MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. ELECTED IN 1884. Clackamas C. O. T. Williams. Coos and Curry-J. M. Siglin. Douglas-John Emmett, J. II. Shupe. Lane-E. P. Coleman. Linn-J. K. Weatherford. Multnomah-Joseph Simon, J. C. Carson. Polk-J. C. Allen. Polk and Benton-Joseph D. Lee. Union-L. B. Rinehart. Wasco, Crook, Klamath, Lake and Gilliam-C. M. Cartwright. ELECTED IN 1886. Baker-George Chandler. Benton-T. E. Cauthorn. Clackamas-L. T. Barin. Clatsop, Tillamook and Columbia-J. II. D. Gray. Grant-J. H. Hamilton. Jackson-A. C. Stanley. Lane-R. M. Veatch. Linn-R. A. Irvine, S. A. Dawson. Marion-M. L. Chamberlin, J. B. Looney, J. B. Dimick. Multnomah-George A. Steel. Umatilla and Morrow-J. P. Wager. Yamhill-R. P. Bird (elected at special session in 1885), J. W. Watts. 227135 |