Lapas attēli

Dr. Abbot has spent more than twenty years' research work on this subject and is perhaps the best living authority thereon.

The lecture was illustrated by means of slides showing the apparatus used and the methods of calculation employed in measuring the amount of heat received by the earth from the sun. This lecture presented an interesting subject in a manner that was very entertaining and instructive to the members of the corps.


Mr. Robert L. Geist, an associate patent examiner in Division 46, resigned December 18th. Mr. Geist was appointed April 16, 1918, from Connecticut, and has served in Divisions 19, 30 and 46. He is a graduate of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, N. Y., and a member of the District of Columbia Bar, and he is leaving to associate himself with the United Shoe Machinery Corporation at Boston, Mass. Mr. Geist has been examining the class of Liquid Heaters and Vaporizers (122).

Mr. Max Isaacson, an assistant patent examiner in Division 11, resigned December 8, 1924. Mr. Isaacson was appointed from Maine on October 4, 1920. He is a member of the bar with the degrees of L.L.B. and M.P.L., having graduated from Georgetown University and having attended the University of Maine. Mr. Isaacson intends establishing himself in the practice. of patent law in Washington, D. C.

The large number of friends of Perry B. Turpin will be gratified to learn that he has been made a partner in the firm of Munn & Co. Mr. Turpin has been connected with the firm for forty years and has been in charge of the Washington Office for a long time. This mark of appreciation is the culmination of an unusually faithful and valuable service, and will be generally approved.

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Patent Office Society

Published monthly by the Patent Office Society Office of Publication 3928 New Hampshire Ave., Washington, D. C. Subscription $2.50 a year Single copy 25 cents


E. C. Reynolds, Chairman and Editor-in-chief.

G. P. Tucker.
N. J. Brumbaugh

Emerson Stringham

E. R. Cole
R. E. Adams

M. O. Price.
W. I. Wyman
R. L. Glass

M. L. Whitney, Business Manager (Room 182, U. S. Patent Office.) 3928 New Hampshire Ave., Washington, D. C.

N. E. Eccleston, Circulation.

Entered as second class matter, September 17, 1918, at the post office at Washington, D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879.

Publication of signed articles in this journal is not to be understood as an adoption by the Patent Office Society of the views expressed therein. The editors are glad to have pertinent articles submitted.



No. 6.


During the calendar year 1924 the Office gained 11,243 mechanical cases.

The gains in dates have been notable. One year ago there were 42 divisions over 7 months behind, now there are only 5; one year ago there were 20 divisions over 8 months, now there are none; one year ago there were only 2 divisions under 5 months, now there are 15.

One year ago the design division was about 2 months behind, now it is only one month. The trade mark division was about 2 months behind on new work and one month on old, now it is 1 month on new and 15 days on old.


The question of a code of ethics was taken up several years ago by the Cleveland Patent Law Association. A committee of which Mr. Geo. W. Saywell was chairman prepared a code which was adopted in part by the Association. However so far as the editor is aware, the first complete code to be made effective is the one adopted by the Chicago Patent Law Association on the occasion of its fortieth anniversary. The full text of this code, together with the report of the commitee which prepared it, appears elsewhere in this issue.


The mid-winter meeting of the Patent Section of the American Bar Association, will be held on Friday, Feb. 20, 1925, at 2 o'clock P. M. in the rooms of the American Patent Law Association, Washington Loan & Trust Building, Washington, D. C.

Luncheon will be served at 12:30 P. M. on that day by the American Patent Law Association to which all members of the Section are invited.




Within a month from the death of Mr. Nixon, Examiner of Division 13, the Patent Office has suffered further loss in the death on December 17th, of Herbert Wright, Examiner of Division 20.

Mr. Wright, a native of Massachusetts, received his early education in Northampton of that state, and in 1886 entered Lehigh University at Bethlehem, Pennsyl

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