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The total FY 2006 AOC Operating Budget request is $295,701,000 which represents a 13.1% increase over the FY 2005 budget of $261,530,000. The Operating Budget for each appropriation is segregated into Program Groups that incorporate functional areas as defined below:

➤ Administrative (AD): Provides funding for printing and reproduction, office equipment, postage and metered mail and graphics design. Also included are contractor supported activities, to include assistance in development of AOC strategies and policies, and professional consultant


➤ Architectural and Engineering Services (AE): Provides funding for contractual staff for the
preparation of conceptual designs, performance of design studies, architectural and engineering
analyses and other services on projects requested or proposed by both clients and the AOC.

> Curator Services (CR): Provides funding for the conservation of works of art consisting of over
800 paintings, sculptures, and decorative objects, 300 gilded picture and mirror frames, updating
floor display cases in the U.S Capitol Building, and the rotation of exhibits.
Construction Services (CS): Provides funding for miscellaneous administrative construction
services, to include contracting, on an indefinite quantity (IDQ) basis, with firms specializing in
cost estimating.

➤ Facilities Maintenance (FM): Provides funding for annual building maintenance services
required throughout the Capitol Complex, to include repairing and modifying air conditioning
systems, electrical systems, elevators, masonry, plumbing; custodial services; subway
maintenance and repair; preventative interior and exterior building maintenance (e.g., painting,
pointing, caulking, and surface preservation); insect and pest control; solid and bulk waste
disposal; maintenance of fire alarm systems, hydraulic barriers and bollards; chimney cleaning
and repairs.

> Furniture Repair (FR): Provides funding for the replacement and/or repair of existing furniture, to include procurement of routine materials and supplies, contractor services for upholstery and drapery work, and annual inventory of furniture items.

> General Facilities and Services (GF): Provides funding for facility and service support that are not directly associated with any one jurisdiction, to include the lease and maintenance of facilities (e.g., the lease and maintenance of the Alternate Computer Facility (ACF)) and AOC-wide security support.

➤ Grounds Maintenance (GM): Provides funding for trash, leaf and snow removal; lawn
maintenance; street and sidewalk maintenance; and purchase of grounds maintenance supplies
and equipment.

> House Restaurants (HR): Provides funding for preventative maintenance, repairs and replacement
of parts and equipment in the House restaurant cafeterias, carry-outs and catering facilities.
> Information Resources Management (IR): Provides funding for procurement, operations &
maintenance of information technologies, to include computer hardware and software (and user
licenses) support; contractor technical services support for computer systems and web sites; and
automated systems to include the Financial Management System, the Human Resources
Management System, and the Computer-Aided Facility Management System.

> Jurisdiction Centralized Activities (JR): Provides funding for training, registration, and seminar
fees; travel cost for training (local and long distance); and uniform allowances; waste recycling,
safety apparel, gasoline, and oil.

➤ Miscellaneous Improvements (MI): Provides funding for annual unanticipated building alterations requested by Members, Officers, Committees and various Congressional support organizations. Typical alterations include changes in office reconfigurations and small improvement activities.





Power Plant Operations & Maintenance (PM): Provides funding for activities in support of the power plant's operations and maintenance of equipment, to include general annual repairs and maintenance, purchase of industrial supplies, insulation of steam and chill water lines, and vehicle rentals.

> Payroll (PR): Provides funding for personnel compensation and personnel benefits for the general administrative support of facilities under the jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol. Included are Government staff salaries and other personal services (i.e., paid leave and lump sum annual leave payments upon separation; for compensation above basic rates including, overtime, holiday pay, the Civil Service Retirement System, the Federal Employees Retirement System, Social Security and Medicare); agency contributions to the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), Federal Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), Worker's Compensation Program, and subsidies paid to employees for commuting costs.

Safety Engineering Operations & Maintenance (SF): Provides funding for safety related activities, to include procurement of personnel protective equipment; meters for confined space entry, fall protection devices; electrical safety equipment; respirators and hard hats; and safety inspections and certifications.

Senate Restaurants (SR): Provides funding for preventative maintenance, repairs and replacement of parts and equipment in the Senate restaurant cafeterias, carry-outs and catering facilities.

➤ Utilities (UT): Provides funding for purchasing utilities for the entire Capitol Complex, to include gas services, electricity, steam, chilled water, potable water, and sewer services.

Detailed justifications for requested funding for Program Groups are provided for each appropriation as contained in this budget submission.

The FY 2006 Annual Projects Budget - Annual totals $17,061,000, which represents a 30.4% increase over the FY 2005 budget of $13,081,000. Detailed justifications for annual projects proposed in FY 2006 are addressed in their respective tabbed appropriations. Noteworthy annual projects proposed for FY 2006 include:

[blocks in formation]






The FY 2006 Capital Projects Multi-Year request is $156,838,000, which represents a 157.5% increase over the FY 2005 budget of $60,908,000. Detailed justifications for the projects proposed in FY 2006 are provided within their respective appropriation. Major projects proposed for FY 2006 include:

[blocks in formation]

Additional Notes for the FY 2006 Multi-Year Budget: The basis for the capital projects multi-year budget plan is the result of AOC-wide planning and coordination of all major cyclical maintenance projects and building system enhancements via the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) that became fully integrated into the Budget process during the FY 2006 budget-build process. Where required, the AOC mandated and received 100% design documentation for projects prior to requesting funding for construction. Also included in the capital multi-year budget preparation process were requirements originating from AOC clients, to include the Librarian of Congress and the U.S. Capitol Police.


The AOC manages its personnel end-strength against its personal services dollars and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) cap set for each appropriation. The AOC employs a temporary work force that supports the execution of projects and activities across all appropriations. Those positions are not listed in our position density chart because they are project specific to individual appropriation enacted budgets or of a temporary nature and managed to budget. These term or temporary personal are recorded and tracked during the fiscal year to remain under the cap. In cases where project funding necessitates additional FTE beyond the approved FTE cap, the Appropriation Committees are notified that relief from the cap is needed. ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL


[blocks in formation]



General Administration



The GA appropriation funds the Architect of the Capitol (AOC) Central Office salaries and management of facilities, operations, activities, programs and projects that affect all jurisdictions. The major functions that comprise the Central Office consists of central administration; financial management; general counsel; safety, facilities management; security; human resources; AOC-wide architecture, engineering design, and construction management; property management; AOC planning and development, communications; information resources; and procurement.

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The tables included in this budget submission have rounding variances to the nearest thousandth.

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