Flying field and organization equipment_. Flying weather in intermountain country. Length of courses--. Location of schools below snow line-- Estimates of cost of facilities____ Facilities at civil flying schools furnished by contractor. Flying schools, number of__ 39, 40, 76 29 26 99 26 70 34 33 Miantenance and personnel to be provided later_. Personnel at training schools---. Pilots coming from civil flying schools meet requirements. 27 69, 161 32 Pilots to be trained, number of____ Primary training done at civil flying schools_. Scott Field, installations at__. Thirty-six new flying units, facilities for. Trainees under instruction at one time-- 28 32 70 100 35 Food and clothing not produced in United States, restriction against purchase Military posts--. Acquisition of land. Cantonments different from World War facilities. 17 17, 22, 39, 159 40, 73 22, 39 26, 40, 54, 58, 102, 122, 130, 136 24, 40 155 157 148, 150, 155 152 149 156 147 24, 153 147, 153, 158, 159 143 144 22, 39 145 Power of Secretary to buy domestic or foreign products___ South American canned beef, importance of purchase of. Foreign products, position of with respect to purchase of.. Stimson, Hon. Henry L.. T Temporary office buildings, construction of.. Thomas, Hon. John_. U United States Livestock Association__. W War Department- Air Corps, Army-. Pilot training program, facilities for expansion_ Airplanes, procurement of Appropriations carried in bill, amount of_. Cash and authorizations in 1942 estimates contained in bill Chemical Warfare Service-- Corps of Engineers----- Alaska Railroad relocation_. Engineer Service, Army__. Kennebec River improvement_ Military construction, defense installations___. 303230-41--12 1 17 26, 40, 68, 99 17, 159 15 16 159 1 War Department-Continued. Deferred items, amount in bill for procurement of Expediting production_ Finance Department---- Evacuation of dependents--. Pay of certain members of National Guard not citizens_. Foreign purchases, position with respect to of Medical and hospital department_. Military construction, defense installations__ Page 16 17,65 23 23 23 54 40, 159 17, 40, 66, 67, 73 21 23 40, 158 40, 158 157 26, 40, 68, 99 17 17, 22, 39, 159 40, 73 22, 39 51, 52 Food and clothing not produced in United States, restriction 26, 40, 54, 58, 102, 122, 130, 136 24, 40 155 Cantonments different from World War facilities--- 157 152 149 147 156 24, 153 147, 153, 158, 159 Procurement circular__ Regular supplies‒‒‒‒‒ Subsistence articles, only domestic bids asked- 144 145 40, 74, 159 21 74 40 1 60 114 55, 116, 124 59, 104, 128 60 61 42, 44 Foreign, restriction against purchase of.... Foreign, to be purchased only when domestic supply is not available or Foreign, use permitted by manufacturer, bidding on Government con- |