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10. lappuse - Every railroad company shall have the right with its road to intersect, connect with, or cross, any other railroad; and shall receive and transport each the other's passengers, tonnage, and cars, loaded or empty, without delay or discrimination.
145. lappuse - The general assembly shall pass laws to correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion in the rates of freight and passenger tariffs on the different railroads in this state, and enforce such laws by adequate penalties, to the extent, if necessary for that purpose, of forfeiture of their property and franchises.
20. lappuse - All railroad companies shall, on demand, issue duplicate freight receipts to shippers, in which shall be stated the class or classes of freight shipped, the freight charges over the road giving the receipt, and so far as practicable, shall state the freight charges over other roads that carry such freight.
6. lappuse - The commission shall have power to adopt and publish rules to govern its proceedings and to regulate the mode and manner of all investigations and hearings of railroads and other parties before it, and all hearings shall be open to the public.
67. lappuse - Private cars while In railroad service, whether on carrier's or private tracks, are subject to these Demurrage Rules to the same extent as cars of railroad ownership. (Empty private cars are In railroad service from the time they are placed by the carrier for loading or tendered for loading on the orders of a shipper. Private cars . under lading are in railroad service until the lading is removed and cars are regularly released.
66. lappuse - Cars held for or by consignors or consignees for loading, unloading, forwarding directions, or for any other purpose, are subject to these Demurrage Rules, except as follows: (a) Cars loaded with live stock.
22. lappuse - Permission for the location of depots and the construction of same must be secured from this Commission. Application for such permits must be accompanied by all information necessary for a full and proper understanding of all interests to be affected thereby. The Commission reserves the right to pass upon the location of all switches and spurs. . Switches and Spurs. 78. No switches, or spurs in use in this State shall be removed or abandoned without the consent of this Commission, i TARIFFS AND RULES...
18. lappuse - All overcharges on freight by any carrier shall be settled within thirty days after demand by consignee or his representative, upon the agent at the delivering depot or landing, or at point of shipment, as the claimant may elect. Whenever any overcharge on freight has been made on a shipment over two or more railroads or water routes, or any part of two or more roads, or water routes, it shall be settled by the delivering carrier. If the overcharge is made on a shipment to a flag station, the demand...
178. lappuse - No. 2 contain rates to apply on shipments transported over two or more lines of railroad not under the same management and control.
153. lappuse - ... a reasonable time thereafter to agree upon a division of the charges provided for in such schedule...

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