The Albany Law Journal: A Monthly Record of the Law and the Lawyers, 8. sējumsWeed, Parsons, 1874 |
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action adopted agent Albany alleged amount appointed assignment attorney attorney-general authority bank bankrupt bankruptcy bench bill bonds carrier cause certiorari charge charter-party Chief Justice claim common common carrier common law constitution contract contributory negligence corporation court of appeals creditors damages debt decision defendant defendant's delivered duty election entitled evidence execution fact favor held indorsed injury interest issued judge Judgment affirmed judicial jury land lawyers legislature liable lien Lord matter ment Monday mortgage negligence nonsuit notice Opinion owner Oyer and Terminer paid party payment person plaintiff plaintiff in error proceedings promissory note Prosbul purchase question reason received recover reference refused rendered rule sold solicitors statute statute of frauds supreme court testator tiff tion town trial trust United verdict wife York
Populāri fragmenti
351. lappuse - A child, when adopted, may take the family name of the 'person adopting. After adoption the two shall sustain towards each other the legal relation of parent and child, and have all the rights and be subject to all the duties of that relation.
320. lappuse - An officer de facto is one whose acts, though not those of a lawful officer, the law, upon principles of policy and justice, will hold valid so far as they involve the interests of the public and third persons, where the duties of the office were exercised : First.
362. lappuse - I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original law.
63. lappuse - Aliens who are citizens or subjects of any government which accords to citizens of the United States the right to prosecute claims against such government in its courts...
235. lappuse - Territory, or district where the bank is located, and no more, except that where by the laws of any State a different rate is limited for banks of issue organized under State laws, the rate so limited shall be allowed for associations organized or existing in any such State under this title.
223. lappuse - Judges shall be the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice of England, the Master of the Rolls, the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. The first ordinary Judges of the said Court shall be the existing Lords Justices of Appeal in Chancery, the existing salaried Judges of the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Privy Council, appointed under the "Judicial Committee Act, 1871...
339. lappuse - The detriment caused by the wrongful conversion of personal property is presumed to be : "First The value of the property at the time of the conversion, with the interest from that time, or, an amount sufficient to indemnify the party injured for the loss which is the natural, reasonable and proximate result of the wrongful act complained of and which a proper degree of prudence on his part would not have averted; and "Second A fair compensation for * the time and money properly expended...
32. lappuse - Court, Register's Court, and a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for each county ; in Justices of the Peace, and in such other courts as the Legislature may, from time to time, establish.
366. lappuse - ... by leaving a copy thereof at his or her house or place of abode, in the presence of some one of the family of suitable age and discretion, who shall be informed of the contents thereof...
310. lappuse - ... to establish a defense on the ground of insanity it must be clearly proved that, at the time of the committing of the act, the party accused was laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing; or, if he did know it, that he did not know he was doing what was wrong.