United States. The contracts aggregate roughly $180,000,000. REMOVAL OF CERTAIN OBSTACLES IN THE KENNEBEC RIVER As a part of their work in connection with the building of these destroyers they have enlarged the plant and assumed obligations 1 of approximately $3,000,000. It is felt that it is vitally necessary that some obstacles to the free navigation of the river be removed, unless our building program is to be put in jeopardy; unless we are ready to run the risk that the delivery of the destroyers may be interfered with because of channel conditions near this plant and near the mouth of the river. Senator MCKELLAR. What is the date of delivery on the contracts, if you recall? Senator WHITE. I had intended to make only a brief preliminary statement, and then ask Senator Brewster and the president of the Bath Iron Works-who, by the way, is the leading industrialist of Maine, and the finest shipbuilder in the United States-to make statements. They will tell you the whole story if you will permit them to do so. I will ask Senator Brewster to make a statement. STATEMENT OF HON. RALPH 0. BREWSTER, A UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM THE STATE OF MAINE Senator BREWSTER. Mr. Chairman, I can speak with some authority, inasmuch as I am a member of the Committee on Naval Affairs, which is vitally concerned with this matter of the permanent improvement of the Kennebec River improvement project in Maine. I shall leave the discussion entirely to the technical men who are here, none of whom like to make speeches. Any time you are satisfied, and tell them to sit down, I know they will be happy to stop after you have arrived at a safe conclusion. I think they will all be brief. I will ask Commander L. B. Combs, Assistant Chief, Bureau of Yards and Docks, of the Navy Department, representing the Secretary of the Navy, to speak first about the position of the destroyers. Senator THOMAS of Oklahoma. Will you state for the record what the issue is? Senator BREWSTER. There is an item of $663,050 to remove obstructions in the river. It is sought to have it inserted in this bill in order to expedite delivery of the destroyers, on the grounds of national defense. Senator THOMAS of Oklahoma. What are the obstructions in the river? Senator BREWSTER. About 8 or 10 miles down the river the destroyers have difficulty getting in and out. Senator THOMAS of Oklahoma. What are the obstructions? REASONS WHY NAVY DEPARTMENT, KNOWING CONDITIONS IN RIVER, MADE CONTRACTS WITH BATH IRON WORKS Senator ADAMS. How does it happen that the Government will contract with such a firm, knowing the dangerous condition of the river? Senator WHITE. They build the best destroyers. Senator BYRNES. Why should the Department enter into such a contract to build destroyers when it knows that it has to come and ask for $600,000 to get the destroyers out of the river? |