Lapas attēli


must post up list of tolls.

Owners of lands adjoin

transport, with limitations.

payment thereof; and in the meantime the said vessels, goods, wares, merchandize or other commodities, shall be at the risk of the owner or owners thereof.

20, The said Company shall from time to time print and put up, in a conspicuous place in their office, and in every place where the tolls are to be collected, a printed paper or board specifying all the tolls payable under this Act.

21. The owners and occupiers of any land adjoining the said ing navigation navigation, may use any boats thereon for the purposes of may use it for husbandry, or for conveying cattle from one farm or portion of a farm to another pertaining to the same owner or occupier (not passing through any lock without the consent of the person in charge thereof for the time being, but not paying any rate or toll for the same) so as the same be not made use of for the carriage of any goods, wares, or merchandize to market, or for sale or for hire, and so as not to obstruct the navigation or the towing paths.

Parliament may impose further obligations.

Offences against this Act, not

vided for.

22. Any enactments, which the Parliament of Canada may hereafter deem it expedient to make, or any Order in Council which the Governor General may hereafter deem it expedient to pass, with regard to the exclusive use of the canal by the Governinent at any time, on the carriage of Her Majesty's Mails or Her Majesty's Forces and other persons and articles, or the rates to be paid for carrying the same, or other service to be rendered by the Company to the Government shall not be deemed an infringement of the privileges intended to be conferred by this Act.

23. Any contravention of this Act by the said Company or any other party, for which no punishment or penalty is herein prospecially provided, shall be a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable accordingly; but such punishment shall not exempt the said Company (if they be the offending party), from the forfeiture of this Act, and the privileges hereby conferred on them, if, by the provisions thereof or by law the same be forfeited by such contravention.

Rights of the
Crown saved.

Crown may assume the works.

24. Nothing herein contained shall affect or be construed to affect in any manner or way whatsoever, the rights of Her Majesty, Her heirs and successors, or of any person or persons, or any bodies politic, corporate or collegiate, such only excepted as are herein mentioned.

25. Her Majesty, Her heirs and successors may, at any time, assume the possession and property of the said caual and works and of all the rights, privileges and advantages of the Company (all of which shall after such assumption be vested in Her Majesty, Her heirs and successors) on giving to the said Company one week's notice thereof, and, on paying to the said Company the value of the same, to be fixed by arbitrators, one to be chosen by the Government, another by the Company, and, in case of disagreement, by a third arbitrator to be chosen by the said two arbitrators:

arbitrators: Provided that such value shall not be fixed at less than the capital stock of the Company with interest from the time of the investment thereof at eight per cent.,-deducting however, all dividends declared and paid to the shareholders.

any general

26. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to except the Company to canal by this Act authorized to be made, from the provisions of any be subject to general Act, which may be passed during the present or any Act. future session of Parliament; and no further provision which Parliament may make for enforcing any of the provisions of this Act, or for protecting the public or the rights of private parties shall be deemed an infringement of the rights of the said Company.



27. The said Company, to entitle themselves to the benefits and Time for advantages to them granted by this Act, shall, and they are and complethereby required to make and deposit the map or plan and book of ing the works reference mentioned in this Act within two years after the passing thereof, and to make and complete the said works within ten years from the passing of this Act; and if the said map or plan and book of reference be not so made and deposited within the said two years, or if the whole of the stock of the said company be not subscribed and at least ten per centum thereon paid up and either expended for the purposes of this Act, or deposited in some chartered bank or banks in Canada, within two years from the passing of this Act, or if the said navigation be not so made and completed within the period of ten years, so as to be used by the public as aforesaid, then and in either case this Act and every matter and thing therein contained shall cease and be utterly null

and void.


28. The said Company shall annually submit to the Parlia- Company to ment of Canada, within the first fifteen days after the opening of submit to each session thereof, after the opening of the said navigation or any annual detailpart thereof to the public, a detailed and particular account, ed statement. attested upon oath, of the moneys by them received and expended under and by virtue of this Act, with a classified statement of the amount of tonnage and of the vessels, passengers, and freight that have been conveyed along the said navigation; and no further provisions which Parliament may hereafter make with regard to the form or details of such account, or the mode of attesting or rendering the same, shall be deemed an infringement of the privileges hereby granted to the Company.

29. The provisions of the " Canada Joint Stock Companies 32-33 Vic., Clauses Act, 1869," shall apply to and form part of this Act, ex- c. 12, to apply. cept in so far as they may be inconsistent herewith.



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An Act to extend the powers of The Montreal Telegraph
Company, and for other purposes.


[Assented to 14th June, 1872.]

HEREAS The Montreal Telegraph Company have by their petition prayed that the powers of the Company may be extended to all parts of the Dominion, that the capital stock of the Company may be increased and that the scale of voting, as well as the day for holding their annual meeting, may be changed; and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition: Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons, enacts as follows:

1. The powers, privileges, and franchises conferred upon the said Company in and by any Act of the Parliament of the late Province of Canada, shall be and are hereby extended to, and may by the said Company be exercised and enjoyed in the Provinces of Manitoba, British Columbia and New Brunswick, and in the North West Territory, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the clauses and provisions granting the same had been herein set forth at length, and extended and made applicable to the said Provinces and Territory; and all Acts of the legislature of the late Province of Canada relating to the said Company shall have the same force and effect in and in relation to the said Provinces and Territory, from and after the passing of this Act, as they now have in and in relation to the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario.

2. The capital stock of the Company is hereby increased to, and shall hereafter be, the sum of five million dollars, divided into one hundred and twenty-five thousand shares of forty dollars each.

3. The day of holding the annual meeting of the Company for the election of Directors and the transaction of other business is hereby changed to the second Thursday of January in every year.

4. Notwithstanding anything in the said Acts contained, each shareholder in the Company shall, on all occasions on which the votes of the shareholders are to be taken, have one vote for each share held by him for at least thirty days before the time of meeting.



An Act to amend the Act to incorporate the Canadian and European Telegraph Company.


[Assented to 14th June, 1872.]

HFREAS the Canadian and European Telegraph Company, Preamble, have represented by their petition the necessity of extend- 32, 33 V. c. 63. ing the time for the commencement and completion of laying down an ocean telegraph cable from the north of Scotland to Canada, and of changing the name and increasing the capital stock of the Company; and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition: Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


the work.

1. The time limited for the commencement of the work by the Time for comAct incorporating the said Company for the connection of Europe mencing and and Canada, by a telegraph cable shall be extended for a period of completing two years from the passing of this Act, and the time for its com-. pletion shall also be extended to five years from the passing of this Act, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the said Act of incorporation as to the time of comencement and completion of the said telegraph.

2. The name of the Company shall, after the passing of this Name Act, be the "Canadian and Great Northern Telegraph Company," changed. instead of the "Canadian and European Telegraph Company."

3. The capital of the said Company shall be four millions of Capital dollars, and may be increased by the Directors with the consent of increased. a majority in value of the shareholders: Provided, the capital Proviso. stock shall at no time exceed the sum of six millions of dollars.

V. 6, c. 63 ex

4. The provision contained in the twenty-sixth section of the Provisions of Act for incorporating the Company shall extend to and include $. 26-of 32, 33 messages from Great Britain and Ireland on the subjects in the tended. said section mentioned, and all messages and despatches to and from the Imperial Government, if required by any person connected with the administration of justice or any person thereunto authorized by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, or otherwise, requiring the transmission of messages or despatches on behalf of the Imperial Government.






An Act to incorporate the Thunder Bay Silver Mines
Telegraph Company,

[Assented to 14th June, 1872.]

THEREAS the Honorable John Hamilton Gray, William Fontaine Bruff, George Wells Owen, Charles Eley and William Henry Stanton, have by their petition prayed to be incorporated under the name of the "Thunder Bay Silver Mines Telegraph Company," for the construction, laying and operating of a submarine telegraphic cable from a point or points on the north shore of Lake Superior, in the district of Algoma, between Fort William and Neepigon Bay (touching at Silver Islet) through and under the waters of Lake Superior, to the boundary line of the United States in Lake Superior, and there to connect with a submarine telegraphic cable from the United States; with power to construct branch lines on land or in water to any points or islands in Lake Superior, and to land all or any such cables; and to connect with the Canadian or American system of telegraphs, and to amalgamate therewith; and for such other powers as may be necessary for the undertaking; and whereas the construction of the said submarine cables and telegraph lines would materially advance the interests of the District of Algoma, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petitioners, and that the said persons and others who may be associated with them, should be incorporated for the said purpose: Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. The Honorable John Hamilton Gray, William Fontaine persons incor- Bruff, George Wells Owen, Charles Eley, William Henry Stanton and such other persons as may become shareholders in the corporation to be by this Act created, shall be and they are hereby created, constituted and declared to be a corporation, body politic and corporate, by the name of "The Thunder Bay Silver Mines Telegraph Company;" and the head office of the said Company shall be at the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario.

Name and
Head office.

lay sub-marine


Company may 2. The said Company shall have power to construct, lay and telegraphic operate a submarine telegraphic cable from any point or points on the north shore of Lake Superior, in the district of Algoma, between Fort William and Neepigon Bay, touching at Silver Islet, through and under the waters of Lake Superior to the boundary line of the United States, in Lake Superior, and there to connect with a submarine telegraphic cable from the United States; and And construct shall have power to construct branch lines on land, or in water, to any points or islands in Lake Superior, and to land all or any such cables and to connect with the Canadian or American system of telegraphs; and to amalgamate therewith; and shall have power

and work

branch lines on land and water.


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